Green New Deal

Your problem is that you think you know more than the scientists.

1) We know temperatures are rising ad rising faster than what we know about natural warming.

2) We know the heightened carbon content is the major factor.

3) We know heightened CO2 increases the greenhouse effect & that raises temperature.

4) The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere stems from emissions.

5) Therefore, anyone with a fucking brain knows the solution is to reduce emissions.

6) It takes the Earth decades to natural remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why we need to act now to prevent higher temp increases in 50-70 years.

7) Our current climate includes things like volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.

We can heat our homes without creating emissions
We can drive electric/hybrid vehicles
What does communications have to do with anything?

The solution is is reduce emissions to the point where the carbon levels are reduced & maintained at lower levels.

The longer we wait, the worse the temperature rise will be.

Instead of working towards this, a bunch of really ignorant people elect a President & Congress that is bought by the fossil fuel industry to fight efforts because the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to high CO2 levels. These people have duped the right into condemning their own offspring to a more difficult life. How stupid is that?

I cut my carbon footprint in half. My just as warm in winter, cooler than yours in the summer, and I drive just as far as I always did.

You are lying & ignorant when you claim you actually might have to sacrifice something for your Children.

No matter what figures you find, there is no way to prove man is responsible. Every single human being emits CO2. There is just no way around it. We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. 7 billion little C02 producers. What do we do about those? What happens when it goes to 8 or 9 billion?

What changed in the past 100 years that would increase the CO2? Industrial revolution?

Yes more people but it isn't our CO2 it is the CO2 generated by our transportation, HVAC, factories, etc.

I'll wait for your think there are different C02's or something?

Whether you want to measure temperatures or climate the last 100 years or the last 1,000 years, it's like measuring two minutes of the day to determine what the weather will be like for the rest of the week.

Our normal temperature here in Cleveland today is 36 degrees. We hit 28 yesterday, 32 today, and tomorrow it's only going up to 26. Is that indicative that our planet is cooling? No. 36 is an average and any deviation of that is perfectly normal. It could be 15 today and 45 by Friday, and that's still normal.

So if the earth is heating for a couple hundred years, it's not abnormal. In 500 years from now, it could be cooling. Nobody knows what the average temperature of our 4.5 billion year old planet is because it's has always been changing during that time.
For the 800,000 years we have records of, average global CO2 levels fluctuated between about 170 ppm and 280 ppm. Once humans started to burn fossil fuels in the industrial era, things changed rapidly.

Only in the industrial era has the number risen above 300 ppm. The concentration first crept above 400 ppm in 2013, and continues to climb.

Scientists debate the last time CO2 levels were this high. It might have happened during the Pliocene era, between 2 and 4.6 million years ago, when sea levels were at least 60 to 80 feet higher than today. It may have been in the Miocene, 10 to 14 million years ago, when seas were more than 100 feet higher than now.

In our 800,000-year record, it took about 1,000 years for CO2 levels to increase by 35 ppm. We're currently averaging an increase of more than 2 ppm per year, meaning that we could hit an average of 500 ppm within the next 45 years, if not sooner.

800,000 years ago we have records? We couldn't even communicate with each other yet. First you say it's mans fault, and then in the same breath, say that this has happened several times before long before the first car or factory. In other words, it wasn't because of us.

Our C02 levels have been decreasing the last couple of decades in this country, and things are worse now than ever? Don't you see a problem with that?
Geology ice cores fossils.
Even though they are rising, there is no evidence to prove man has anything to do with it.

According to who? Sean fucking Hannity?

800,000 years ago we have records? We couldn't even communicate with each other yet.

You've heard of "ice cores" and ....what's that other word? Oh yea....SCIENCE you dumb fuk

Our C02 levels have been decreasing the last couple of decades in this country,

I don't know that that's true...but guess what retard? We ain't talking about regional...we're talking global. Learn the difference.

While you're at it learn the difference between fact and opinion and weather and climate. You morons routinely get THOSE wrong as well
That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.

Is sea level rising?

So sea levels are in FACT admit that.

Tell us genius...what is the effect of sea levels rising ?

Your claim seems to be that the disaster is happening at a slower rate than "some" have said.NOT that the disaster isn't happening.


You really are very stupid.

The Religion of Lesh

10,000 years ago, Ug awoke in his cave and smiled at his mate and beautiful daughter. Ug crawled out from under the furs and skins of his bed and emerged into the bright sunlight of a pristine landscape. Ug smiled, Ug lucky man he thought. But off in the distance, the mountain had smoke coming from the top. "What this mean," wondered Ug?

