Guantanamo guard: ‘CIA killed prisoners and made it look like suicide’

Go for it. If the CIA killed prisoners under the Obama administration we need to indict the Obama administration. Is that the problem for the radical left?
Not at all.
These particular crimes took place in 2006.
Are conservatives ready to prosecute Bush and Cheney too?

"On June 9, 2006, the night Hickman was on duty, three prisoners died, supposed suicides, and Hickman knew something was seriously wrong. So began his epic search for the truth, an odyssey that would lead him to conclude that the US government was using Guantánamo not just as a prison, but as a training ground for interrogators to test advanced torture techniques."

Murder at Camp Delta Book by Joseph Hickman Official Publisher Page Simon Schuster
Go for it. If the CIA killed prisoners under the Obama administration we need to indict the Obama administration. Is that the problem for the radical left?
Not at all.
These particular crimes took place in 2006.
Are conservatives ready to prosecute Bush and Cheney too?

"On June 9, 2006, the night Hickman was on duty, three prisoners died, supposed suicides, and Hickman knew something was seriously wrong. So began his epic search for the truth, an odyssey that would lead him to conclude that the US government was using Guantánamo not just as a prison, but as a training ground for interrogators to test advanced torture techniques."

Murder at Camp Delta Book by Joseph Hickman Official Publisher Page Simon Schuster

2 in 1
good deal
Go for it. If the CIA killed prisoners under the Obama administration we need to indict the Obama administration. Is that the problem for the radical left?
Not at all.
These particular crimes took place in 2006.
Are conservatives ready to prosecute Bush and Cheney too?

"On June 9, 2006, the night Hickman was on duty, three prisoners died, supposed suicides, and Hickman knew something was seriously wrong. So began his epic search for the truth, an odyssey that would lead him to conclude that the US government was using Guantánamo not just as a prison, but as a training ground for interrogators to test advanced torture techniques."

Murder at Camp Delta Book by Joseph Hickman Official Publisher Page Simon Schuster
Whitehall nutcase has the warped logic that even though Bush started it all and Obama is continuing everything bush got started,that Obama is a mass murderer but Bush is not.:cuckoo:
as far as the OP? That's our wonderful gestapo CIA for you,always murdering people and just gets a mere slap on the wrist for it.never any criminal wrong doing.
A former Guantanamo Bay prison guard and Marine explained in details what makes him believe three problematic detainees were killed at CIA black site in Guantanomo and their death was covered up as a triple suicide.
Guantanamo Bay Murders Sgt Joseph Hickman says CIA killed prisoners

1)Few words about suicide in Islam. Even if staff sergeant Joseph Hickman's account of the situation did not come to light I would still have a hard time believing these men committed suicide because when I tried to do a study on suicide I found that it is one of the lowest in world with middle eastern people. And this has mainly to do with their belief that if a person intentionally kills him/herself without enduring he trials and tribulations put forth by God will enter hellfire. Please dont respond to me about suicide bombing. Research Robert Pape if you think all suicide bombers are muslim. He is the first scholar to collect all the data on suiciding bomb. You can find him on youtube as well.

2)Should we close Guantanamo or not? Thoughts?

Just ask Vince Foster

our wonderful government.the national anthem is the biggest joke.when I am with company at a ball game,i pretend to go to the restroom cause it makes me sick seeing all the brainwashed American sheople saluting and worshipping the CIA like they do.when they put their hand over their heart and sing the national anthem to the us flag,they don't get it they are in REALITY,really praising the CIA for their murderous acts around the country since they control the government.:cuckoo:

Land of the free? how is it a free country when politicians like Clinton walk the streets free after having vince foster murdered off,or how is it a free country when our wonderful CIA goes around the country murdering civilians all the time?:cuckoo: idiots.
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These people don't seem to care they are going to us all killed. the leaks from this administration has become danger to us all. be prepared
Students at a university came up with this after studying heavily redacted documents...... Suspicious if true but it seems we don't have access to those documents and how the students arrived at their conclusion. From a legal standpoint alone, unproven.......... my point, my only point.
What makes you think we don't have access to the documents and how the students deciphered them?
"Two years later, the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which has primary investigative jurisdiction within the naval base, issued a report supporting the account originally advanced by Harris, now a vice-admiral in command of the Sixth Fleet.

