Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

That's only one of the crimes the doktor describes engaging in. Her saying it, in detail, is credible proof.

Exactly! When the person committing the crime actually talks about committing the crime, what more do libs want?

The left declares guilt when it's someone against their agenda, but when it's one of their own, they would ignore actual video of the crime.

Here's what they always do when there is a scandal:

First, deny. Keep denying in hopes something else will capture attention.

When video or other proof is presented, claim it's one rogue employee and no one else was in on it.

When evidence surfaces showing corruption throughout, go back to denying or just say "What difference, at this point, does it make" and continue to label inquiries as a witch hunt.

As long as you are carrying water for the liberals, you have immunity. And the only crimes, in a radical's eyes, are when people speak out against the liberal agenda.
look just bedause the people who filmed the video said its a crim doesn't make it so ... go look up the laws before you make these rash statements... once the mother give up the baby parts they can do anything the choose
That's only one of the crimes the doktor describes engaging in. Her saying it, in detail, is credible proof.

Exactly! When the person committing the crime actually talks about committing the crime, what more do libs want?

The left declares guilt when it's someone against their agenda, but when it's one of their own, they would ignore actual video of the crime.

Here's what they always do when there is a scandal:

First, deny. Keep denying in hopes something else will capture attention.

When video or other proof is presented, claim it's one rogue employee and no one else was in on it.

When evidence surfaces showing corruption throughout, go back to denying or just say "What difference, at this point, does it make" and continue to label inquiries as a witch hunt.

As long as you are carrying water for the liberals, you have immunity. And the only crimes, in a radical's eyes, are when people speak out against the liberal agenda.
look just bedause the people who filmed the video said its a crim doesn't make it so ... go look up the laws before you make these rash statements... once the mother give up the baby parts they can do anything the choose
p.s if you don't like liberal agendas tuff !!! who cares what you like ... if its not illegal ... we can promote the liberal agenda as much as we liberals want ...DEAL!!!
It just amazes me how NaziCons have absolutely no regard for the mental, physical and financial health of pregnant women who seek abortions for various reasons.

Oh... You mean like libs do... While using them as incubators for organ harvesting.
whats wrong with that???? do we let the tissue die because you don't like it ??? tuff ... if we libs want to do it and its not illegal that tuff ... DEAL!!!!
you have no proof

proof matters

research is allowed

there are costs to preserving tissue for research.

stop pretending someone got arrested and convicted of something

You have no proof that they are above board and not harvesting tissue illegally. Stop pretending you do.
there isn't any illegal harvesting of tissue ... because its not illegal to harvest tissue, you idiot where do you idiots get this shit???
Altering the procedure to accommodate harvest, which the doktor described in detail, is a felony. She said she did it and she said it was her job to pick out which women to use the different procedure on, and she said why she did it. She also admitted training others to do it. See, I watched the video.
the people who made the video said it was illegal moron ... its not ... look it up for your self ...if you have permission from the woman involved its not illegal ... the people who made the video implied that they weren't getting permission ... that never happen ... so when you get the ok you can make as many chopped up baby parts as you need ... you can send them to who ever need it for research ... the research people who get the chopped up baby parts pay for the shipping of chopped up baby parts they pay for all the expenses that plan parenthood has ... thats not profit ... go educate your self in these matters ...stop flying off the handle because you don't like they way they talk about it ..., the activities the doctor herself describes are illegal. Regarding flying off the handle... nice rant out of nowhere, completely unknown person.
It just amazes me how NaziCons have absolutely no regard for the mental, physical and financial health of pregnant women who seek abortions for various reasons.

Oh... You mean like libs do... While using them as incubators for organ harvesting.
whats wrong with that???? do we let the tissue die because you don't like it ??? tuff ... if we libs want to do it and its not illegal that tuff ... DEAL!!!! is illegal. Also illegal....changing procedure for the express purpose of protecting "tissue".
The IRS thought it was some kind of biomedicine charity.

WASHINGTON -- The anti-abortion group that released an undercover "sting" video of a Planned Parenthood doctor this week appears to be a dummy nonprofit that may have deceived the Internal Revenue Service and the public about its mission.

The two-year-old Center for Medical Progress, which claims to be in the business of reporting on biomedical research, released undercover footage Tuesday of a Planned Parenthood doctor allegedly discussing the sale of fetal body parts after abortions. The video, which Planned Parenthood has denounced as misleading and heavily edited, was circulated widely and prompted House Republicans to launch an investigation into the family planning provider.

But as Slate reports, the Center for Medical Progress appears to be nothing more than a front organization for the anti-abortion group Live Action. That is not how the IRS understood it when considering the group's application for tax-exempt status, and not how the group originally presented itself to the public in soliciting donations.

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards apologized in a video on Thursday for Nucatola's tone and statements in the video, but she maintained that the allegations about selling fetal body parts were "not true." Richards said that women seeking abortions sometimes choose to donate fetal tissue for scientific and medical research, and that Planned Parenthood follows "all laws and ethical guidelines" in doing so and makes no profit from the donations.

