Guam Governor on Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’ comment: "I Want a President That Says That"

Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.
If we go to war with North Korea it sounds like the left and the media (i repeat myself) would be with North Korea
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.
Trump himself has signed off on the Iran deal because he finally begrudgingly admitted it was working as advertised. It's now Trump's Iran deal.
If we go to war with North Korea it sounds like the left and the media (i repeat myself) would be with North Korea
Don't be retarded, no one is with N Korea, we all just know how you people never pay for your wars and give no thought to the aftermath.
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.
No one is dumber than the american public.

We sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before placing them on an “axis of evil” (a CIA coined term) list; sold from a firm Rumsfeld had once sat n the board of directors of. Utterly bipartisan plan; initiated under Clinton and wrapped up under Bush. AND Bush ponied up US tax payer funds to assist them in closing the deal. You paid for ‘em bub. Your donor class and Wall Street live for war, they’ve got 7 endless wars going and yearn for more. And your political class will in unison give them more, that’s why you have nothing left to invest in society at home.
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .
/----/ You mean when we had a spineless, mom jeans marshmallow bowing down to our enemies? Actually I was worried about what would happen after the Libtards you voted for allowed NK to get nukes. And we now have to deal with Iran.
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.
No one is dumber than the american public.

We sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before placing them on an “axis of evil” (a CIA coined term) list; sold from a firm Rumsfeld had once sat n the board of directors of. Utterly bipartisan plan; initiated under Clinton and wrapped up under Bush. AND Bush ponied up US tax payer funds to assist them in closing the deal. You paid for ‘em bub. Your donor class and Wall Street live for war, they’ve got 7 endless wars going and yearn for more. And your political class will in unison give them more, that’s why you have nothing left to invest in society at home.
/----/ You posted " sold from a firm Rumsfeld had once sat n the board of directors of" So everyone who ever sat on the board of a company is responsible for everything that company does after they leave the company?
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.

You really believe fake news nonsense don't you ? Typical pro Trump rube.
/----/ You Progs defends Obozo by saying all he did was release money that belonged to Iran in the first place. So were you lying then or now?
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .
/----/ You mean when we had a spineless, mom jeans marshmallow bowing down to our enemies? Actually I was worried about what would happen after the Libtards you voted for allowed NK to get nukes. And we now have to deal with Iran.

there was no bowing . And Kim minded his manners when "spineless " obama was around.
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.

You really believe fake news nonsense don't you ? Typical pro Trump rube.
/----/ You Progs defends Obozo by saying all he did was release money that belonged to Iran in the first place. So were you lying then or now?

We did not "give " them money . That was seized money from years ago .

By the way, the Iran nuke deal was done with 6 other world powers involved .

And obama had some capitives released as a bonus .
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .
/----/ You mean when we had a spineless, mom jeans marshmallow bowing down to our enemies? Actually I was worried about what would happen after the Libtards you voted for allowed NK to get nukes. And we now have to deal with Iran.

there was no bowing . And Kim minded his manners when "spineless " obama was around.
Do you feel safer now than say a year ago?

Cause i didn't worry about nuke war when obama was in office .

Weakbama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars which they will use to get nuclear weapons.

You really believe fake news nonsense don't you ? Typical pro Trump rube.
/----/ You Progs defends Obozo by saying all he did was release money that belonged to Iran in the first place. So were you lying then or now?

We did not "give " them money . That was seized money from years ago .

By the way, the Iran nuke deal was done with 6 other world powers involved .

And obama had some capitives released as a bonus .
You just contradicted yourself you big dope:

"You really believe fake news nonsense don't you ? Typical pro Trump rube."- Timmy 5 minutes ago

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