Greyhound & Little Girl Reunited! Thank Jesus!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Today I decided to go get my car washed in town and have a lunch. The first thought that came to me was take my phone with me. I thought this is the Lord reminding me but I have no plans of talking with anyone and don't need the phone. Besides, I can't find it and do not feel like hunting for it. So........ I left without it!

My first stop was lunch because I was hungry. I brought my bible, my Gurnall devotional, my Carol Armstrong book and had a feast. lol! I also had some avacado slices and a quasadilla .. anyhow .. on way home... I see this greyhound on the side of the road.

He almost gets hit by oncoming traffic and I remember there is a sign at the end of my road, lost greyhound! I have no phone to stop and call the girl there at the sign so I now have to take the flyer home and call her from my house. She asks me to meet her back up on the road as this is alot of country road out here and that highway has rolling hills - she won't know which one it is..... I go back and on my way out of the street my husband drives up!

I said, Come help me rescue this greyhound! It is on the side of the road up here and almost got hit on the highway. I am sure he heard me say the girl is meeting me there but I think his hearing stopped at the word "rescue" as I've been known to do this - and they end up living with us! :eusa_angel:

Anyhow, on the way up and down the road I see a friend who I met at a cattle assoc. meeting last month and talk to her - she is a horse rancher but she is out reading meters - so she pulls up on the road to look out for the greyhound who is now hiding in the woods somewhere along the way!

Up pulls the woman and her little girl who she got the greyhound for! The cars are flying both ways and we advise her to put the little girl back in the car which she does. Then my husband pulls up and so does her friend who is a vet assistant and is coming along to help in the rescue.

The dog shows up right across the road so we all cross over except for my friend parked in the truck as it is her lunch hour and the ladies daughter who is waiting in backseat of her car. It took the better part of 45 minutes, a jar of bisquits and some bottled water to coax the greyhound close enough that they could put a leash on her.

The the girl let go of the leash and the dog slipped away again! Then it was another 15 - 20 minutes to get the dog close enough to take hold of the leash.. the dog was a beautiful creature and very, very timid.. both girls praised God and I told them the Lord had reminded me to take my cell phone but I just didn't pay attention! If I had just taken it I wouldn't have had to look for him initially as I could have stayed with her while calling the owner. Anyhow, they put the dog in the vet asst. car because she was parked on the other side of road where the dog was and the rest of us crossed over.

When I got home my husband said, the Lord used you to rescue that grey hound today! the little girl is delighted to be reunited with her dog.. I said, yes but if I taken my phone it would have been better. He said, when I heard the word rescue I said, God, please do not tell me we are now about to own a greyhound! Ha! ha! I thought that was funny.

Here is the best part of the story.... my husband said the girl told him that her daughter has a terrible fear of dogs because she was the victim of a bulldog attack. She is only about 6 yrs old. The greyhound was terribly abused and they did some sort of experiments on it and the woman was looking for a gentle pet for her daughter and the dog rested its head in the childs lap and the little girl said, Mom, I want this one. Isn't that sweet?

So the little girl has been missing this greyhound since October 20th and today is the 23rd, Jesus found her dog for her and reunited them. Is God wonderful or what? I'm telling you there is nothing like being a part of something God wants to do for a child. As her mother is a christian I bet the little girl had been praying to the Lord to find it for her. I love it. So that is my story of the Greyhound and the little girl reunited. Thank you, Jesus!
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A happy ending and kudo's to you and your friends for reuniting that dog and her human.

I was once driving home and there was a police officer on the side of the road.

He was trying to get a beautiful Borzoi to come to him. The dog was having nothing to do with theman.I, of course, stopped, Got out and went towards the dog. I scootched down and called her. She came right to me. The police officer, using the front of his vehicle with a pass on it, got through the gated community gate. I walked in with the dog and he and I just followed her. She took us right to her house. We opened the gate to the backyard and in she went.

I see that dog with her person all the time. I doubt they even knew the dog had gotten out. The officer and I never could figure outhow she got on the road side of the gate. She could have jumped it as Borzoi's are super athletic. One of lifes little mysteries.

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