Green New Deal

Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
She wants to phase out air travel...air travel. You know that evil tech that is so over the top it allows us to transverse oceans in under 24 hours. Who needs that? Humans got along just fine crossing oceans on boats. And that was before we had cars or yeah we def don’t need planes.

Here’s proof of the media bias right here. This is the absolute most moronic and wildly out of touch plan ever proposed in my lifetime...yet we don’t here a peep about how utterly retarded this plan is, or how much of an embarrassment AOC is. If even one aspect of this plan was proposed by trump, he’d be relentlessly mocked. She’s not, despite her making Palin look like Dostoyevsky, she’s still the sweetheart of the left. Because she’s a socialist, she’s Latin, she’s a she, and isn’t she just the cutest when she dances. She’s fucking stupid. I live in the north east and if I wanna go to Texas, Vegas, Cali, or Hawaii...I have to drive my electric car...that I’ll need to charge every 250 miles...and all without coming from the cleanest most efficient energy ever discovered, nuclear energy (it’s the cleanest we have, yes cleaner than wind and solar because they produce more waste). Please get her out of office.

What the heck, do you have something against a horse and buggy?
Yes, our cities will be overrun with horse poop. It was a dire problem for large cities like NY before the invention of the automobile...imagine that now with 7 million living in NY.

Although, S.F. is wishing they had a horse poop problem.
Actual quote.

AOC has the best words
To dumb you down, yes.
Smart girl, went to Boston College, only smart people go to BC, majored in Economics, top of her class
Believe me

She paid too much for her education then, she's an idiot
Everybody is paying too much in Reagan GOP America, dunce.
it's an american nightmare to have the government take care of you

What we need is corporate welfare. Who will take care of the job providers, my friends?
Actual quote.

AOC has the best words
To dumb you down, yes.
Smart girl, went to Boston College, only smart people go to BC, majored in Economics, top of her class
Believe me

She paid too much for her education then, she's an idiot
Everybody is paying too much in Reagan GOP America, dunce.

President Reagan has been deceased for many years, Franco. Indeed, he retired in 1989, before AOC was even born
America is falling out of love with white billionaires, and it’s about time
So it is unfair that in the world there are some billionaires, who with their products and services, achieved that wealth, while many who didnt want to take the time or effort to become billionaires, need to be shown that we must punish the billionaires?
AOC has the best words
To dumb you down, yes.
Smart girl, went to Boston College, only smart people go to BC, majored in Economics, top of her class
Believe me

She paid too much for her education then, she's an idiot
Everybody is paying too much in Reagan GOP America, dunce.

President Reagan has been deceased for many years, Franco. Indeed, he retired in 1989, before AOC was even born
And we still have basically his tax rates and policies wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure etc etc. And the entire brainwashed right wing calling the unfortunate a bunch of lazy bums and all kinds of racist crap. Thanks for the worst inquality and upward Mobility and quality of life in the modern world, scumbag GOP and silly dupes. That was Ronald Reagan making this propaganda possible too.
FOLKS ARE SAYING OH IT'S EXPENSIVE OH IT'S THAT OH IT'S THAT. when folks were trying to beat Nazis, they didnt ask how expensive it was. AMERICA HAS SAVED THE PLANET BEFORE, IT WILL SAVE IT AGAIN!
To dumb you down, yes.
Smart girl, went to Boston College, only smart people go to BC, majored in Economics, top of her class
Believe me

She paid too much for her education then, she's an idiot
Everybody is paying too much in Reagan GOP America, dunce.

President Reagan has been deceased for many years, Franco. Indeed, he retired in 1989, before AOC was even born
And we still have basically his tax rates and policies wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure etc etc. And the entire brainwashed right wing calling the unfortunate lazy bums and all kinds of racist crap. Thanks for the worst any quality and upward Mobility and quality of life in the modern world, scumbag GOP and silly dupes. That was Ronald Reagan making this propaganda possible too.

Actually, tax rates have gone both up and down since Ronaldus Magnus retired from the scene, they aren't "basically the same" at all.

And there was plenty of racism long before Reagan was sworn in.
FOLKS ARE SAYING OH IT'S EXPENSIVE OH IT'S THAT OH IT'S THAT. when folks were trying to beat Nazis, they didnt ask how expensive it was. AMERICA HAS SAVED THE PLANET BEFORE, IT WILL SAVE IT AGAIN!
You do know, that it was the 2016 election that saved this planet. If we got 4 more years of Obama's fundamental transformation of America, with Hillary, there wouldn't be a country left to save anything...
"There are now more than 2,000 billionaires worldwide - and that's just the wealth that can be detected.

Collectively they were worth $8.9 trillion in 2017, a jump of $1.4 trillion in one year, according to the UBS/PWC Billionaires Report.

China has been minting them the fastest and more than half of the new intake were from Asia-Pacific.

The U.S. still has the most for the moment - about 585 of them."

How long is it until you make that list?
The morons are those who are listening to the GOP propaganda machine and don't even believe in global warming or pollution LOL. Stupidest voters and political party in the modern world by far...

Franco, you are a smart person, so I say this with a lot of respect:


This ignorant little Twit - Lil Miss 'Sorority goes To Washington' just proposed a plan that is impossible to do, which is based on technology that doesn't even exists, and which costs more than we could afford if we stole every dime from every wealthy person in the US and every resource from every wealthy corporation in the US...and that is straight from AOC herself.

