Green New Deal

It promises high-paid jobs and a government-guaranteed job for every American. It pledges "economic security," even for those who are "unwilling" to work. It commits to high-quality healthcare and higher education, again, paid for by government.⠀

Best of all, it says none of this will cost anything. ⠀

But abundant evidence suggests that the "Green New Deal" would send America into a black hole of unproductive government spending, unaffordable and inefficient government programs, extortionate taxes, and excess debt.⠀

AOC should be exiled to Cuba
No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

It makes perfect sense to me that leftist voters in New York are droolingly pig-stupid and put Socialist Barbie in office because she was "a fresh, exciting face and we need women of color in office just because they're women and they're color and that's important for some reason we don't know". It also makes perfect sense to me that leftists around the country are droolingly pig-stupid and will cheer and agree with something that makes no frigging sense whatsoever because they didn't read it, don't understand it, and really don't give a damn anyway so long as it sounds "caring" and like it has "feelz".

It makes sense to me. It's just really sad.
dead dolphins. oil soaked birds. badly burned faces. images of environmental destruction. we are facing dangers beyond the edge of what we are capable of imagining. a new tide is pulling at the sand beneath our feet, a fresh warning of hidden dangers that lie ahead.
dead dolphins. oil soaked birds. badly burned faces. images of environmental destruction. we are facing dangers beyond the edge of what we are capable of imagining. a new tide is pulling at the sand beneath our feet, a fresh warning of hidden dangers that lie ahead.

And those dangers are more liberal programs?
Stop feeding those cows a vegetarian diet and they'll stop farting so much. Yeah, that's gonna do it.
HMMMM ! On ye olde farm all the cows are vegetarian at least the last I knew. You can call me a backward ass hick now. Just don't call me stupid. My legs wet again and it's not raining. Please stop it!
She needs to go back to bartending.

No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

Claudette> "Snap out of it girl" she absolutely knows it would bankrupt the Country That's the goal.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.
Granted, PJ Media is a conservative media source.

But it still is an interesting article.

And if they are even remotely right, this program could be insanely expensive.

Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’ Would Cost 8,000 Times as Much as Trump's Border Wall Request

Yes, there are always costs associated with programs, but what are the benefits? What is the dollar value of the benefits? How much of the costs will they offset.

Universal government funded health care eliminated most the administration costs of the current American system, which is currently spending 33 cents out of every dollar on administration. So much for the idea that private enterprise does everything better and cheaper than the government, but when you look at the cost savings in health care expenses, coupled with the economic effects of better, cheaper, healthcare for all: including savings from people going to doctors for treatment instead of the emergency room;, the cost savings of finding and treating illnesses when they first manifest, when the prognosis is better and the cost of treatment much lower than it is when illnesses progress to the point where postponing treatment is no longer an option; reductions in the number of bankruptcies relating to unpaid medical bills.

There are cost savings that are "hard costs", like the reduction in administration, and there are other costs which are more difficult to quantify. The rise of GDP attributable to a healthy, workforce who gets timely treatment of illness and disease.

Every time Americans post about universal medical coverage, it's obvious that they know next to nothing about how it works, and those things they do know are completely WRONG, and entirely based on the lies of the Medical Industrial Complex who have a vested interest in NOT moving to single payer.

Oh those silly Hawaii people! I heard they are really good swimmers. Maybe they can ride a surfboard to the mainland like the Surfer dude on Gilligan's Island. And they really don't need food or other supplies.. Maybe they can Load up the Old Out rigger canoe and cruise on over here. LMAO. :spank:
It promises high-paid jobs and a government-guaranteed job for every American. It pledges "economic security," even for those who are "unwilling" to work. It commits to high-quality healthcare and higher education, again, paid for by government.⠀

Best of all, it says none of this will cost anything. ⠀

But abundant evidence suggests that the "Green New Deal" would send America into a black hole of unproductive government spending, unaffordable and inefficient government programs, extortionate taxes, and excess debt.⠀

AOC should be exiled to Cuba
This Bill Will Die
But Print It Out Anyway
...For Future Reference

What Started As Contraception For Man And Wife
Is Now At Post-Partum Execution
And Guaranteed Income For All
Was The Democrat's Party Platform In 1972
That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

It makes perfect sense to me that leftist voters in New York are droolingly pig-stupid and put Socialist Barbie in office because she was "a fresh, exciting face and we need women of color in office just because they're women and they're color and that's important for some reason we don't know". It also makes perfect sense to me that leftists around the country are droolingly pig-stupid and will cheer and agree with something that makes no frigging sense whatsoever because they didn't read it, don't understand it, and really don't give a damn anyway so long as it sounds "caring" and like it has "feelz".

