Greg Abbott won’t toss 1st pitch tonight in GA protest!

So how can MLB have a deal like this with a country that has a history of well documented human rights violations?

MLB signs deal with China's largest tech company (
But Republicans don't care about Human Rights, so your post is bad faith.

MLB are the ones here with their panties in a wad about Georgia's election laws, so how can they claim to care, when they are in bed with GENUINE human right violators?
Why are you confusing a U.S. Constitutional right to vote with Chinese human rights?

Baseball is an international sport, and we are talking about HUMAN rights, not "US Constitutional rights" A sport like MLB where half the rosters come from foreign powers like Cuba, Korea and the Dominican Republic can't be a judge of the US Constitution.

Red China is the world's most flagrant human rights violator.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:

Why don't you go down there and tell that personally.

I'd take odds on whether you'd be in the hospital or morgue.

Go ahead, Mr. Mouth...go tell them.

Internet coward.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Hiding his inability to even throw like a girl.

Maybe GWB can throw the first pitch. He’s pretty damn decent!
Rump would be there, but if he can’t handle a simple ramp, the mound might present issues. ;)

Uh...that would be Joe Biden.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Don't worry about 2 million illegal super spreaders are headed you way by September. Thank you biden!
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Hiding his inability to even throw like a girl.

Maybe GWB can throw the first pitch. He’s pretty damn decent!
Rump would be there, but if he can’t handle a simple ramp, the mound might present issues. ;)
Lol, that would be Biden falling upstairs. Almost did it twice!
So whiny little bitch Republicans can't STFU about how those poor widdle small biz owners in Atlanta won't get their $100 from the All-Star game, then Abbott declares that he won't let small biz owners make $100 million in Houston or Arlington, as punishment?


What makes you think that MLB actually WANTS conservatives like Gov. Abbott involved in their sport? The guv is doing them a favor by opting out of supporting their enterprise.

MLB made the decision to make themselves a blue sport. When the stands go less than half filled, they'll figure out it was a bad decision. "#Get woke, go broke!"

*makes note* Constitutional rights are "Blue" issues.
Make another note, red states practicing democracy is an “issue” for Marxist assholes.
So whiny little bitch Republicans can't STFU about how those poor widdle small biz owners in Atlanta won't get their $100 from the All-Star game, then Abbott declares that he won't let small biz owners make $100 million in Houston or Arlington, as punishment?


What makes you think that MLB actually WANTS conservatives like Gov. Abbott involved in their sport? The guv is doing them a favor by opting out of supporting their enterprise.

MLB is apolitical. The PLAYERS made the call on Atlanta.

If that's true, that's what's ailing MLB. Allowing the inmates to run the penitentiary isn't usually a very good idea. They don't have a stake in the continued viability of the enterprise.

Purely a biz decision for MLB pal. Minimally 10 All Stars said they would not play in GA.
What do you suppose would have happened to ratings if 10 of the best players in baseball had decided to sleep in :confused-84:
It would make no difference, To the average American they would be hard pressed to name 10 baseball players
But every single baseball fan can.
and that percentage of the population is? People watch the All Star game because it is an event not to see particular player
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Actually, you forget the fact that it was a Liberal Lester Maddox- Jimmy Carter's running mate, who chased blacks from this Atlanta restaurant.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Racial segregation was a Liberal tactic, not a conservative one.

It was Far Left President FDR who decided to field a Jim Crow Army to fight racism in the 1940's. Mr. Hitler must have had quite a belly laugh at Roosevelt's hypocrisy.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Actually, you forget the fact that it was a Liberal Lester Maddox- Jimmy Carter's running mate, who chased blacks from this Atlanta restaurant.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Racial segregation was a Liberal tactic, not a conservative one.

It was Far Left President FDR who decided to field a Jim Crow Army to fight racism in the 1940's. Mr. Hitler must have had quite a belly laugh at Roosevelt's hypocrisy.
Now here is when you conservatives get triggered and start lying about the past because you keep being on the wrong side of it...

Name me a single prominent CONSERVATIVE who was down south putting their life on the line next to people like MLK??

