Green New Deal

francoHFW said:
It is called journalism and it means doing anything to find the truth.
I Doubt We'll Ever See Those Days Again

Just The Goebbels Wing Of The DNC
The plan looks like it was written by a high school freshman. No wonder it was taken down.
The number of pinhead Dems that signed onto it gave future fodder to anyone that runs against them. That's the cool part.
The left has said we have to sign on to the craziness if we don't the Wicked witch will send her flying "ding bats" out to harass us and say we're not real socialists.:bowdown:
This crazy eyed girl who can’t do math actually is a gift for Trump. His approval rating is at 48%. Let her keep talking out of her ass.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Please, let AOC talk all she wants. lol
Google Wicked witch off the West! A friggin amazing similarity. Someone please get a bucket of water and end our misery!:poke:
francoHFW said:
It is called journalism and it means doing anything to find the truth.
I Doubt We'll Ever See Those Days Again

Just The Goebbels Wing Of The DNC
Super Dupe, every newspaper and media in the world says you people are idiots, totally brainwashed with BS. Law enforcement also says you believing all of these phony scandals is brainwashed idiocy.

increasing the minimum wage means Labor could help pay for it.

Capitalism will increase wages in the free market of labor. Government mandated wage only increases unemployment.
the right wing is funnier and more fantastical than AOC; free markets. Pure right wing fantasy in modern times.

Let me guess, you are what AOC would call "the unwilling"? Am I right or am I right?

So I have a plumber coming to my home later today to do some repair work. Should I pay him what the market here in my area demands for plumbing services or should I pay him what a stupid politicians (receiving campaign donations from the Plumber's Union) says I should pay him?
Under the Dem plan you wouldn't have to pay him at all the govt would make sure you didn't need to, they're going to retrofit every home in America with a Slit trench latrine. Or if you work really hard and toe the party line they'll let you have an outhouse:5_1_12024:
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.

You forgot a couple talking points Snowflake. We're racists, homophobes, and deplorable. So if you don't know what her plan is then you really are an Idiot. NEWS FLASH" She's a Socialist her plan is the absolute take over of and control of everything you Say, think and do. And for that power they will give you really shitty health care or none at all depending on your political or religious affiliation, Poverty because everything you earn will be given over to the Govt. to pay for the Health care and programs and pay (income ) for people who just don't want to work. She's also going to build a Railroad over the Ocean. If I need to say more you are just a talking head with no sense of reality. Here's your Sign:stupid:
Of course as a GOP dupe you believe socialism is communism. Wrong again GOP dupes are the only people in the world basically who believe that. Think Democratic socialism and end the 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing the country and the middle class.
That's exactly what you America haters want.
I say that because the water treatment systems are run on electricity which is produced by the Burning of fossil fuels which will be Banned under the New Green Deal. The pumps that circulate water to your house um Also run on Electricity produced by the same fossil fuels. She must think electricity just happens and is produced by The Socialist energy "fairy".
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.

You forgot a couple talking points Snowflake. We're racists, homophobes, and deplorable. So if you don't know what her plan is then you really are an Idiot. NEWS FLASH" She's a Socialist her plan is the absolute take over of and control of everything you Say, think and do. And for that power they will give you really shitty health care or none at all depending on your political or religious affiliation, Poverty because everything you earn will be given over to the Govt. to pay for the Health care and programs and pay (income ) for people who just don't want to work. She's also going to build a Railroad over the Ocean. If I need to say more you are just a talking head with no sense of reality. Here's your Sign:stupid:
Of course as a GOP dupe you believe socialism is communism. Wrong again GOP dupes are the only people in the world basically who believe that. Think Democratic socialism and end the 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing the country and the middle class.
That's exactly what you America haters want.
An end to 35 years of GOP screwing the country and giving it away to the rich? Right you are.
"There are now more than 2,000 billionaires worldwide - and that's just the wealth that can be detected.

Collectively they were worth $8.9 trillion in 2017, a jump of $1.4 trillion in one year, according to the UBS/PWC Billionaires Report.

China has been minting them the fastest and more than half of the new intake were from Asia-Pacific.

The U.S. still has the most for the moment - about 585 of them."

How long is it until you make that list?

Specifically, how much have those 585 billionaires cost you personally? If there were 500, instead of 585, how much more wealthy would YOU be?

Ever heard of electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles still need to be powered, and that will require a lot more power plants.

Although even if not another internal combustion engine were built beginning today, we would still have millions of older vehicles on the road in 10 years.
improvements in technology means we will be getting more renewable energy.

