Green New Deal

Of course not everything will get done immediately or even quickly are at all.
And That's The Problem Franco
As Pointed Out Earlier
This Is What EVERY Democrat Really Wants
miketx said:
Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.
But Print This Out For Future Reference
As None Of It Ever Goes Completely Away on a Green New Deal.pdf

Guaranteed Income For All
Was Dem Party Platform In 1972
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!
Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!
I Have A Big Green Egg

Of course as a GOP dupe you believe socialism is communism. Wrong again GOP dupes are the only people in the world basically who believe that. Think Democratic socialism and end the 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing the country and the middle class.
That's exactly what you America haters want.
An end to 35 years of GOP screwing the country and giving it away to the rich? Right you are.
Sure they have but giving the liberals power is even more insane.
Republicans are a catastrophe everytime stupidest Wars ever and always a corrupt bubble and bust if they have eight years to screw things up. And they have brainwashed half the country with total garbage misinformation phony scandals and character assassination no one in the real world cares about --garbage.
Yet it's the democrats proposing this massive failure...liar.
The left side of the Democrats young ones, actually a good idea a good idea. Your brain washers and you don't even believe in global warming so of course you can't have a intelligent idea about this.
“I think one way that the right does try to mischaracterize what we’re doing ....


Cease Using Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Nuclear Power

Cease Using Fossil Fuels

Elimination of the internal combustion engine

Elimination of all cars / trucks / vans / SUVs / planes, trains, boats, etc....
*** Resulting in over 7 million Americans losing their jobs

Use of alternate sources providing 11% of our energy must begin accounting for 100% of our energy

Use of technology not even invented yet must be used

EVERY building in the US must be upgraded or Re-Built

Use of Trans-Continental - Over-Ocean Railways to eliminate use of airplanes

Forced Unionization of ALL GND-related jobs

$7 TRILLION in new debt for energy conversion - IF all this was possible, which it is NOT

$35 TRILLION in new debt to forcibly convert the US to Single Payer Health Care
*** An admission that if we stole every dime from the richest people in the US and if we steal every resource from the richest corporations in the US we would still NOT be able to even come close to paying for all of this....


There are electric and ion drive planes.

Uh huh. And why is it that we haven't replaced all the fossil fuel-powered planes with those?
The big boys won't let it happen...Yeah they are not going to retire and say good luck..Plus is is in the development state.Look how long it took gasoline engines to be used solely by autos...

Solely by autos? Are you high or just incredibly stupid?

Do you know why Detroit is called "Motown"? Before they built cars there, it was where they built boat engines and it made sense to build the cars where the expertise in internal combustion engines was!
I'm interested to see how she plans to abolish "farting cows".

Well, she can't kill them, because the animal rights people would freak. I guess we can wait and hope they'll all die of old age in the next ten years, although I'm not sure anyone knows what the natural lifespan of a cow is, since we always kill them for food before then.

But will they allow cows to get free abortions even after the calves are born?
I was discussing this with my 23-year-old son this morning. For the record, I do not jeer and mock and deride the left when my sons ask me questions about politics or current events, because I take answering their questions and giving them information very seriously. I brought up the actual list of proposals in the Green New Deal and showed it to him. He read it and, without missing a beat, said, "We can't do that. The technology doesn't exist yet."

Maybe we should elect HIM to the House.

We can't. He has to be 25. Give him a few years!
Sign me up for the income for those unwilling to work
What if everybody decides they don't want to work. oh that's right then they use force to make people work for the glory of the Mother land. A land where everybody is equal, and nobody has anything except the Political class. Welcome comrade
Garbage GOP propaganda, super dupes.
That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

Occam's Razor says: she's the type of photogenenic prog blank screen upon which the Lefties project their fantasies.

Photogenic? I think you need an appointment with an optometrist immediately!
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

It makes perfect sense to me that leftist voters in New York are droolingly pig-stupid and put Socialist Barbie in office because she was "a fresh, exciting face and we need women of color in office just because they're women and they're color and that's important for some reason we don't know". It also makes perfect sense to me that leftists around the country are droolingly pig-stupid and will cheer and agree with something that makes no frigging sense whatsoever because they didn't read it, don't understand it, and really don't give a damn anyway so long as it sounds "caring" and like it has "feelz".

It makes sense to me. It's just really sad.

It's like I've said repeatedly on USMB: Democrats vote in representatives on the same grounds they voted for their favorite American Idol. Don't worry about their policies, their record, their past, what they want to do in the future. Just vote if they look and dress good.

If this bimbo had the face of Elizabeth Warren, she'd barely get local media attention yet alone national. She'd still be where she belongs, waiting tables at a restaurant somewhere.

Another person who needs an eye exam immediately!
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
And actually I like Trump personally I know New York City rich people from high school.but he seems to believe absolute garbage and really only cares about making money out of the deal... Doesn't seem very smart really. Unfortunate, he could be a hero.

Sure Francis, that’s why the country overwhelmingly supported President Trump’s SOTU and his immigration policies. Meanwhile your side is having meltdowns over blackface photos from thirty years ago while trying to push cross dressing queers as normal.
I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

It makes perfect sense to me that leftist voters in New York are droolingly pig-stupid and put Socialist Barbie in office because she was "a fresh, exciting face and we need women of color in office just because they're women and they're color and that's important for some reason we don't know". It also makes perfect sense to me that leftists around the country are droolingly pig-stupid and will cheer and agree with something that makes no frigging sense whatsoever because they didn't read it, don't understand it, and really don't give a damn anyway so long as it sounds "caring" and like it has "feelz".