It makes sense to me. It's just really sad.
Always good to get the opinion LOL of a brainwashed hater dupe. And probable racist.
It promises high-paid jobs and a government-guaranteed job for every American. It pledges "economic security," even for those who are "unwilling" to work. It commits to high-quality healthcare and higher education, again, paid for by government.⠀

Best of all, it says none of this will cost anything. ⠀

But abundant evidence suggests that the "Green New Deal" would send America into a black hole of unproductive government spending, unaffordable and inefficient government programs, extortionate taxes, and excess debt.⠀

AOC should be exiled to Cuba
This Bill Will Die
But Print It Out Anyway
...For Future Reference

What Started As Contraception For Man And Wife
Is Now At Post-Partum Execution
And Guaranteed Income For All
Was The Democrat's Party Platform In 1972
Yeah all you have to do is get three doctors to say the fetus is not viable and it's dangerous to the mother. Everything you know is wrong.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
I watch Fox and listen to Rush and Savage to see what you idiots are up to. But I also read newspapers and all available media around the world and nobody agrees with your GOP bs and phony scandals...
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
I watch Fox and listen to Rush and Savage to see what you idiots are up to. But I also read newspapers and all available media around the world and nobody agrees with your GOP bs and phony scandals...
It is called journalism and it means doing anything to find the truth. As opposed to all the garbage you are brainwashed with.
The message AOC sends is, "I'm dumb, and I got elected. You should stay dumb and you too can be elected to one of our three branches of Congress: the House, the Senate and the Santa Maria."
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
And actually I like Trump personally I know New York City rich people from high school.but he seems to believe absolute garbage and really only cares about making money out of the deal... Doesn't seem very smart really. Unfortunate, he could be a hero.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.

You forgot a couple talking points Snowflake. We're racists, homophobes, and deplorable. So if you don't know what her plan is then you really are an Idiot. NEWS FLASH" She's a Socialist her plan is the absolute take over of and control of everything you Say, think and do. And for that power they will give you really shitty health care or none at all depending on your political or religious affiliation, Poverty because everything you earn will be given over to the Govt. to pay for the Health care and programs and pay (income ) for people who just don't want to work. She's also going to build a Railroad over the Ocean. If I need to say more you are just a talking head with no sense of reality. Here's your Sign:stupid:
America is falling out of love with white billionaires, and it’s about time

Right! You sure don't want successful people providing millions of jobs, paying millions in taxes, do you?

I love billionaires, I sure don't care what color they are, I just love them.
francoHFW said:
Yeah all you have to do is get three doctors to say the fetus is not viable and it's dangerous to the mother.
Everything you know is wrong.
Nope - You
The Virginia Bill Puts It Back To One Doctor
Even After A Failed Abortion Attempt
That's Governor's Interpretation Also

I Haven't Seen The Vermont Bill Yet
All You Got Is Wing-Nut Op-Ed's

pranks-carrie-590.jpeg 87269_moloch_md.gif
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.

You forgot a couple talking points Snowflake. We're racists, homophobes, and deplorable. So if you don't know what her plan is then you really are an Idiot. NEWS FLASH" She's a Socialist her plan is the absolute take over of and control of everything you Say, think and do. And for that power they will give you really shitty health care or none at all depending on your political or religious affiliation, Poverty because everything you earn will be given over to the Govt. to pay for the Health care and programs and pay (income ) for people who just don't want to work. She's also going to build a Railroad over the Ocean. If I need to say more you are just a talking head with no sense of reality. Here's your Sign:stupid:
Of course as a GOP dupe you believe socialism is communism. Wrong again GOP dupes are the only people in the world basically who believe that. Think Democratic socialism and end the 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing the country and the middle class.

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