Like these people....
M_008.mlk1122413 (3).jpg

I have asked this question since I have been here and have not gotten an would think these "conservatives" would be household names one??
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Actually, you forget the fact that it was a Liberal Lester Maddox- Jimmy Carter's running mate, who chased blacks from this Atlanta restaurant.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Racial segregation was a Liberal tactic, not a conservative one.

It was Far Left President FDR who decided to field a Jim Crow Army to fight racism in the 1940's. Mr. Hitler must have had quite a belly laugh at Roosevelt's hypocrisy.
Now here is when you conservatives get triggered and start lying about the past because you keep being on the wrong side of it...

Name me a single prominent CONSERVATIVE who was down south putting their life on the line next to people like MLK??

Like these people....
View attachment 476757

I have asked this question since I have been here and have not gotten an would think these "conservatives" would be household names one??

It was the "Solid South" back then, solidly liberal. The GOP Southern Strategy of competing for votes in the south had not yet come about, the region was surrendered to the Democrats much like California is today.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Actually, you forget the fact that it was a Liberal Lester Maddox- Jimmy Carter's running mate, who chased blacks from this Atlanta restaurant.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Racial segregation was a Liberal tactic, not a conservative one.

It was Far Left President FDR who decided to field a Jim Crow Army to fight racism in the 1940's. Mr. Hitler must have had quite a belly laugh at Roosevelt's hypocrisy.
Now here is when you conservatives get triggered and start lying about the past because you keep being on the wrong side of it...

Name me a single prominent CONSERVATIVE who was down south putting their life on the line next to people like MLK??

Like these people....
View attachment 476757

I have asked this question since I have been here and have not gotten an would think these "conservatives" would be household names one??

George Wallace? :lol:
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Actually, you forget the fact that it was a Liberal Lester Maddox- Jimmy Carter's running mate, who chased blacks from this Atlanta restaurant.
Oh NOES - Sick burn dude!!
And thanks for tonight’s full capacity Super-Spreader when the rest of us are anxious to move on.
Texans need to stay the fuck in Texas for next year or so! :rolleyes-41:
Because the Rangers suck.........and he didn't want to be associated

Maybe he just didn't want to be party to MLB scheme to steal money and commerce from the people of Cobb County because they refuse to toe MLB's political platform?
You may not know this....but unless you want government to FORCE the MLB to hold All-Star games in only the cities you choose -- then they have every right to move their game elsewhere based on their bottom line....

When it comes to the "battle of ideas" -- you morons are only upset because your ideas keep losing in the marketplace.....these major corporations are only siding with popular opinion....

Texas doesn't agree with the MLB's political stand, that's the point. Why should they be forced to toe the line and have their governor participate- just because MLB wants him to? That's the real point here.

Maybe MLB has majority support for their political positions as you suggest, but that doesn't mean that the minority who disagrees doesn't have the right to vote with their feet and pocketbook and not have anything to do with them.
Yes, they have the right to boycott and not patronize the MLB, NFL, etc...they even have the right to create their own sports leagues....and in them doing so, they wouldn't have "CANCELED" anything......but you folks don't have that same energy when those boycotts go the other way....why??

Boycotts were among the tools used to break the back of racial segregation, and BLATANT oppression codified in law....and back then, the same whining from conservatives were heard....

Racial segregation was a Liberal tactic, not a conservative one.

It was Far Left President FDR who decided to field a Jim Crow Army to fight racism in the 1940's. Mr. Hitler must have had quite a belly laugh at Roosevelt's hypocrisy.
Now here is when you conservatives get triggered and start lying about the past because you keep being on the wrong side of it...

Name me a single prominent CONSERVATIVE who was down south putting their life on the line next to people like MLK??

Like these people....
View attachment 476757

I have asked this question since I have been here and have not gotten an would think these "conservatives" would be household names one??

George Wallace? :lol:
Let Trumpers tell it....George Wallace was basically Bernie Sanders with a southern accent

Does anyone really care that Gov Abbott didn’t toss the first pitch...

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