Greeting from New Jersey


Raging Independent
Jun 14, 2014
Hello, Everyone.

I've been looking for a place to talk politics since Facebook has become a cesspool of propaganda dissemination. I clicked through this site to get an idea of what I am up against. It is as much as I expected with regards to strongly held views.

I do have an agenda here. One of my hobbies is fact checking stupid posts on FB and calling out the poster for helping to propagate lies. When time allows, I am going to fact check every claim I can on this board to keep it honest. I have a very limited tolerance to the spreading of spin, distortions and outright lies as I find them to be socially irresponsible at best and destructive at worst. I will call anyone out that posts mindless drivel. If one must use lies and distortions to assert their point, then the point is not worth making.

That aside, moving forward, I am NOT a liberal. I can't be. I love guns and hate taxes but I am also not a conservative. I am an independent who espouses the idea of injecting cold-hard logic and reason with good old fashioned common sense.

I look forward to doing battle with you!
Hello there, Jedi..


Welcome to the USMB..

If you truly are going to get rid of the lies you'll spend every waking minute of the rest of your life in the Politics forum.

Vaya con Dios.
Hello, Everyone.

I've been looking for a place to talk politics since Facebook has become a cesspool of propaganda dissemination. I clicked through this site to get an idea of what I am up against. It is as much as I expected with regards to strongly held views.

I do have an agenda here. One of my hobbies is fact checking stupid posts on FB and calling out the poster for helping to propagate lies. When time allows, I am going to fact check every claim I can on this board to keep it honest. I have a very limited tolerance to the spreading of spin, distortions and outright lies as I find them to be socially irresponsible at best and destructive at worst. I will call anyone out that posts mindless drivel. If one must use lies and distortions to assert their point, then the point is not worth making.

That aside, moving forward, I am NOT a liberal. I can't be. I love guns and hate taxes but I am also not a conservative. I am an independent who espouses the idea of injecting cold-hard logic and reason with good old fashioned common sense.

I look forward to doing battle with you!

Welcome to USMB, TheJedi. Hope you enjoy the boards. :)
Hello, Everyone.

I've been looking for a place to talk politics since Facebook has become a cesspool of propaganda dissemination. I clicked through this site to get an idea of what I am up against. It is as much as I expected with regards to strongly held views.

I do have an agenda here. One of my hobbies is fact checking stupid posts on FB and calling out the poster for helping to propagate lies. When time allows, I am going to fact check every claim I can on this board to keep it honest. I have a very limited tolerance to the spreading of spin, distortions and outright lies as I find them to be socially irresponsible at best and destructive at worst. I will call anyone out that posts mindless drivel. If one must use lies and distortions to assert their point, then the point is not worth making.

That aside, moving forward, I am NOT a liberal. I can't be. I love guns and hate taxes but I am also not a conservative. I am an independent who espouses the idea of injecting cold-hard logic and reason with good old fashioned common sense.

I look forward to doing battle with you!
So, why should I give two shits about your low tolerance to views other than your own?

Will you be doing this fact checking using the book of "absolute truth that no one can refute?"
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Greeting from New Jersey

My condolences.

Welcome to the nuthouse!! Looks like you'll fit right in. :thup:
I lived in Stratford, NJ for a while when I was stationed at the Naval Hospital in Philly. Don't remember the name of the bar but I used to go down and have a few drinks and listen to a fella named Nicky Dematteo play the piano and sing. He was really really good.
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Möge die Macht bei Ihnen sein, TheJedi!
May the force be with you, TheJedi!

Und herzlich Willkommen bei USMB!
I am your German welcoming committee. :rofl:

The Klingons should be along shortly, as well...

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