Greta Thunberg says her goal is overthrow capitalism, says it's responsible for "imperialism, oppression, genocide.. racist, oppressive extractionism"

i didn't see that coming? did you? wow, the planet has a bright future!

The Green Religion is just The Soviet Union and Red China wrapped in tree hugging faggotry.
DemNazis are not nice people. The are Evil people.
I'm wondering if the current generation has the balls to take the next "logical" step and decide peaceful acts aren't going to cut it. Are we going to see a 2020's version of the 1960's/1970's weather underground?
The next logical step for them is to kill themselves and stop breathing in order to save the planet.
Apparently you’re unaware of the squalor that exists in many of our biggest cities. I believe there is a guy on YouTube who can show you videos.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with the fact that the majority of human existence has been lived in squalor.

Which has nothing to do with capitalism.

You trot out these infantile examples that have NOTHING to do with capitalism.
You’re stuck in grade school civics class in 1950. Things have changed and you need to catch up old man.

A corrupt capitalist system where government and corporations are one, is where we are now. The elites in charge know nothing is as profitable as war. After all the people pay the enormous sums and a small cabal of greedy CAPITALISTS obtain fabulous riches.

You're just like a communist who claims Stalin’s and Mao’s communism isn’t real communism.

Describes you to a T.


Come back when you can actually discuss the subject.
Apparently you are unfamiliar with the fact that the majority of human existence has been lived in squalor.

Which has nothing to do with capitalism.

You trot out these infantile examples that have NOTHING to do with capitalism.
Yeah let’s continue doing what history shows has resulted in poverty.

Yes again you are exactly like the commie who says Soviet and Chinese communism isn’t REAL communism. So let’s keep trying communism.

Let’s stick to debating capitalism as it’s practiced TODAY. Not the capitalism you were taught in grade school in 1930.
This from an idiot who thinks Oswald acted alone. Lol.
Which you have never been able to disprove or challenge making you the drooling itiod

You just made a joke of yourself with that remark boy'

I am better than you and erveryone knows it. YOU know it mmore than anyone
You pussy Allen! Stop with the red disagrees. Learn how to debate rather than cry like a little school girl.
Take your own advice first boy

You have never been capable of intelligent debate and run away crying like a bitch every time you post
Yeah let’s continue doing what history shows has resulted in poverty.

Yes again you are exactly like the commie who says Soviet and Chinese communism isn’t REAL communism. So let’s keep trying communism.

Let’s stick to debating capitalism as it’s practiced TODAY. Not the capitalism you were taught in grade school in 1930.

There is no capitalism practiced TODAY... gomer.
There is no capitalism practiced TODAY... gomer.
I’m glad you recognize that dunderhead, yet you have defended our corrupt system and criticized me for being critical of it. As you know, the powers-that-be do refer to our current corrupt system as CAPITALISM.

Do you come here new every day?
And you would never guess whose quote it is:

"There will be no return to the "normal state". After all, the system that gave us not only the climate crisis, but also colonialism, imperialism, suppression and genocide of peoples was considered "normal". We can't trust these elites, there's no point in meeting Sunak. We need the destruction of the entire capitalist system..."

— Greta Thunberg

The girl has grown up
I don't see Greta living by nature and off the grid. In fact, she needs to be jettisoned from the airwaves. It is incredible what propaganda does to people. We have a high percentage of younger generations believing in this bull. It does not even occur to them to listen to another view of issues.
No, it is an example. The only reason why China was able to grow its population so high was thanks to capitalism inventing new irrigation, water movement, grain packaging, transportation, fertilizers etc. Etc. Etc.
None of that has to do with capitalism. Any authoritarian socialist or communist government could do the same. There is nothing distinctly capitalist in the manufacturing of fertilizer, or moving water around.
Cuba under Fidel Castro had better healthcare results per capita than the United States.

Under and AFTER fidel Castro the cyban governnment provided rigged data to the WHO and others creating the lie that they had better health care.

Unfortunately doctors from Cuba have proven that to be a long standing and proven lie.

The average Cuban suffered under a horrific system with no meds no decent facilities and state paid doctors who did nothing.
None of that has to do with capitalism. Any authoritarian socialist or communist government could do the same. There is nothing distinctly capitalist in the manufacturing of fertilizer, or moving water around.

It has everything to do with capitalist innovation

Authoriarian governments consistently fail in all such efforts.

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