Guess what Republicans? We really need the Dept of Education, EPA and Energy


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

Let's keep the same group that has been so helpful in getting out kids to this sorry state in charge of education.

Insanity: Doing the same thing while expecting a different result.

We don't need the Department of Education.
At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

Department of Education, signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1979, began operations in 1980.

Jimmy Carter's gift to the teachers unions. Somehow we were able to survive without it and be quite competitive internationally. Now education is regarded as a joke in the United States. It is perhaps the most useless of the Departments. Good riddance. Let education go back to the states and let parents have greater control over their childrens' education, not the government, not the labor unions.

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmnetal Protection Agency, proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operations in 1970.

Perhaps the biggest intrusion into our private propery rights and personal freedoms and unnecessary hinderance of production and wealth. Especially now under manufactured "climate change" fears. I say good riddance and good riddance to California's version of this monstrosity, the California Air Resources Boards (CARB)

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

Another creation by President Jimmy Carter, signed and began operations in 1977.

Of the three agencies listed, seemingly the most useful of the three, though we ought to be doing far more in localized oil production, yet hindered by the EPA and Dept of Interior. I haven't looked into this department enough to have a hard desire to see its elimination.
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

The Republicans want to get rid of the Dept. of Education, because they are so prone to gaffes, that they don't want the rest of us to be smart enough to notice.

They want to get rid of the EPA, because the less regulations and clean up you have to do, the more money you can put towards your profits. Only trouble is, eventually we won't have a sustainable environment to live in anymore.

And yeah........they want to get rid of the Dept. of Energy and replace it with Dept. of Oil and Drilling. Who needs green energy?
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

The Department of Education is nothing but a pass through agency, taking federal taxes and re-distributing them back to the states, with of course, the usual burecratic overhead. All the DoEd should be doing is setting basic standards. it should have a 1/10th of the budget is has now.

The EPA actually has some merit federally, as things done in one state affect another. what needs to happen however, is streamlining of the process, with elimination of the duplication found at both the federal level and the state level. An owner/operator of process "X" should be able to go to one level of agency, either state or federal, depending on the process and the location. Also any EPA regulation needs to have a strict backing in legislation, not just a blanket "you can now regulate this" edict.

The DoE should either go away, or take any energy production portfolio from the Department of the Interior. Also if it has juristiction, it should absorb any state regulatory role, again, for process X, you should only have to go to one agency for approval, not 2 or 5.
What do we need the pesky EPA for. We needs lots of chemicals and raw sewage in our water. And lots of chemicals in the air we breathe as well.
Rivers catching on fire were entertaining.
And who needs to swim or eat fish anyway.

How can people get so stupid. Doing away with the EPA? A prime example though of a failed education system.
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What do we need the pesky EPA for. We needs lots of chemicals and raw sewage in our water. And lots of chemicals in the air we breathe as well.
Rivers catching on fire were entertaining.
And who needs to swim or eat fish anyway.

How can people get so stupid. Doing away with the EPA? A prime example though of a failed education system.

I have no issue with the early work the EPA did, and making standards for things like air and water pollution, to me, are part of the federal mandate to regulate commerce between states. What I have an issue with is them branching into other areas, and expanding thier scope, without a true legislative mandate. I also have issue with duplication at the state level.

Finally most EPA regulations read more like legal positions than engineering standards. The way regulations work today, you spend more money on lawyers making sure your paperwork is up to date than on engineering making sure your processes are working right. People are more afraid of the amount of forms they have to fill out than the actual results of any excessive release.
What do we need the pesky EPA for. We needs lots of chemicals and raw sewage in our water. And lots of chemicals in the air we breathe as well.
Rivers catching on fire were entertaining.
And who needs to swim or eat fish anyway.

How can people get so stupid. Doing away with the EPA? A prime example though of a failed education system.

What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

High per pupil spending and horrible results, good thing you're fighting to protect that, we'd hate to get something for our money with more local control.

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

Actually our environment is doing pretty well, which is why despite your incessant liberal whining all you ever quote is antidotal evidence and sweeping this...

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

We're blocking domestic exploration, zero emission nuclear power, drilling off shores and in frozen tundra, construction of refineries and we've endless local blends that reduce production further and kill competition. But hey, we are wasting billions on green companies that aren't viable and keep shutting down. Again trying to protect a system that's done so well for us, well done right winger.

