Guantanamo guard: ‘CIA killed prisoners and made it look like suicide’

it's horrible shit! I noticed that the US government don't respect international law and international society is afraid of the US. So, it seems to me that every four year we vote not for the President of the United States but for the Emperor. And yes, We have the Senate like in the Roman Empire. strange stuff
Which ever Republican OR Democrat US voters "choose" between every four years, the same one percent of Americans win, more so since 1947.

"One of the most successful frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people is the notion that the CIA exists to provide intelligence to the president. In fact, the CIA’s intimate links to Wall Street strongly suggest that the CIA was created to serve the perceived interests of investment bankers. The well documented links to Wall Street can be traced to the founding of the agency."

The CIA 8217 s links to Wall Street Rise of the National Security State
I just sent him an email, so go fuck yourself

"McCain defends '100 years in Iraq' statement
  • McCain: referred to a military presence like U.S. has in Japan, Germany, South Korea
  • 'It's not a matter of how long we're in Iraq, it's if we succeed or not,' McCain said
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McCain defends 100 years in Iraq statement -
Like I care about what McCain says about anything. I never voted for the man.
Like I care about what McCain says about anything. I never voted for the man.
It's ironic, at least, when someone like John McCain calls someone else a terrorist:
"At a press conference announcing the legislation, McCain, chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, gave a statistic that he’s said before, regarding how many detainees go back to terrorism.

"'We know for a fact that roughly 30 percent of those who have been released have re-entered the fight, and usually at a very high level, because it's a badge of honor to have been an inmate at Guantanamo Bay,' McCain said. 'So instead we're going to continue to release batches of prisoners, according to this administration, with no plan, and the extreme likelihood that approximately one out of every three of them will re-enter the fight.'"
Useful idiots like McCain never consider how many released detainees who "re-enter the fight" were never in the fight before being radicalized at Gitmo.
McCain 30 of past Guantanamo detainees re-enter the fight PolitiFact
Without documented proof this should not be in Politics. Try Conspiracy Theories.

Here's the key;
"what makes him believe"
Because he was an eyewitness.
"Staff Sergeant Joe Hickman was a loyal member of the armed forces and a proud American patriot. For twenty years, he worked as a prison guard, a private investigator, and in the military, earning more than twenty commendations and awards.

"When he re-enlisted after 9/11, he served as a team leader and Sergeant of the Guard in Guantánamo Naval Base.

"From the moment he arrived at Camp Delta, something was amiss. The prisons were chaotic, detainees were abused, and Hickman uncovered by accident a secret facility he labeled 'Camp No.'

"On June 9, 2006, the night Hickman was on duty, three prisoners died, supposed suicides, and Hickman knew something was seriously wrong.

"So began his epic search for the truth, an odyssey that would lead him to conclude that the US government was using Guantánamo not just as a prison, but as a training ground for interrogators to test advanced torture techniques."
Murder at Camp Delta Book by Joseph Hickman Official Publisher Page Simon Schuster
Without documented proof this should not be in Politics. Try Conspiracy Theories.

Here's the key;
"what makes him believe"
Because he was an eyewitness.
"Staff Sergeant Joe Hickman was a loyal member of the armed forces and a proud American patriot. For twenty years, he worked as a prison guard, a private investigator, and in the military, earning more than twenty commendations and awards.

"When he re-enlisted after 9/11, he served as a team leader and Sergeant of the Guard in Guantánamo Naval Base.

"From the moment he arrived at Camp Delta, something was amiss. The prisons were chaotic, detainees were abused, and Hickman uncovered by accident a secret facility he labeled 'Camp No.'

"On June 9, 2006, the night Hickman was on duty, three prisoners died, supposed suicides, and Hickman knew something was seriously wrong.

