Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site

Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site.

Hope to enjoy all of you. I am a Conservative and don't hate anyone, regardless of their views or beliefs.

I do get under some Progressives skin by posting things, backed by sources and links which offends them but they find themselves incapable of refuting. So, they yell, scream and call me names.

None of that offends me. I take nothing personally, I simply acknowledge that it is not me but rather my ideas which are being rejected.

After more than 40 years in sales, I have pretty thick skin.
You're a conservative and then claim to not be a god man arent you listening .........the words are synonymous as libs will learn you here
I only not to try hate Nazism.

Mulattos how are half brown are they how are worse.

Many civil war in L.A. by negrous and mulattos in gangsta life.
Hi five! I am very excite! You are welcome to my sister when you visit!
Since you just got here from a liberal board you may want to cyber shower first.
We had a liberal clown avatar break out that totally was un-contained a year ago and its now contained and damn near eradicated.

So hit the showers and welcome. We issue helmets and have trenches.

That's awesome. You think you contained a clown avatar breakout? How did you do that?

Can you guess why I am still using the avatar of my hero, Ted Cruz? Have you contained me?

Welcome Markle



Glanced at the Pensacola Forum, looks like you're his next target. Boards is quite a piece of work.
Glanced at the _____________, looks like you're his next target. B_____ is quite a piece of work.

You aren't supposed to name other forums on this forum other than to say my/our previous forum. You should change that and probably replace the other term with BOF. If it's to late for you to edit it yourself ask one of the moderators to do it for you.

Now that you've let everyone know that you are aware of who I am... I'm planning on getting banned there to make a point. Their mistake. Enjoy the show!

Good luck with posting on this forum Markle and it's nice to hear from you.


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Mission accomplished!

I didn't get you reinstated... However I am I'm banned.

I think it was the polls about the morals and ethics of the moderator manipulating a posters avatar and other profile features without the posters permission, along with polling for the banning of members for the same reason you were banned, that did it.

Enjoy being a member of this forum Markle, it's much better than the other one, and there's plenty of friendly and interesting people to get too know.

This one's for you and everyone else here...


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Oh you hate alright, ask any liberal here. They're pretty aggressive liberal mosquitoes here, thick skin can still let a little blood.

Not a problem at all! I welcome all comers. I have been in sales for 40+ years and I take nothing personal. I simply look at attacks as someone rejecting my ideas, not me.
Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site.

Hope to enjoy all of you. I am a Conservative and don't hate anyone, regardless of their views or beliefs.

I do get under some Progressives skin by posting things, backed by sources and links which offends them but they find themselves incapable of refuting. So, they yell, scream and call me names.

None of that offends me. I take nothing personally, I simply acknowledge that it is not me but rather my ideas which are being rejected.

After more than 40 years in sales, I have pretty thick skin.
Welcome, Markle!:welcome:

Conservatism is admirable and is admired by those with with good sense. I call myself a conservative hawk even though I stretch the commonly accepted definition of a political hawk, that being:

DOVES AND HAWKS are terms applied to people based upon their views about a military conflict. A dove is someone who opposes the use of military pressure to resolve a dispute; a hawk favors entry into war.

I favor having the strongest, most well trained, most effective military in the world, ready for battle at all times, should the need arise. I also favor full bore application of whatever means are necessary to win the battle in short order instead of applying some politically driven rules of engagement. Quite simply, the goal is to kill the enemy soldiers and destroy the enemy's war equipments with minimized collateral damage and force their government to sue for peace...or cry "uncle".

I like your style already...with the exception of your use of Progressive as a moniker for liberals. The fruit of their labor is anything but progressive when one considers progress to be a good thing.

Welcome to USMB!


Thank you for your kind words. I use the term Progressive mostly because it seems to irritate Liberals to no end. But thanks, I appreciate your input.
Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site.

Hope to enjoy all of you. I am a Conservative and don't hate anyone, regardless of their views or beliefs.

I do get under some Progressives skin by posting things, backed by sources and links which offends them but they find themselves incapable of refuting. So, they yell, scream and call me names.