Ug made his way to the cave of the unwashed and creepy shaman, Algore. "Algore," cried Ug, "mountain smoking, what this mean?" Algore rose, farted, belched and skulked out of his cave. As Algore's eyes fell on the smoking mountain, they grew wide with shock and fear, then narrowed with cunning. "Algore know all about this. Algore predict this. Volcano god angry at village for too many hunts." "Too many hunts? Hunt how feed village." cried Ug. "feed less" demanded Algore.

"Algore can appease volcano god."
"How Algore do that?" asked Ug.
"Ug give Algore daughter to be sacrificed."
"Ug not give Algore daughter, Algore pervert who lust after daughter long time, this trick."
"Ug see smoke, volcano god real, settled science."
"Ug not give Algore daughter!"
"Then Ug DIE!"

Ug stormed back to his cave, the creepy little troll would never get his daughter. Later that day, Ug went out to the center of the village and found the entire village gathered around Algore. Algore pointed a gnarled finger and Ug and shouted "Look, because Ug SELFISH, whole village die. You die, children die, animals die. All because Ug not give daughter to volcano god." Despite the fact that Ug was their greatest hunter and had kept them from starvation many times, the villagers listened to Algore. "Ug make mountain smoke, Ug kill all village," they shouted.

Ug was devastated, "No other way to make volcano god happy?" "NO," shouted Algore, "only daughter will do." So Ug agreed that Algore could take his daughter and prepare her, then when the new moon came, throw her to the volcano god. Algore spent the next month raping Ug's daughter, then dragged her up the mountain, murdered her, and threw her corpse in the volcano.

Three days later the volcano erupted, covering the village with lava and ash, killing everyone.

You post shit like that and call ME retarded?

Surrender accepted.

Wow...just wow


Too stupid to grasp it, huh?

No surprise.
The question is not if sea levels are rising. The question is do we have any control over it.

IF the cave man religion actually had control over sea levels, they really would have risen to validate the AGW cult predictions, That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.

Even though they are rising, there is no evidence to prove man has anything to do with it. God may have very well made this planet with an expiration date. We simply do not know, and it's fruitless to waste trillions of dollars trying to find out.

They are rising at a rate infinitesimal to the predictions of the AGW church, and at a rate consistent with the last 200 years since the little ice age.
That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.

Your chart disputes that

I provide a great deal of links. so


{Gore, Schwarzenegger, and the IPCC made their mark through their dramatic predictions of catastrophic sea level rise due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing global warming. Gore once predicted that sea levels would rise by twenty feet over the century. Last year, Schwarzenegger unveiled a map showing world sea levels rising by 1.5 meters over the next century. In 2001, the IPCC predicted that sea level would rise by three feet over the next century. Their past predictions and the accurate satellite measurements are shown in the chart below:}


About those global sea level predictions: Never mind

Reciting mantras from your cave man religion does not make you wise; quite the opposite.

They are rising at a rate infinitesimal to the predictions of the AGW church, and at a rate consistent with the last 200 years since the little ice age.
The fact is...the debate over Climate Change among actual scientists has been over for FIFTEEN years.

All that has remained has been fossil fuel industry "skeptics" and politics (and the minions who repeat the Denier nonsense).

The longer we wait...the more chance that we will NOT be able to deal with the problem
From your own link

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.

Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%[1]) are convinced by the evidence that humans are significantly contributing to global warming.[1][2]
This is a list of scientists who have made statements that conflict with the scientific consensus on global warming as summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and endorsed by other scientific bodies. A minority are climatologists. Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%[1]) support the consensus on anthropogenic climate change.[3][4]

The scientific consensus is that the global average surface temperature has risen over the last century. Scientific opinion on climate change was summarized in the 2001 Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The main conclusions on global warming at that time were as follows:

  1. The global average surface temperature has risen 0.6 ± 0.2 °C since the late 19th century, and 0.17 °C per decade in the years 1971–2001.[5]
  2. "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities", in particular emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane.[6]
  3. If greenhouse gas emissions continue the warming will also continue, with temperatures projected to increase by 1.4 °C to 5.8 °C between 1990 and 2100.[A]Accompanying this temperature increase will be increases in some types of extreme weather and a projected sea level rise.[7] The balance of impacts of global warming become significantly negative at larger values of warming.[8]
These findings are recognized by the national science academies of all the major industrialized nations;[9] the consensus has strengthened over time[10] and is now virtually unanimous.[11] The level of consensus correlates with expertise in climate science.[12]

According to who? Sean fucking Hannity?

No, because there is no way to prove such a thing.

You've heard of "ice cores" and ....what's that other word? Oh yea....SCIENCE you dumb fuk

You're the dumb fuck that refuses to listen to anything but your puppet masters.

I don't know that that's true...but guess what retard? We ain't talking about regional...we're talking global. Learn the difference.

So how are WE in America supposed to control global activity retard? Thanks to Democrats, we can't even control our own border.

So mocking smart aggressive women. Do they threaten any manhood you might have.