More: Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

The anti-choice zealots have no shame.
It doesn't matter a damn whether the folk(s) behind the Planned Parenthood probe are Left or Right or Center...

It doesn't matter a damn whether the folk(s) behind the Planned Parenthood probe are a For-Profit or NPO or Gubmint Agency or anything else on the spectrum...

It doesn't matter a damn whether they were honest with the IRS and their donors or whether they lied to them or tricked them...

The ONLY thing that matters here is whether Planned Parenthood is selling human baby body parts...

Is it true?

Yes or No.

If "No", then they're off the hook.

If "Yes", then they are scum.

As is anyone caught defending them in this matter.
Would it not be wonderful for development of a time machine?

One which would let today's abortion aficionados voyage back to trimester before their birth and correct what has proven to have been a horrible oversight!
If only
It just amazes me how NaziCons have absolutely no regard for the mental, physical and financial health of pregnant women who seek abortions for various reasons.

Oh... You mean like libs do... While using them as incubators for organ harvesting.
whats wrong with that???? do we let the tissue die because you don't like it ??? tuff ... if we libs want to do it and its not illegal that tuff ... DEAL!!!!

It's a felony
This is what happens when you try to get in the way of a Liberal Woman and her Right to Human Sacrifice.
Yo ladies! You can make big bucks getting knocked up and selling it to Planned Parenthood. Now that you know what the scam is you can demand a cut!
The IRS thought it was some kind of biomedicine charity.

WASHINGTON -- The anti-abortion group that released an undercover "sting" video of a Planned Parenthood doctor this week appears to be a dummy nonprofit that may have deceived the Internal Revenue Service and the public about its mission.

The two-year-old Center for Medical Progress, which claims to be in the business of reporting on biomedical research, released undercover footage Tuesday of a Planned Parenthood doctor allegedly discussing the sale of fetal body parts after abortions. The video, which Planned Parenthood has denounced as misleading and heavily edited, was circulated widely and prompted House Republicans to launch an investigation into the family planning provider.

But as Slate reports, the Center for Medical Progress appears to be nothing more than a front organization for the anti-abortion group Live Action. That is not how the IRS understood it when considering the group's application for tax-exempt status, and not how the group originally presented itself to the public in soliciting donations.

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards apologized in a video on Thursday for Nucatola's tone and statements in the video, but she maintained that the allegations about selling fetal body parts were "not true." Richards said that women seeking abortions sometimes choose to donate fetal tissue for scientific and medical research, and that Planned Parenthood follows "all laws and ethical guidelines" in doing so and makes no profit from the donations.

More: Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

The anti-choice zealots have no shame.
It doesn't matter a damn whether the folk(s) behind the Planned Parenthood probe are Left or Right or Center...

It doesn't matter a damn whether the folk(s) behind the Planned Parenthood probe are a For-Profit or NPO or Gubmint Agency or anything else on the spectrum...

It doesn't matter a damn whether they were honest with the IRS and their donors or whether they lied to them or tricked them...

The ONLY thing that matters here is whether Planned Parenthood is selling human baby body parts...

Is it true?

Yes or No.

If "No", then they're off the hook.

If "Yes", then they are scum.

As is anyone caught defending them in this matter.
The sale of dead baby parts is only one of the crimes the doctor owns. The other is ALTERING THE PROCEDURE TO FACILITATE. Yet another is performing partial birth abortion...which is the procedure she describes. Three big fat felonies. It's not JUST selling dead babies, though that's certainly bad enough. She even describes how she got away with pretending that she didn't intend to change the procedure/perform partial birth abortion. Then she explains that despite pretending to not plan on doing partial birth, she actually went down the list of women and flagged the ones for special procedures based on fetal age. "That's what I do" she says.
Yo ladies! You can make big bucks getting knocked up and selling it to Planned Parenthood. Now that you know what the scam is you can demand a cut!
Liberals will throw women in jail for that. Only the abortion industry is allowed to abuse, and profit from, and use ultrasounds on, pregnant women. The women are just "carriers".
Yo ladies! You can make big bucks getting knocked up and selling it to Planned Parenthood. Now that you know what the scam is you can demand a cut!

A little "Dune" sci-fi, anyone?

Tleilaxu Axlotl Tanks?

Lakota thinks the criminal endeavors of PP butchers and the abuse of pregnant women is funny....every time he sees a description of the abuse he tags it as "funny".
Lakota thinks the criminal endeavors of PP butchers and the abuse of pregnant women is funny....every time he sees a description of the abuse he tags it as "funny".

It would be less funny if you could prove your lies with "credible" sources - instead of "edited" videos by NaziCon anti-choice zealots.
Lakota thinks the criminal endeavors of PP butchers and the abuse of pregnant women is funny....every time he sees a description of the abuse he tags it as "funny".

It would be less funny if you could prove your lies with "credible" sources - instead of "edited" videos.
It would be less creepy if you were at all concerned about the victims.

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