Guess who asked for a PARDON...and was denied?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report

Criminals are comfortable asking Trump for pardons. Cohen would have gotten one if he’d kept his mouth shut.
Criminals are comfortable asking Trump for pardons. Cohen would have gotten one if he’d kept his mouth shut.
Really? I thought Cohen was convicted and denied a pardon BEFORE he started perjuring himself?

Another difference between Barry and Trump exposed:
- Obama protected criminals from indictment / prosecution. Trump believes in personal accountability and let those indicted for crimes be held accountable.
Just asked? Did you read your own story? He asked for a pardon AFTER the raid a year ago.

So he has a motive to smear the president

He has a motive to save his own hide and be able to get back to his family as soon as possible. He lied and did dirty deeds for Trump, and Trump then left him hanging out to dry. By not giving Cohen a pardon, Trump showed he only looks out for himself. Cohen keeps producing checks and documents as corroborating evidence.
Criminals are comfortable asking Trump for pardons. Cohen would have gotten one if he’d kept his mouth shut.
Really? I thought Cohen was convicted and denied a pardon BEFORE he started perjuring himself?

Another difference between Barry and Trump exposed:
- Obama protected criminals from indictment / prosecution. Trump believes in personal accountability and let those indicted for crimes be held accountable.
Trump has spent his entire Presidency defending white collar crime. He’s called several criminals good people and pardoned a couple. You need to stop bitching about the crimes you imagined Obama committing. Countless investigations, no crimes uncovered, and refusal by the GOP led government to waste time on more. Meanwhile just ONE investigation into Trump has landed several of his top confidants in prison and placed him as a co-conspirator.
He lied and did dirty deeds for Trump, and Trump then left him hanging out to dry.
The only problem with your statement is that the only thing we have to go on that this is true is the word of an admitted convicted repeat Felony Perjurer who lied under oath to Congress ... TWICE, someone who has motive to lie and make false allegations, who can offer no evidence that what he says is true.
He lied and did dirty deeds for Trump, and Trump then left him hanging out to dry.
The only problem with your statement is that the only thing we have to go on that this is true is the word of an admitted convicted repeat Felony Perjurer who lied under oath to Congress ... TWICE, someone who has motive to lie and make false allegations, who can offer no evidence that what he says is true.

No, did you read? It's not just his word... it's the corroborating evidence he has produced. Hell he even has Trump on tape discussing it.
After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report

Why didn't this come out before Cohen Testified?
Trump has spent his entire Presidency defending white collar crime.

The fact that we have the strongest economy in decades, the lowest unemployment rate in decades, the lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history, the most Americans working at one time in US history, manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back to the US - what he called 'the new norm' - back in the US, more jobs, higher pay / wages, raises, bonuses, highest consumer confidence, record stock markets, betting trade deals for Americans, are withdrawing troops Obama sent to invade Syria, we are NOT financing / arming / aiding / abetting / defending / going to war for terrorists, has brought home US citizens being held abroad without paying ransoms, etc....thanks to President Trump, his hard work, and his delivering on his promises all say you're full of shit.

No, did you read? It's not just his word... it's the corroborating evidence he has produced. Hell he even has Trump on tape discussing it.
Please post the link to this dramatic piece of criminal evidence...and the indictments that should have been filed by the rabid Dems the second they found any evidence of criminal activity they could use to Impeach the President.
Trump has spent his entire Presidency defending white collar crime.

The fact that we have the strongest economy in decades, the lowest unemployment rate in decades, the lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history, the most Americans working at one time in US history, manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back to the US - what he called 'the new norm' - back in the US, more jobs, higher pay / wages, raises, bonuses, highest consumer confidence, record stock markets, betting trade deals for Americans, are withdrawing troops Obama sent to invade Syria, we are NOT financing / arming / aiding / abetting / defending / going to war for terrorists, has brought home US citizens being held abroad without paying ransoms, etc....thanks to President Trump, his hard work, and his delivering on his promises all say you're full of shit.

You are taking credit for trends that started 10 years ago. Want to take credit for the record number of Americans now out of the work force? Want to take credit for skyrocketing the debt despite taking charge of a recovered economy?
Why didn't this come out before Cohen Testified?
The fact that Pelosi and the Democrats were desperate enough to bring back an admitted, convicted Felony Perjurer who lied to Congress under oath the 1st time and try to convince anyone he had even a shred of credibility left seemed bad enough - no need to drag up the fact that he had a motive for showing up and wasting everyone's time with unsubstantiated accusations.

Cohen, Pelosi, and the Democrats' gamble were rewarded by Cohen being exposed as committing Felony Perjury before Congress AGAIN and potentially facing more charges and time in prison.
You are taking credit for trends that started 10 years ago.


:bsflag: You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.


Obama's policies had 8 years to have a positive impact on the US economy...and FAILED completely over 8 years. It was not until those failed policies and Socialist business/success-choking restrictions and policies were eliminated / changed that the economy took off, those Manufacturing jobs agreed to come back, etc.....

For 8 years Obama and you snowflakes blamed Bush for all of Obama's failures...and now have tried to give Obama credit for what President Trump has accomplished....which was more in only 2 years than Barry accomplished in 8 years.

Pelosi's & The Democrats' Big Gamble

Pelosi's 1st Committee Hearing Star Witness as new Speaker of the House - Michael Cohen:


You are taking credit for trends that started 10 years ago.


:bsflag: You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.


Obama's policies had 8 years to have a positive impact on the US economy...and FAILED completely over 8 years. It was not until those failed policies and Socialist business/success-choking restrictions and policies were eliminated / changed that the economy took off, those Manufacturing jobs agreed to come back, etc.....

For 8 years Obama and you snowflakes blamed Bush for all of Obama's failures...and now have tried to give Obama credit for what President Trump has accomplished....which was more in only 2 years than Barry accomplished in 8 years.

Too stupid. 10 years of job growth and you deny it.
Too stupid.

YES, yes you are!

AGAIN....You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.


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