Gretta is now wanting to murder Zionists

She apparently has gotten a job as a weather girl.

At least, before she comes out as a trans. I'm sure that will be next on her little protest thingy.
ALL LEFTISTS see every "conflict" in the world as being a case of Oppressor vs Oppressed. None of the particulars matter.
She dropped out of school to be a full time Leftist.

She has devoted her life destroying Western Civilization, their economy and their culture.
While using all of the advances, tools, and devices said civilization has produced. There's a simple solution that would silence a large portion of those currently complaining about modern society. Place them on a deserted island with no iPhones, no wifi, no Starbucks, no roads or sidewalks, etc. Just raw nature. It would take about 3 days for most of them to be clamoring to get back to the modern world.
ALL LEFTISTS see every "conflict" in the world as being a case of Oppressor vs Oppressed. None of the particulars matter.
The Left has all the power and never does any of the oppressing.

Funny that.
Hateful brat .
But she has a point .
Ca.92% of Zionists are Khazarian by DNA without a trace of Semitic heritage .
Faux Jews in fact .
Self admitted liars for the last 1200 years and just riddled with Nazis .
You know, Luiza, you would be a half-way decent human being if you weren't such a hateful fucking anti-Semite.

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