Damn, you Republicans are all over this, aren't you?
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?
Diminishing the size of government requires that some departments are completely abolished...some are reduced...some may grow.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education
Getting rid of the FEDERAL Department of Education does not mean that state and local educational systems must die also. Leave education to the states.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency
The effects of human actions on the environment has been exaggerated by liars such as Al Gore and left-leaning "scientists" that manipulated data to "prove" their point. Let state governments protect their own assets. The world's atmosphere will take care of itself. Global cooling and global warming are to be expected...if one takes the time to read the history books.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
We do not need to import oil. We need to burn and sell our own oil....and coal. We need to build nuclear power plants.

Obama and his Marxist followers want to make the USA more "equal" with the third world countries that have no significant natural resources.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

WE ARE the greatest nation on earth. Our own "leadership" is trying to change that!
Ahh winger, it's just the next attack. You hear them already say that very few people should go to college, In fact the Extremist Right wing radio talks about the evils of education all the time... that they are brainwashing people into "liberal" thinking.

The truth is... the more ignorant our population is, the more the Powerful elite can control us and they know it. I can see the next iteration now... "our grandparents only had 8th grade educations and they turned out OK... in fact, they thrived"
Our environment is doing pretty well? Might wanna talk to the farmers and ranchers in Texas where there's a pretty bad drought, or talk to the farmers who have gotten flooded out.

Sorry, our environment needs some cleaning up.
Our environment is doing pretty well? Might wanna talk to the farmers and ranchers in Texas where there's a pretty bad drought, or talk to the farmers who have gotten flooded out.

Sorry, our environment needs some cleaning up.

What's funniest is if you read my post I said all liberals can offer is "antidotal evidence" which is exactly what you turned around and did.

Rush is right, this is fun. The liberal script is so predictable we can read ahead to you and you still follow it. LMAO
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

no we don't
Ahh winger, it's just the next attack. You hear them already say that very few people should go to college, In fact the Extremist Right wing radio talks about the evils of education all the time... that they are brainwashing people into "liberal" thinking.

The truth is... the more ignorant our population is, the more the Powerful elite can control us and they know it. I can see the next iteration now... "our grandparents only had 8th grade educations and they turned out OK... in fact, they thrived"

What is wrong with being a plumber? or an electrican? What degree do you need to own a deli, or be a runner on the stock exchange? All we are doing with making it seem college is mandatory is make people delay going into the workforce by 4-6 years, increase the number of applicants for relatively scant numbers of positions that actually NEED a degree, and burden young people with tons of debt before they even work a single day.

What is better, someone becoming a mason right out of high school, or someone who wastes 4 years on a conceptual theatre degree, goes 120k in debt, and becomes a mason at 25?

Let's keep the same group that has been so helpful in getting out kids to this sorry state in charge of education.

Insanity: Doing the same thing while expecting a different result.

We don't need the Department of Education.

Rubber rooms. that does it for me. Rubber rooms.
Ahh winger, it's just the next attack. You hear them already say that very few people should go to college, In fact the Extremist Right wing radio talks about the evils of education all the time... that they are brainwashing people into "liberal" thinking.

I don't know about that, but they definitely aren't teaching kids jack shit today, that's for sure. We have the stupidest kids in the industrialized world and nearly the most expensive education system paying for it.

The truth is... the more ignorant our population is, the more the Powerful elite can control us and they know it.

Exactly, which makes me scratch my head in wonderment as to why you're defending a failing system.

I can see the next iteration now... "our grandparents only had 8th grade educations and they turned out OK... in fact, they thrived"

Which is absolutely true, but it was a different world in those days. Today's technology has replaced most of those manual labor jobs that someone used to be able to support their family on even with their wife staying home. Today's education system is not addressing today's needs. We have a one size fits all education system throughout most of this country and it's failing miserably and not preparing kids for the adult world, but it's been allowed to continue due to political influences and lazy parenting.
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What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

You are depressing me...thanks. When I think back and consider Eisenhower and Goldwater and compare those legends to today's GOP leadership I wonder how the republican party allowed these asshats to take over the party. It's like watching a very bad alien take over movie. I sense what it must have been like to watch the Black Plague destroy Europe.... Or witness the birth of the Nazi's. Are we Americans really this stupid?
Our environment is doing pretty well? Might wanna talk to the farmers and ranchers in Texas where there's a pretty bad drought, or talk to the farmers who have gotten flooded out.

Sorry, our environment needs some cleaning up.

Droughts and floods happen. They happened well before the industrial age. They will continue to happen regardless how "clean" the environment is, until you can develop the means to control weather patterns.

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