None of that offends me. I take nothing personally, I simply acknowledge that it is not me but rather my ideas which are being rejected.

After more than 40 years in sales, I have pretty thick skin.
You're a conservative and then claim to not be a god man arent you listening .........the words are synonymous as libs will learn you here

I don't hate people, I don't hate Lame Duck President Obama. I do HATE with a vengeance what he has and is doing to our country. Something I may have picked up with 40 years as a Realtor here in Tallahassee.
Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site.

Hope to enjoy all of you. I am a Conservative and don't hate anyone, regardless of their views or beliefs.

I do get under some Progressives skin by posting things, backed by sources and links which offends them but they find themselves incapable of refuting. So, they yell, scream and call me names.

None of that offends me. I take nothing personally, I simply acknowledge that it is not me but rather my ideas which are being rejected.

After more than 40 years in sales, I have pretty thick skin.
Welcome, Markle!:welcome:

Conservatism is admirable and is admired by those with with good sense. I call myself a conservative hawk even though I stretch the commonly accepted definition of a political hawk, that being:

DOVES AND HAWKS are terms applied to people based upon their views about a military conflict. A dove is someone who opposes the use of military pressure to resolve a dispute; a hawk favors entry into war.

I favor having the strongest, most well trained, most effective military in the world, ready for battle at all times, should the need arise. I also favor full bore application of whatever means are necessary to win the battle in short order instead of applying some politically driven rules of engagement. Quite simply, the goal is to kill the enemy soldiers and destroy the enemy's war equipments with minimized collateral damage and force their government to sue for peace...or cry "uncle".

I like your style already...with the exception of your use of Progressive as a moniker for liberals. The fruit of their labor is anything but progressive when one considers progress to be a good thing.

Welcome to USMB!


Thank you for your kind words. I use the term Progressive mostly because it seems to irritate Liberals to no end. But thanks, I appreciate your input.
Nay, nay! They'd rather be labeled progressive than liberal.
Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site.

Hope to enjoy all of you. I am a Conservative and don't hate anyone, regardless of their views or beliefs.

I do get under some Progressives skin by posting things, backed by sources and links which offends them but they find themselves incapable of refuting. So, they yell, scream and call me names.

None of that offends me. I take nothing personally, I simply acknowledge that it is not me but rather my ideas which are being rejected.

After more than 40 years in sales, I have pretty thick skin.
Welcome, Markle!:welcome:

Conservatism is admirable and is admired by those with with good sense. I call myself a conservative hawk even though I stretch the commonly accepted definition of a political hawk, that being:

DOVES AND HAWKS are terms applied to people based upon their views about a military conflict. A dove is someone who opposes the use of military pressure to resolve a dispute; a hawk favors entry into war.

I favor having the strongest, most well trained, most effective military in the world, ready for battle at all times, should the need arise. I also favor full bore application of whatever means are necessary to win the battle in short order instead of applying some politically driven rules of engagement. Quite simply, the goal is to kill the enemy soldiers and destroy the enemy's war equipments with minimized collateral damage and force their government to sue for peace...or cry "uncle".

I like your style already...with the exception of your use of Progressive as a moniker for liberals. The fruit of their labor is anything but progressive when one considers progress to be a good thing.

Welcome to USMB!


Thank you for your kind words. I use the term Progressive mostly because it seems to irritate Liberals to no end. But thanks, I appreciate your input.
Nay, nay! They'd rather be labeled progressive than liberal.
Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat Pukes sounds better. Rolls off the tongue easily.
Greetings one and all. Another fugitive from a tiny Progressive forum site.

Hope to enjoy all of you. I am a Conservative and don't hate anyone, regardless of their views or beliefs.

I do get under some Progressives skin by posting things, backed by sources and links which offends them but they find themselves incapable of refuting. So, they yell, scream and call me names.

None of that offends me. I take nothing personally, I simply acknowledge that it is not me but rather my ideas which are being rejected.

After more than 40 years in sales, I have pretty thick skin.

Bwahahaha....welcome, anyway.

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