It makes sense to me. It's just really sad.

It's like I've said repeatedly on USMB: Democrats vote in representatives on the same grounds they voted for their favorite American Idol. Don't worry about their policies, their record, their past, what they want to do in the future. Just vote if they look and dress good.

If this bimbo had the face of Elizabeth Warren, she'd barely get local media attention yet alone national. She'd still be where she belongs, waiting tables at a restaurant somewhere.

She was Bar tender or waitress? here's a tip for you:2cents::hitit::saythat:

Some of you so-called men have obviously not had any pu**y since pu**y had you! How hard up are you freaks to think she looks good?

I would have to throw an American flag over her face and do it for Old Glory!
“I think one way that the right does try to mischaracterize what we’re doing ....


Cease Using Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Nuclear Power

Cease Using Fossil Fuels

Elimination of the internal combustion engine

Elimination of all cars / trucks / vans / SUVs / planes, trains, boats, etc....
*** Resulting in over 7 million Americans losing their jobs

Use of alternate sources providing 11% of our energy must begin accounting for 100% of our energy

Use of technology not even invented yet must be used

EVERY building in the US must be upgraded or Re-Built

Use of Trans-Continental - Over-Ocean Railways to eliminate use of airplanes

Forced Unionization of ALL GND-related jobs

$7 TRILLION in new debt for energy conversion - IF all this was possible, which it is NOT

$35 TRILLION in new debt to forcibly convert the US to Single Payer Health Care
*** An admission that if we stole every dime from the richest people in the US and if we steal every resource from the richest corporations in the US we would still NOT be able to even come close to paying for all of this....


There are electric and ion drive planes.

Uh huh. And why is it that we haven't replaced all the fossil fuel-powered planes with those?
The big boys won't let it happen...Yeah they are not going to retire and say good luck..Plus is is in the development state.Look how long it took gasoline engines to be used solely by autos...

Solely by autos? Are you high or just incredibly stupid?

Do you know why Detroit is called "Motown"? Before they built cars there, it was where they built boat engines and it made sense to build the cars where the expertise in internal combustion engines was!
Yes you brainiac there were electric powered autos and gasification autos that burned trash for power, so why don’t you stfu for once.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
And actually I like Trump personally I know New York City rich people from high school.but he seems to believe absolute garbage and really only cares about making money out of the deal... Doesn't seem very smart really. Unfortunate, he could be a hero.

Sure Francis, that’s why the country overwhelmingly supported President Trump’s SOTU and his immigration policies. Meanwhile your side is having meltdowns over blackface photos from thirty years ago while trying to push cross dressing queers as normal.
Everyone thought Trump was very charming, doesn't mean a thing though I believe. I believe I will go with psychologists and psychiatrists on
gays etc
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
And actually I like Trump personally I know New York City rich people from high school.but he seems to believe absolute garbage and really only cares about making money out of the deal... Doesn't seem very smart really. Unfortunate, he could be a hero.

Sure Francis, that’s why the country overwhelmingly supported President Trump’s SOTU and his immigration policies. Meanwhile your side is having meltdowns over blackface photos from thirty years ago while trying to push cross dressing queers as normal.
Everyone thought Trump was very charming, doesn't mean a thing though I believe. I believe I will go with psychologists and psychiatrists on
gays etc
Only about 35% agree with the wall

Cease Using Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Nuclear Power

Cease Using Fossil Fuels

Elimination of the internal combustion engine

Elimination of all cars / trucks / vans / SUVs / planes, trains, boats, etc....
*** Resulting in over 7 million Americans losing their jobs

Use of alternate sources providing 11% of our energy must begin accounting for 100% of our energy

Use of technology not even invented yet must be used

EVERY building in the US must be upgraded or Re-Built

Use of Trans-Continental - Over-Ocean Railways to eliminate use of airplanes

Forced Unionization of ALL GND-related jobs

$7 TRILLION in new debt for energy conversion - IF all this was possible, which it is NOT

$35 TRILLION in new debt to forcibly convert the US to Single Payer Health Care
*** An admission that if we stole every dime from the richest people in the US and if we steal every resource from the richest corporations in the US we would still NOT be able to even come close to paying for all of this....


There are electric and ion drive planes.

Uh huh. And why is it that we haven't replaced all the fossil fuel-powered planes with those?
The big boys won't let it happen...Yeah they are not going to retire and say good luck..Plus is is in the development state.Look how long it took gasoline engines to be used solely by autos...

Solely by autos? Are you high or just incredibly stupid?

Do you know why Detroit is called "Motown"? Before they built cars there, it was where they built boat engines and it made sense to build the cars where the expertise in internal combustion engines was!
Yes you brainiac there were electric powered autos and gasification autos that burned trash for power, so why don’t you stfu for once.

Yes, and they did not succeed because they were inefficient! The same reasons why none of Occasional Cortex's ideas work either!

You just don't like people showing what an incredible dumbass you really are!

I used to get behind a Chevy Volt every morning going to work. The speed limit was mostly 55mph. That car might have made it to 55 mph going downhill with a strong tailwind maybe once or twice. I once thought to try to flag down the driver to see if he needed a push to get the damn rubber band wound up! It would cruise at about 45-50 mph most of the time until it came to a hill and depending of the grade would drop down to 25-30 mph. Of course, being on a hill I couldn't pass! If I would up behind that car it would adda good 15 minutes to my commute because the car was simply a $40,000 piece of shit that my taxes helped pay for!

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