That's fair enough. But the GND is still stupid, gutting hundreds of millions of buildings and replacing the HVAC system within 10 years.
Yea thats right. There are over 100 million homes then add in all the stores and other building your talking a lot of money but thats nothing compared to converting power .i.its a morons plan
The morons are those who are listening to the GOP propaganda machine and don't even believe in global warming or pollution LOL. Stupidest voters and political party in the modern world by far...
You must be a cortez voter
It promises high-paid jobs and a government-guaranteed job for every American. It pledges "economic security," even for those who are "unwilling" to work. It commits to high-quality healthcare and higher education, again, paid for by government.⠀

Best of all, it says none of this will cost anything. ⠀

But abundant evidence suggests that the "Green New Deal" would send America into a black hole of unproductive government spending, unaffordable and inefficient government programs, extortionate taxes, and excess debt.⠀

AOC should be exiled to Cuba

Oh NO, please don't even think about exiling AOC anywhere. She is a hugely valuable asset to Republicans! Could we have paid anyone enough to align the Democrats with Venezuelan Socialism?
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.

You forgot a couple talking points Snowflake. We're racists, homophobes, and deplorable. So if you don't know what her plan is then you really are an Idiot. NEWS FLASH" She's a Socialist her plan is the absolute take over of and control of everything you Say, think and do. And for that power they will give you really shitty health care or none at all depending on your political or religious affiliation, Poverty because everything you earn will be given over to the Govt. to pay for the Health care and programs and pay (income ) for people who just don't want to work. She's also going to build a Railroad over the Ocean. If I need to say more you are just a talking head with no sense of reality. Here's your Sign:stupid:
Of course as a GOP dupe you believe socialism is communism. Wrong again GOP dupes are the only people in the world basically who believe that. Think Democratic socialism and end the 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing the country and the middle class.
That's exactly what you America haters want.
An end to 35 years of GOP screwing the country and giving it away to the rich? Right you are.
Sure they have but giving the liberals power is even more insane.
No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

Occam's Razor says: she's the type of photogenenic prog blank screen upon which the Lefties project their fantasies.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
Rather than calling it the Green New Deal the bill should be called Dear Santa.

Actually Nancy is calling it the Green Dream or Whatever.
Nancy Pelosi Slights Green New Deal: 'Green Dream or Whatever'
I don't know what her plan is and neither do you super duper. LOL everything you know is wrong so that's easy. All I know is we need a 70% top rate like before Reagan again. We need investment in the non rich and our infrastructure periods. 35 years of give away to the rich is killing the country with inequality and bad upward Mobility.

You forgot a couple talking points Snowflake. We're racists, homophobes, and deplorable. So if you don't know what her plan is then you really are an Idiot. NEWS FLASH" She's a Socialist her plan is the absolute take over of and control of everything you Say, think and do. And for that power they will give you really shitty health care or none at all depending on your political or religious affiliation, Poverty because everything you earn will be given over to the Govt. to pay for the Health care and programs and pay (income ) for people who just don't want to work. She's also going to build a Railroad over the Ocean. If I need to say more you are just a talking head with no sense of reality. Here's your Sign:stupid:
Of course as a GOP dupe you believe socialism is communism. Wrong again GOP dupes are the only people in the world basically who believe that. Think Democratic socialism and end the 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing the country and the middle class.
That's exactly what you America haters want.
An end to 35 years of GOP screwing the country and giving it away to the rich? Right you are.
Sure they have but giving the liberals power is even more insane.
Republicans are a catastrophe everytime stupidest Wars ever and always a corrupt bubble and bust if they have eight years to screw things up. And they have brainwashed half the country with total garbage misinformation phony scandals and character assassination no one in the real world cares about --garbage.
Electric vehicles still need to be powered, and that will require a lot more power plants.

Although even if not another internal combustion engine were built beginning today, we would still have millions of older vehicles on the road in 10 years.
improvements in technology means we will be getting more renewable energy.

That's fair enough. But the GND is still stupid, gutting hundreds of millions of buildings and replacing the HVAC system within 10 years.
Yea thats right. There are over 100 million homes then add in all the stores and other building your talking a lot of money but thats nothing compared to converting power .i.its a morons plan
The morons are those who are listening to the GOP propaganda machine and don't even believe in global warming or pollution LOL. Stupidest voters and political party in the modern world by far...
You must be a cortez voter
Again where is all this Alternative renewable power , what does it consist of. The technology you speak of has not been invented. maybe we can convert "MOON BAT" shit into some viable form of energy. :th_believecrap: Stupid is as stupid does!
AOC's body feels electric because she's 30 and her mind swims with ideas because she drinks Red Bull!

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