God bless you for your loyally, for sticking up for your party & ideology, but when prominent members of your own party are mocking her and the plan it's time to just STOP.

YOU know there is no F*ing way EVERY building in the US will be upgraded or rebuilt.

YOU know the Calif High Speed Rail project from La to San Fran is going to cost billions and take 14 years to complete just by itself.

YOU know there is no way we will 100% dump oil, nuclear, natural gas, & coal ... In 10 years.

YOU know the day a rail line is built from Calif to Honolulu is the day Barak Obama takes off his 'suit' to reveal he is Elvis Presley ... Or something equally as dumb as hell.... IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN....

So let's stop the partisan make-believe, faux offense, chest thumping, and theatrics in mock defense of her plan...that, again, Democrats are even mocking.
Smart girl, went to Boston College, only smart people go to BC, majored in Economics, top of her class
Believe me

She paid too much for her education then, she's an idiot
Everybody is paying too much in Reagan GOP America, dunce.

President Reagan has been deceased for many years, Franco. Indeed, he retired in 1989, before AOC was even born
And we still have basically his tax rates and policies wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure etc etc. And the entire brainwashed right wing calling the unfortunate lazy bums and all kinds of racist crap. Thanks for the worst any quality and upward Mobility and quality of life in the modern world, scumbag GOP and silly dupes. That was Ronald Reagan making this propaganda possible too.

Actually, tax rates have gone both up and down since Ronaldus Magnus retired from the scene, they aren't "basically the same" at all.

And there was plenty of racism long before Reagan was sworn in.
The top rate was 70% before Reagan, 90% before JFK. Reagan cut it to 50% and had success, then gave us the kiss of death of 28% when he was leaving. It hasn't been over forty per cent since. So you are wrong again and always. There is a reason why flat tax systems never work, and are only proposed by the greedy rich and silly chumps like you.
"There are now more than 2,000 billionaires worldwide - and that's just the wealth that can be detected.

Collectively they were worth $8.9 trillion in 2017, a jump of $1.4 trillion in one year, according to the UBS/PWC Billionaires Report.

China has been minting them the fastest and more than half of the new intake were from Asia-Pacific.

The U.S. still has the most for the moment - about 585 of them."

How long is it until you make that list?
If Hemp Inc goes to 1000 a share, I too will be a billionaire. Yeah, sure it is a long shot, but when Hemp becomes a 20 billion dollar a year cash crop, my stock just might get there.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
She wants to phase out air travel...air travel. You know that evil tech that is so over the top it allows us to transverse oceans in under 24 hours. Who needs that? Humans got along just fine crossing oceans on boats. And that was before we had cars or yeah we def don’t need planes.

Here’s proof of the media bias right here. This is the absolute most moronic and wildly out of touch plan ever proposed in my lifetime...yet we don’t here a peep about how utterly retarded this plan is, or how much of an embarrassment AOC is. If even one aspect of this plan was proposed by trump, he’d be relentlessly mocked. She’s not, despite her making Palin look like Dostoyevsky, she’s still the sweetheart of the left. Because she’s a socialist, she’s Latin, she’s a she, and isn’t she just the cutest when she dances. She’s fucking stupid. I live in the north east and if I wanna go to Texas, Vegas, Cali, or Hawaii...I have to drive my electric car...that I’ll need to charge every 250 miles...and all without coming from the cleanest most efficient energy ever discovered, nuclear energy (it’s the cleanest we have, yes cleaner than wind and solar because they produce more waste). Please get her out of office.

What the heck, do you have something against a horse and buggy?
Yes, our cities will be overrun with horse poop. It was a dire problem for large cities like NY before the invention of the automobile...imagine that now with 7 million living in NY.

I hear poop in the streets is already a problem in San Fran, but it ain't horse.
I guess the future is inevitable, best invest in waders for my 20 mile walk to work.
The morons are those who are listening to the GOP propaganda machine and don't even believe in global warming or pollution LOL. Stupidest voters and political party in the modern world by far...

Franco, you are a smart person, so I say this with a lot of respect:


This ignorant little Twit - Lil Miss 'Sorority goes To Washington' just proposed a plan that is impossible to do, which is based on technology that doesn't even exists, and which costs more than we could afford if we stole every dime from every wealthy person in the US and every resource from every wealthy corporation in the US...and that is straight from AOC herself.

God bless you for your loyally, for sticking up for your party & ideology, but when prominent members of your own party are mocking her and the plan it's time to just STOP.

YOU know there is no F*ing way EVERY building in the US will be upgraded or rebuilt.

YOU know the Calif High Speed Rail project from La to San Fran is going to cost billions and take 14 years to complete just by itself.

YOU know there is no way we will 100% dump oil, nuclear, natural gas, & coal ... In 10 years.

YOU know the day a rail line is built from Calif to Honolulu is the day Barak Obama takes off his 'suit' to reveal he is Elvis Presley ... Or something equally as dumb as hell.... IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN....

So let's stop the partisan make-believe, faux offense, chest thumping, and theatrics in mock defense of her plan...that, again, Democrats are even mocking.
Of course not everything will get done immediately or even quickly are at all. Cut the garbage propaganda mockery.You people have no idea what the important parts of it are, just the easily mocked ones-and I'm sure your facts are wrong on all of that too.
She needs to go back to bartending.

No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

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