"The Pentagon declined to make the NCIS report public, and only when pressed with Freedom of Information Act demands did it disclose parts of the report, some 1,700 pages of documents so heavily redacted as to be nearly incomprehensible.

"The NCIS documents were carefully cross-referenced and deciphered by students and faculty at the law school of Seton Hall University in New Jersey, and their findings, released in November 2009, made clear why the Pentagon had been unwilling to make its conclusions public.

"The official story of the prisoners’ deaths was full of unacknowledged contradictions, and the centerpiece of the report—a reconstruction of the events—was simply unbelievable."
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
What Sergeant Hickman observed on the night in question:

"JOSEPH HICKMAN: On June 9th, I was what was called 'sergeant of the guard.' I was in charge of many different places in Guantánamo, different posts that were being manned by other soldiers. And one of my posts that I was in charge of was the towers in Camp Delta. So, I went to visit the guards that were manning those posts, and I went up to the tower.

"And when I was up there, I saw a vehicle, a van—we called it the 'paddy wagon'—pull into Camp Delta and back up to the entrance of Camp One. From there, I saw the driver get out, and his assistant, go to Alpha Block, take a detainee out of Alpha Block and put him in the paddy wagon. They then drove off, left Camp Delta, made a quick right and then a left that headed down the road out of the camps, out of Camp America, which Camp America housed the camps at the time.

"About 20 minutes later, the paddy wagon came back, and it repeated the same thing. It backed up to Camp One. The two people in the paddy wagon went to Alpha Block, grabbed another detainee, put him in there and went the same route. At this time I started to get suspicious, wondering where he was going.

"So, 20 minutes later, they came back a third time. This time, when they backed up to One, I knew they were getting another detainee, but I wanted to see where that paddy wagon was going exactly, so I left and went to the entrance in Camp America, which is called ACP Roosevelt, Auto Control Point Roosevelt.

"And when the van finally did pass that checkpoint, if it went straight, it was going to the main base. But a hundred meters past the checkpoint, it made a left, which meant it was going to either two places. You could only go to two places in 2006 at that time: You could go to the beach, or you could go to a place that we called, as soldiers there, Camp No.

"AMY GOODMAN: No, as in N-O."

Listen to the interview at:

Did Gitmo Suicides Cover Up Murder U.S. Sgt. Speaks Out on Deaths Prison s Secret CIA Site Democracy Now
Students at a university came up with this after studying heavily redacted documents...... Suspicious if true but it seems we don't have access to those documents and how the students arrived at their conclusion. From a legal standpoint alone, unproven.......... my point, my only point.
What makes you think we don't have access to the documents and how the students deciphered them?
"Two years later, the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which has primary investigative jurisdiction within the naval base, issued a report supporting the account originally advanced by Harris, now a vice-admiral in command of the Sixth Fleet.

"The Pentagon declined to make the NCIS report public, and only when pressed with Freedom of Information Act demands did it disclose parts of the report, some 1,700 pages of documents so heavily redacted as to be nearly incomprehensible.

"The NCIS documents were carefully cross-referenced and deciphered by students and faculty at the law school of Seton Hall University in New Jersey, and their findings, released in November 2009, made clear why the Pentagon had been unwilling to make its conclusions public.

