Guess they're not getting Trump Tower this week.


Didn't have the balls to seize Trump's assets.

The bond of the fake civil trial has been reduced to $175 million and 10 days grace period to secure the bond.

New York Times article...archived of course...


So he stared them down, just as he's stared down every other dictator.

Brass balls!

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A great deal is at stake here, far more than people appreciate. The efforts of this campaign against Trump have hurt America far more than it is has helped them and it boggles my mind that a few Establishment fools control the apparatuses this much.

There is a reason why people under the age of 35 have the least happiness in the West. That goes for both Canada and the U.S. All that their grandparents had, they will not. In exchange for some "cheap, easy to break junk" that can be bought on credit from the comfort of their homes while in the PJs they sacrifice so much more in the from of liberty, home ownership, Right to Self Determination etc.
Trump doesn't own it, as of 2021. GMAC Commercial owns it.

Now, why would a guy with $10B need to get another mortgage on a property that he built 40 years ago?

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