Groper Al Franken lectured conservatives on respecting women

Franken is so ugly he has to sneak up on sleeping women in order to touch them.


What a pervert!
Looks like one of those Cabbage Patch dolls when people would push their faces in, but all grown up and haggard.
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.

LMFAO and you all have no idea what and why you are hypocrites ............................
You're going to have to explain your airheaded comment because it makes no sense. I said Franken deserves blowback for his actions. I also said the right are hypocrites for making a big deal out of this after not caring at all about psy grabber McGee and his accusations. Explain.
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?

Plus the SOB admitted it. What part don't they get gawd dam.
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?

Plus it didn't happen 40 years ago, nor was their photo evidence.

By the way, never thought I'd see a Blazing Saddles avatar in my lifetime lol.
You can't say his hand is touching for sure. The shadows mean there is space between finger and vest. Do you understand how shadows work?

He AMDITTED HE DID IT...............go to his little Gov. page.
View attachment 160767
Senator Al Franken, who is now mired in a sex abuse scandal after a picture emerged of him groping a sleeping woman’s breasts, once lectured conservatives on ‘respecting women’ and was called a “feminist ally”.

Groper Al Franken Lectured Conservatives on ‘Respecting Women’


Now this is what you call PROOF this is what you call not hanging someone based off some WORDS like the Democratic k....................ts are doing to MOORE

Demoncrats won’t care, they are all a bunch of hypocrites. Outraged over the Donald merely talking about how women act, but dismissive of rapes, sexual assaults, and cheating by their heros like B.J. Clinton.

says the person defending a child molester
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?
I said there should be blowback in my post. Moore's transgressions seem worse though considering it was underage girls and he has no regret so should the end result be the same? I don't think so. Moore lies and dodges multiple accusations of pedophilia, and Franken takes his accusation with humility on the chin. Big difference.

Yes, however, we are very suspicious of the exact nature and facts of the Moore allegations. Remember, that is what they remain with Moore, allegations. With Franken, we have an admission of guilt.

On top of this, in Alabama, at the time of the suspected attempts at dating, what you call, "pedophilia," we only have hearsay attempts to date, and one story. The age of consent in Alabama back then was 16. Some say he approached a fourteen year old, but who knows if this is accurate information. I followed the dirty tricks and lies of the presidential campaign, they will stop at nothing to deceive you. OTH, it might be true.

Here again, you are trying to compare, apples and orange. It would be be better to compare Franken to Clinton, here you have two instances on known fact. Or even take Weiner if you like.
Explain trumps free pass. And for Franken, the picture doe snt prove his hand is touching and he may end up refuting the kiss. Is that fact at this time? Not really. You accepted it as such. Moore, you may have a point. But the accusations are far more serious with him and he has been an ass about it following in trumps footsteps. His party abandoned him. I bet they know the real him. Trump... His reckoning is coming. All this sex assault stuff he will not escape. I bet you voted for him so you must not actually have a problem with that type of behavior, the same type of behavior that Franken allegedly displayed.
Senator Al Franken Accused of Groping a Woman in 2006

Franken apologizes.

Republicans double down.

So naturally, Franken is the bad guy.

So it’s OK to assault women, as long as you apologize.

I think not. If Moore is “unfit” to be a Senator, then Franken must step down immediately.
And trumps accusations must be acknowledged, investigated, charged, punished. Stop giving him a free pass. If you continue to, then Franken walks.
View attachment 160767
Senator Al Franken, who is now mired in a sex abuse scandal after a picture emerged of him groping a sleeping woman’s breasts, once lectured conservatives on ‘respecting women’ and was called a “feminist ally”.

Groper Al Franken Lectured Conservatives on ‘Respecting Women’


Now this is what you call PROOF this is what you call not hanging someone based off some WORDS like the Democratic k....................ts are doing to MOORE

Demoncrats won’t care, they are all a bunch of hypocrites. Outraged over the Donald merely talking about how women act, but dismissive of rapes, sexual assaults, and cheating by their heros like B.J. Clinton.
Trump cheated on both his ex-wives, we know that for a fact. And bragged on national TV about having sex with married women. Seriously, have some common sense.
He didn't touch a sleeping woman's breasts and photograph himself doing it too though. If Trump is as big of a perv as Frankenstein, at least he is a smarter pervert than Frankenstein's dumb ass.
There are shadows under his fingers. You can't prove he was touching from this angle. There are likely eye witness accounts though which would go much farther than a sleeping woman's reaction to a bad picture.
Here is the problem for the Democrats. They might take the position that they can toss Franken under the bus and pretend to have the mantle of principle and openly sacrifice him in an effort to take out Moore, but, they have no idea what is coming down the pipe about others in the party.

You cant have Trump there and claim you care about these issues
Sexually fondling her while she's asleep. That's pretty damning. The guy should step down, he simply will no longer have any credibility concerning sexual assault issues, womens rights, etc. took that accusation from zero to 60 real fast. I think you'd be great at writing fake news. What shithole news site is spamming that sort of exaggeration?

Trump cheated on both his ex-wives, we know that for a fact. And bragged on national TV about having sex with married women. Seriously, have some common sense.