Furthermore, the NGD does not make all college tuition free. Read it again, assfuck, and quit being so uninformed.

Dumbass.She wants it.

Tuition-free higher education is a worthwhile investment with profound benefits to society. Kudos, @nyuniversity. I hope we vote for more candidates who support tuition-free public college so that we can catch up to other nations that already offer it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

So mocking smart aggressive women. Do they threaten any manhood you might have.

Furthermore, the NGD does not make all college tuition free. Read it again, assfuck, and quit being so uninformed.

Dumbass.She wants it.

Tuition-free higher education is a worthwhile investment with profound benefits to society. Kudos, @nyuniversity. I hope we vote for more candidates who support tuition-free public college so that we can catch up to other nations that already offer it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

The proposal is to make

So mocking smart aggressive women. Do they threaten any manhood you might have.

Furthermore, the NGD does not make all college tuition free. Read it again, assfuck, and quit being so uninformed.

Dumbass.She wants it.

Tuition-free higher education is a worthwhile investment with profound benefits to society. Kudos, @nyuniversity. I hope we vote for more candidates who support tuition-free public college so that we can catch up to other nations that already offer it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

First of all, she said public, not all.

Second, the plan is to make local community colleges free.

You asssfucks can't read.
The fact is...the debate over Climate Change among actual scientists has been over for FIFTEEN years.

All that has remained has been fossil fuel industry "skeptics" and politics (and the minions who repeat the Denier nonsense).

The longer we wait...the more chance that we will NOT be able to deal with the problem

Consensus is the foundation of religion.

It has no place in scientific discovery.

But as pointed out, you are a follower of the cave man religion. Ug was smarter than you.
The green new deal and Anthropogenic Global Warming explained.

10,000 years ago, Ug awoke in his cave and smiled at his mate and beautiful daughter. Ug crawled out from under the furs and skins of his bed and emerged into the bright sunlight of a pristine landscape. Ug smiled, Ug lucky man he thought. But off in the distance, the mountain had smoke coming from the top. "What this mean," wondered Ug?

Ug made his way to the cave of the unwashed and creepy shaman, Algore. "Algore," cried Ug, "mountain smoking, what this mean?" Algore rose, farted, belched and skulked out of his cave. As Algore's eyes fell on the smoking mountain, they grew wide with shock and fear, then narrowed with cunning. "Algore know all about this. Algore predict this. Volcano god angry at village for too many hunts." "Too many hunts? Hunt how feed village." cried Ug. "feed less" demanded Algore.

"Algore can appease volcano god."
"How Algore do that?" asked Ug.
"Ug give Algore daughter to be sacrificed."
"Ug not give Algore daughter, Algore pervert who lust after daughter long time, this trick."
"Ug see smoke, volcano god real, settled science."
"Ug not give Algore daughter!"
"Then Ug DIE!"

Ug stormed back to his cave, the creepy little troll would never get his daughter. Later that day, Ug went out to the center of the village and found the entire village gathered around Algore. Algore pointed a gnarled finger and Ug and shouted "Look, because Ug SELFISH, whole village die. You die, children die, animals die. All because Ug not give daughter to volcano god." Despite the fact that Ug was their greatest hunter and had kept them from starvation many times, the villagers listened to Algore. "Ug make mountain smoke, Ug kill all village," they shouted.

Ug was devastated, "No other way to make volcano god happy?" "NO," shouted Algore, "only daughter will do." So Ug agreed that Algore could take his daughter and prepare her, then when the new moon came, throw her to the volcano god. Algore spent the next month raping Ug's daughter, then dragged her up the mountain, murdered her, and threw her corpse in the volcano.

Three days later the volcano erupted, covering the village with lava and ash, killing everyone.

Climate change is a scam, a con. Oh, it isn't that there is no climate change, it's that the shamans have no special knowledge and they sure the hell can't impact it. They simply want to enrich themselves off of feat.

Standard Disclaimer: Whichever pile of crap deleted this the first time; knock it off and grow up.
Consensus is the foundation of religion.

It has no place in scientific discovery.

"Consensus" is not the BASIS of the agreement...the consensus is a REPORT on what they have FOUND

Huge fail...again

But keep plugging

Vital signs? LOL


How exactly did all of these temp swings happen before man if man is the only cause?

From 65 million years ago, the temp on the earth now is the coldest its been in 65 million years.

First of all, no one man can be the only cause. What other factors are causing CO2 levels to rise.

The Medieval Warming was caused by higher solar radiations and far less active volcanic activity.

But I love how your graph cuts off at 95 yeas ago leaving out the fast climbing spike that we have now.

So, what is causing today's warming, a rapid warming?

We know we increased greenhouse gas emissions and have a high CO2 PPM.

So, I will wait for the reasons you thin we are having the warming we have now.

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