Greenpeace co-founder says “climate change” narrative is a “hoax”


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue

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Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
Great read, thanks! Man made sense about the man-made phony fantasy of the lying lefties. Ain’t real science cool!
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
We've been all over this several times already. The guy left in like 1985 and is now a corporate shill in big oil's pocket. Nothing he says can be trusted, and he really wasn't a "co-founder" anyway.
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
We've been all over this several times already. The guy left in like 1985 and is now a corporate shill in big oil's pocket. Nothing he says can be trusted, and he really wasn't a "co-founder" anyway.
Do you know that Big Oil will make lots of money if the Paris Accord has went through. Remember, that they were going to raise the prices on fuel, which means more money in their pockets. The money will be used to transfer their oil refineries into an oil and GMO sugar cane fuel refineries.Until they has converted their whole businesses over. And which they will not need to make deals anymore with other countries. Because they will own the sugar cane plantations, and which GMO sugar cane are patent.

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Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
He is not a cofounder of greenpeace. That's a lie.

Second, he is now a paid, discredited denier troll. He no longer produces any science, nor has he produced any climate related science in decades. He is not qualified or entitled to judge the mountains of mutually supportive evidence which exist across every field of science, and this shows in the false things he says about it.

But, because he has some letters after his name, the denier frauds hold his word as gospel. Of course, that is also transparent, hilarious bullshit, as, if the qualifications of scientists actually meant anything to them, they would immediately side with the overwheliming consensus of both the global scientific community and the scientists working on the cutting edge of these fields.

So the charlatan quited in the OP is a fraud, as is the person who made the thread.
Last edited:
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
We've been all over this several times already. The guy left in like 1985 and is now a corporate shill in big oil's pocket. Nothing he says can be trusted, and he really wasn't a "co-founder" anyway.
Now you hold on there Mister and stop stating facts.

How dare you ruin a good nutter circle jerk.
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
We've been all over this several times already. The guy left in like 1985 and is now a corporate shill in big oil's pocket. Nothing he says can be trusted, and he really wasn't a "co-founder" anyway.
Do you know that Big Oil will make lots of money if the Paris Accord has went through. Remember, that they were going to raise the prices on fuel, which means more money in their pockets. The money will be used to transfer their oil refineries into an oil and GMO sugar cane fuel refineries.Until they has converted their whole businesses over. And which they will not need to make deals anymore with other countries. Because they will own the sugar cane plantations, and which GMO sugar cane are patent.

Energy Companies Urge Trump To Remain In Paris Climate Agreement

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil

The Oil Companies negotiated a set of carbon footprint credits that they can sell without actually reducing their petroleum sales at all.

This whole thing is a huge scam.
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
We've been all over this several times already. The guy left in like 1985 and is now a corporate shill in big oil's pocket. Nothing he says can be trusted, and he really wasn't a "co-founder" anyway.
Typical alarmist extremist response. Disparage and discredit any dissenters but don't discuss the issue.
He was a founding member and former president.

#112 Patrick Moore
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.



I'm not a climate scientist but even I know that's nonsense.
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.



I'm not a climate scientist but even I know that's nonsense.
You didn’t know that plants thrive on CO2?
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left’s “climate change” narrative as a “hoax” and “completely made-up issue”....

Today’s “environmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a “humanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one.

“By 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with,” recalled Moore. “So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ is and the ‘peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”...

By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are....

As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation — not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money — fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it....

Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes — and this applies really often — they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary.

When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago....

Moore added, “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”

“The environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. “It’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”...

Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the Earth’s broader history of climatic change:

[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.

Burning fossil fuel returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from which it came, explained Moore:

Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.

If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.

“[Carbon dioxide] is actually the main fertilizer and building block for life,” stated Moore.

The climate change narrative is “not just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. “That is a fact, and I will put my reputation — 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects — on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Hoax Is Completely Made-Up Issue
We've been all over this several times already. The guy left in like 1985 and is now a corporate shill in big oil's pocket. Nothing he says can be trusted, and he really wasn't a "co-founder" anyway.

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