"The official story of the prisoners’ deaths was full of unacknowledged contradictions, and the centerpiece of the report—a reconstruction of the events—was simply unbelievable."
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
Missed the point again, didn'tcha........ But hey don't let me stop your "it involves the government/military, it has to be true, there's no other answer" speel. :thup:
Missed the point again, didn'tcha........ But hey don't let me stop your "it involves the government/military, it has to be true, there's no other answer" speel.
I missed the point where Seton Hall law school was part of a government conspiracy. Care to explain that one?
Missed the point again, didn'tcha........ But hey don't let me stop your "it involves the government/military, it has to be true, there's no other answer" speel.
I missed the point where Seton Hall law school was part of a government conspiracy. Care to explain that one?
Didn't say it was, I was referring to your propensity towards paranoid delusions.
Didn't say it was, I was referring to your propensity towards paranoid delusions.
Point out the paranoid delusion:
"All four soldiers say they were ordered by their commanding officer not to speak out, and all four soldiers provide evidence that authorities initiated a cover-up within hours of the prisoners’ deaths. Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman and men under his supervision have disclosed evidence in interviews with Harper’s Magazine that strongly suggests the three prisoners who died on June 9 had been transported to another location prior to their deaths. The guards’ accounts also reveal the existence of a previously unreported black site at Guantánamo where the deaths, or at least the events that led directly to the deaths, most likely occurred."
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
Didn't say it was, I was referring to your propensity towards paranoid delusions.
Point out the paranoid delusion:
"All four soldiers say they were ordered by their commanding officer not to speak out, and all four soldiers provide evidence that authorities initiated a cover-up within hours of the prisoners’ deaths. Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman and men under his supervision have disclosed evidence in interviews with Harper’s Magazine that strongly suggests the three prisoners who died on June 9 had been transported to another location prior to their deaths. The guards’ accounts also reveal the existence of a previously unreported black site at Guantánamo where the deaths, or at least the events that led directly to the deaths, most likely occurred."
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
So far nothing but hearsay and accusations, look for words like; "strongly suggests and most likely", you know the words that lead rational people to say, "I'll wait for all the evidence to come in before I make a definitive decision." :thup:
These people don't seem to care they are going to us all killed. the leaks from this administration has become danger to us all. be prepared
"Obama's efforts to control leaks 'most aggressive since Nixon', report finds"
Obama s efforts to control leaks the most aggressive since Nixon report finds US news The Guardian

Do you get paid for this propaganda you spread about Your Dear Leader? People just kicked his party out of power in congress in just six years of him being in office, yet you still want them to believe all this crap they print on him. Get real. Not everyone lives off the words of some rag/newspaper/pravda for this administratation
So far nothing but hearsay and accusations, look for words like; "strongly suggests and most likely", you know the words that lead rational people to say, "I'll wait for all the evidence to come in before I make a definitive decision."
Do you find it "rational" to accept the following?
"Late on the evening of June 9 that year, three prisoners at Guantánamo died suddenly and violently. Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, from Yemen, was thirty-seven. Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, from Saudi Arabia, was thirty. Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, also from Saudi Arabia, was twenty-two, and had been imprisoned at Guantánamo since he was captured at the age of seventeen.

"None of the men had been charged with a crime, though all three had been engaged in hunger strikes to protest the conditions of their imprisonment. They were being held in a cell block, known as Alpha Block, reserved for particularly troublesome or high-value prisoners."
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
So far nothing but hearsay and accusations, look for words like; "strongly suggests and most likely", you know the words that lead rational people to say, "I'll wait for all the evidence to come in before I make a definitive decision."
Do you find it "rational" to accept the following?
"Late on the evening of June 9 that year, three prisoners at Guantánamo died suddenly and violently. Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, from Yemen, was thirty-seven. Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, from Saudi Arabia, was thirty. Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, also from Saudi Arabia, was twenty-two, and had been imprisoned at Guantánamo since he was captured at the age of seventeen.

"None of the men had been charged with a crime, though all three had been engaged in hunger strikes to protest the conditions of their imprisonment. They were being held in a cell block, known as Alpha Block, reserved for particularly troublesome or high-value prisoners."
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
Don't care. Not the point I was making. :thup:
Do you get paid for this propaganda you spread about Your Dear Leader? People just kicked his party out of power in congress in just six years of him being in office, yet you still want them to believe all this crap they print on him. Get real. Not everyone lives off the words of some rag/newspaper/pravda for this administratation
What propaganda? Obama has prosecuted more leakers than any other president, and you think that's a good thing? If you think he's bad (and his is) wait until Hill takes her turn.

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