Green silenced for lack of civility?

None of the Senators broke chamber protocol. Congressmen/women and Senators can ask tough questions. They can express skepticism. Trey Gowdy and other GOP reps were pretty tough during the (baseless) Bengazi hearings, but they were careful to stay within the rules. You can't just say Liar! Liar! in an official House proceeding. Greene engaged in petty, childish name-calling, which is not allowed. She knew that. She just assumed that because her party was in the majority the rules weren't going to be enforced.
Who cares if she called Mayorkas a liar? He is a liar.

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?


Meanwhile, the GOP can be maligned all day long as they are continually referred to the Taliban and Nazis. Justice Kavanaugh is a witness to that. You can drag his name through the preverbal mud by calling him everything from a rapist to a child molester and no one flinches.

Methinks once again hypocrisy and double standards apply, but then, we all knew that beforehand.

But he's a fucking lair and aiding and abetting drug and human trafficking!!! They should have the Marshals haul him off to the DC Gulag
Who cares if she called Mayorkas a liar? He is a liar.

Here's the deal, kid. If she had any fucking brains at all, she would have been able to basically call him a liar without calling him a liar. She could have brought evidence to support her claims about whatever lies Mayorkas was telling.

Looks like some people need to go back to kiddie school and learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.
I'd love to see someone challenge him to a duel, pistols at sunrise for abetting selling children to human traffickers.

Yeah, well, you can fantasize all you want. MTG is done for the rest of those hearings. Maybe she'll learn, maybe she won't.

I don't care.
Why was Justice Kavanaugh treated differently then?

I was embarrassed for everyone in that room. What a disgrace!

The Progressive liars were very civil when they civilly lied about Kavanaugh raping them. You can knowingly falsely accuse someone of raping them - and still be civil about it
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Why is calling a liar a liar uncivil?

What other term should she use? A fibber?

She doesn't have to call people names, but I guess that's what one does when they have a limited command of the English language.
None of the Senators broke chamber protocol. Congressmen/women and Senators can ask tough questions. They can express skepticism. Trey Gowdy and other GOP reps were pretty tough during the (baseless) Bengazi hearings, but they were careful to stay within the rules. You can't just say Liar! Liar! in an official House proceeding. Greene engaged in petty, childish name-calling, which is not allowed. She knew that. She just assumed that because her party was in the majority the rules weren't going to be enforced.
Calling someone a liar is not name calling unless they are not a liar.

The Benghazi hearings were baseless? Americans lost their lives there and should not have so it needed to be investigated.

You obviously are a partisan hack.

Democrats are becoming so powerful that I foresee a future where a Benghazi hearing will not be possible ever again.

In fact, the woman shot at the Capital unarmed comes to mind today on January 6th. Not even an investigation into the matter.
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I like that she called him a liar. She has some fight in her unlike most other Republicans.
The GOP historically just takes it as democrats dish it out.

They are unaccustomed to anything else and will demand a return to the status quo.

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