Groper Al Franken lectured conservatives on respecting women

I said there should be blowback in my post. Moore's transgressions seem worse though considering it was underage girls and he has no regret so should the end result be the same? I don't think so. Moore lies and dodges multiple accusations of pedophilia, and Franken takes his accusation with humility on the chin. Big difference.'re such an idiot it would be pointless to entertain your stupid comments.
I'll take that as a positive if you can't find anything to say.
Franken is going down. Don't cry yourself to sleep tonight.
You are sadly mistaken in what you think I think. I expect him to receive blowback from this. Maybe he loses his job. Maybe he's charged. Maybe something else. My biggest problem here, is that the right is coming out of the wood work to crucify him, when they voted for the psy grabber with many corroborated sexual assault accusations against him. Grow a spine. Buy some integrity. We see right through yah. As always, no sexual assault is ok. The law draws the lines and passes the charges, not me. I eagerly await the conclusion of ALL of these accusations.
Dude, by Trump's own words it sounds like he just ran into easy women....not that he molested or raped any of them.
Franken is so ugly he has to sneak up on sleeping women in order to touch them.


What a pervert!
He was doing a joke. He is a comedian. It was in bad taste and humiliated the woman, but it wasn't perversion. It was bad judgement, bad taste and really foolish. If he was being a pervert, why would he have a picture taken of the behavior?
To beat off to later maybe?
Your posts are just plain stupid. It sounds like you are a teenager, very immature male. :rolleyes:'re such an idiot it would be pointless to entertain your stupid comments.
I'll take that as a positive if you can't find anything to say.
Franken is going down. Don't cry yourself to sleep tonight.
You are sadly mistaken in what you think I think. I expect him to receive blowback from this. Maybe he loses his job. Maybe he's charged. Maybe something else. My biggest problem here, is that the right is coming out of the wood work to crucify him, when they voted for the psy grabber with many corroborated sexual assault accusations against him. Grow a spine. Buy some integrity. We see right through yah. As always, no sexual assault is ok. The law draws the lines and passes the charges, not me. I eagerly await the conclusion of ALL of these accusations.
Dude, by Trump's own words it sounds like he just ran into easy women....not that he molested or raped any of them.
Franken is so ugly he has to sneak up on sleeping women in order to touch them.


What a pervert!
He was doing a joke. He is a comedian. It was in bad taste and humiliated the woman, but it wasn't perversion. It was bad judgement, bad taste and really foolish. If he was being a pervert, why would he have a picture taken of the behavior?
To beat off to later maybe?
Your posts are just plain stupid. It sounds like you are a teenager, very immature male. :rolleyes:
Perverts haven't been known to photograph their victims before? Are you retarded or just live under a rock?
Franken is so ugly he has to sneak up on sleeping women in order to touch them.


What a pervert!
He was doing a joke. He is a comedian. It was in bad taste and humiliated the woman, but it wasn't perversion. It was bad judgement, bad taste and really foolish. If he was being a pervert, why would he have a picture taken of the behavior?

... and under "comedian" umbrella, he's allowed to do whatever he want with an "it was a joke" excuse.

"Yeah, hehe, I was just joking, hehe, when I put it in her against her will, hehe. You people clearly have no sense of humor. I'm offended. I'm so offended that I'm gonna stay senator"

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