

Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I am a long time internet poster and a veteran of many boards.

I tend to have strong opinions but always read everything that anyone will post to me or for me.

I enjoy the open forums where stong opinion people can just slug it out.... but I am capable of coexisting in the milder/gentler places too.

I hate hypocrisy...especially in sensorship and have been ousted more than once from forums who don't like my pointing it out to them

This place seems fair and balanced to me so far.

I am here to learn....I love learning.....and even if I don't agree with you that doesn't mean I can't learn from you.

Isn't the usual salutatoin...

Whoah! Fresh meat!


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Well I can see this welcome board is much like the others I have particiapted in...

Nobody really gives a crap.


Chuckle back to ya!
Welcome to USMB, justoffal. :)

I am a long time internet poster and a veteran of many boards.

I tend to have strong opinions but always read everything that anyone will post to me or for me.

I enjoy the open forums where stong opinion people can just slug it out.... but I am capable of coexisting in the milder/gentler places too.

I hate hypocrisy...especially in sensorship and have been ousted more than once from forums who don't like my pointing it out to them

This place seems fair and balanced to me so far.

I am here to learn....I love learning.....and even if I don't agree with you that doesn't mean I can't learn from you.

Welcome to USMB, Justoffal. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Hi and Welcome. Seems like I remember seeing your username before - on another board.
Hope you enjoy posting here.
Howdy JO....don't know how long you'll stay this time but welcome aboard. :)
Well I can see this welcome board is much like the others I have particiapted in...

Nobody really gives a crap.


Chuckle back to ya!

I do! I like your attitude and hope you like ours, or, a portion, thereof...:lol:


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