"So began his epic search for the truth, an odyssey that would lead him to conclude that the US government was using Guantánamo not just as a prison, but as a training ground for interrogators to test advanced torture techniques."
Murder at Camp Delta Book by Joseph Hickman Official Publisher Page Simon Schuster
Alleged eyewitness, you do know the difference don't you?
Alleged eyewitness, you do know the difference don'
Apparently you don't.
"JOSEPH HICKMAN: On June 9th, I was what was called 'sergeant of the guard.' I was in charge of many different places in Guantánamo, different posts that were being manned by other soldiers. And one of my posts that I was in charge of was the towers in Camp Delta. So, I went to visit the guards that were manning those posts, and I went up to the tower."
Hickman's presence isn't contested hence he isn't an alleged eyewitness; he's a documented eyewitness.
Did Gitmo Suicides Cover Up Murder U.S. Sgt. Speaks Out on Deaths Prison s Secret CIA Site Democracy Now
Alleged eyewitness, you do know the difference don'
Apparently you don't.
"JOSEPH HICKMAN: On June 9th, I was what was called 'sergeant of the guard.' I was in charge of many different places in Guantánamo, different posts that were being manned by other soldiers. And one of my posts that I was in charge of was the towers in Camp Delta. So, I went to visit the guards that were manning those posts, and I went up to the tower."
Hickman's presence isn't contested hence he isn't an alleged eyewitness; he's a documented eyewitness.
Did Gitmo Suicides Cover Up Murder U.S. Sgt. Speaks Out on Deaths Prison s Secret CIA Site Democracy Now
Alleged that he saw what he is reporting he saw..... Not allegedly worked there..... Damn, how stupid can one be?
Alleged that he saw what he is reporting he saw..... Not allegedly worked there..... Damn, how stupid can one be?
There's no allegation involved concerning Hickman's status as an eyewitness, in spite of your initial allegation he was an "alleged eyewitness."
Alleged that he saw what he is reporting he saw..... Not allegedly worked there..... Damn, how stupid can one be?
There's no allegation involved concerning Hickman's status as an eyewitness, in spite of your initial allegation he was an "alleged eyewitness."
Try to keep up. Has what he's claimed been definitively proven? No. By definition, that means "allegations"............
Then it was Obama that didn't give a shit and took six and a half years to start releasing innocent men? OR WERE THEY?
I'm guessing they were more innocent than Bush or Obama. Obama and whoever comes next may be afraid to release men who've been tortured for a decade, or more.
Try to keep up. Has what he's claimed been definitively proven? No. By definition, that means "allegations"
"According to the NCIS documents, each prisoner had fashioned a noose from torn sheets and T-shirts and tied it to the top of his cell’s eight-foot-high steel-mesh wall. Each prisoner was able somehow to bind his own hands, and, in at least one case, his own feet, then stuff more rags deep down into his own throat. We are then asked to believe that each prisoner, even as he was choking on those rags, climbed up on his washbasin, slipped his head through the noose, tightened it, and leapt from the washbasin to hang until he asphyxiated. The NCIS report also proposes that the three prisoners, who were held in non-adjoining cells, carried out each of these actions almost simultaneously."
^^^Allegation or evidence of suicide^^^
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
Try to keep up. Has what he's claimed been definitively proven? No. By definition, that means "allegations"
"According to the NCIS documents, each prisoner had fashioned a noose from torn sheets and T-shirts and tied it to the top of his cell’s eight-foot-high steel-mesh wall. Each prisoner was able somehow to bind his own hands, and, in at least one case, his own feet, then stuff more rags deep down into his own throat. We are then asked to believe that each prisoner, even as he was choking on those rags, climbed up on his washbasin, slipped his head through the noose, tightened it, and leapt from the washbasin to hang until he asphyxiated. The NCIS report also proposes that the three prisoners, who were held in non-adjoining cells, carried out each of these actions almost simultaneously."
^^^Allegation or evidence of suicide^^^
The Guant namo 8220 Suicides 8221 Harper s Magazine
Students at a university came up with this after studying heavily redacted documents...... Suspicious if true but it seems we don't have access to those documents and how the students arrived at their conclusion. From a legal standpoint alone, unproven.......... my point, my only point.
Go for it. If the CIA killed prisoners under the Obama administration we need to indict the Obama administration. Is that the problem for the radical left?

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