Yea and he got divorced from them. At least he didn’t go on with a sham marriage like the Clintons, who haven’t even lived in the same house for decades. Dondald Trump may have his flaws, but at least he is honest about them.

Demoncrats however act like they are the saviors of women, yet treat them like shit. Biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.
Everything Trump says is at least a 40% exaggeration. You should pick a different word than honest.
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?
I said there should be blowback in my post. Moore's transgressions seem worse though considering it was underage girls and he has no regret so should the end result be the same? I don't think so. Moore lies and dodges multiple accusations of pedophilia, and Franken takes his accusation with humility on the chin. Big difference.'re such an idiot it would be pointless to entertain your stupid comments.
I'll take that as a positive if you can't find anything to say.
Franken is going down. Don't cry yourself to sleep tonight.
You are sadly mistaken in what you think I think. I expect him to receive blowback from this. Maybe he loses his job. Maybe he's charged. Maybe something else. My biggest problem here, is that the right is coming out of the wood work to crucify him, when they voted for the psy grabber with many corroborated sexual assault accusations against him. Grow a spine. Buy some integrity. We see right through yah. As always, no sexual assault is ok. The law draws the lines and passes the charges, not me. I eagerly await the conclusion of ALL of these accusations.
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?

Plus the SOB admitted it. What part don't they get gawd dam.
He actually didn't admit it. Show me the "I did it". I definitely suspect he acted innaproproately with the picture and other accusations but as usual, y'all are 10 steps past provable fact and reality.
First of all, what he is accused of has nothing to do with his tweet about reproductive rights. Swing and miss. Second, why are you assuming the left doesnt care? Is it your shitty news sources manipulating your perception of the left, of reality? Yup! Maybe talk to someone directly rather than believing rumors or false stereotypes. You guys should have learned that in middle school. But anyway, times changed when you guys voted psy grabber into office and gave him a free pass on rape accusation and 16 women's sexual assault accusations. How far did you guys look into that before voting?

I new Trump was a pos. There's just too much dirt and it fits with how shitty he acts. I liked Franken but have lost some respect for him over this and there should be some blowback. That's the truth right there. Not your spun up bs propaganda.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?

Plus it didn't happen 40 years ago, nor was their photo evidence.

By the way, never thought I'd see a Blazing Saddles avatar in my lifetime lol.
You can't say his hand is touching for sure. The shadows mean there is space between finger and vest. Do you understand how shadows work?

He AMDITTED HE DID IT...............go to his little Gov. page.
He admitted he was in the picture and he says he remembers it differently. So...? Maybe you found a quote I didnt.
Franken is so ugly he has to sneak up on sleeping women in order to touch them.


What a pervert!
He was doing a joke. He is a comedian. It was in bad taste and humiliated the woman, but it wasn't perversion. It was bad judgement, bad taste and really foolish. If he was being a pervert, why would he have a picture taken of the behavior?

Trump cheated on both his ex-wives, we know that for a fact. And bragged on national TV about having sex with married women. Seriously, have some common sense.

Yea and he got divorced from them. At least he didn’t go on with a sham marriage like the Clintons, who haven’t even lived in the same house for decades. Dondald Trump may have his flaws, but at least he is honest about them.

Demoncrats however act like they are the saviors of women, yet treat them like shit. Biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.
This is the problem with you people: you just say things as if they are fact when you have nothing to base those statements on. You have no idea what the basis of their marriage is. You say it's a sham when you have no way of knowing. How could you? You are not inside their marriage, only they are. You cannot make a statement it is a sham when you can't know. Many, many, many people recover from infidelity and maintain their marriages. Many. It isn't any of your business to decide that can't be done. It is done. You need to realize you just can't go around making blanket statements about things you have no way of knowing the truth of. They've been married for decades and decades. That's more than most people.
Why shouldnt Frankenstein step down? Isnt that what is being called for of Moore?
I said there should be blowback in my post. Moore's transgressions seem worse though considering it was underage girls and he has no regret so should the end result be the same? I don't think so. Moore lies and dodges multiple accusations of pedophilia, and Franken takes his accusation with humility on the chin. Big difference.'re such an idiot it would be pointless to entertain your stupid comments.
I'll take that as a positive if you can't find anything to say.
Franken is going down. Don't cry yourself to sleep tonight.
You are sadly mistaken in what you think I think. I expect him to receive blowback from this. Maybe he loses his job. Maybe he's charged. Maybe something else. My biggest problem here, is that the right is coming out of the wood work to crucify him, when they voted for the psy grabber with many corroborated sexual assault accusations against him. Grow a spine. Buy some integrity. We see right through yah. As always, no sexual assault is ok. The law draws the lines and passes the charges, not me. I eagerly await the conclusion of ALL of these accusations.
Dude, by Trump's own words it sounds like he just ran into easy women....not that he molested or raped any of them.
Franken is so ugly he has to sneak up on sleeping women in order to touch them.


What a pervert!
He was doing a joke. He is a comedian. It was in bad taste and humiliated the woman, but it wasn't perversion. It was bad judgement, bad taste and really foolish. If he was being a pervert, why would he have a picture taken of the behavior?
To beat off to later maybe?

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