Guess who asked for a PARDON...and was denied?

You are taking credit for trends that started 10 years ago.


:bsflag: You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.


Obama's policies had 8 years to have a positive impact on the US economy...and FAILED completely over 8 years. It was not until those failed policies and Socialist business/success-choking restrictions and policies were eliminated / changed that the economy took off, those Manufacturing jobs agreed to come back, etc.....

For 8 years Obama and you snowflakes blamed Bush for all of Obama's failures...and now have tried to give Obama credit for what President Trump has accomplished....which was more in only 2 years than Barry accomplished in 8 years.

Too stupid. 10 years of job growth and you deny it.

There was nowhere to go but up 10 years ago.
Too stupid.

YES, yes you are!

AGAIN....You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.

Trump can impose as many socialist, artificial controls on our free markets with his massive tariffs and subsidies as he wants. It won’t magically reverse time. But anyways, 10 years of job growth :itsok:

Oh, and most investment in automation ever thanks, in large part, to Trump’s massive corporate tax cuts.
You are taking credit for trends that started 10 years ago.


:bsflag: You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.


Obama's policies had 8 years to have a positive impact on the US economy...and FAILED completely over 8 years. It was not until those failed policies and Socialist business/success-choking restrictions and policies were eliminated / changed that the economy took off, those Manufacturing jobs agreed to come back, etc.....

For 8 years Obama and you snowflakes blamed Bush for all of Obama's failures...and now have tried to give Obama credit for what President Trump has accomplished....which was more in only 2 years than Barry accomplished in 8 years.

Too stupid. 10 years of job growth and you deny it.

There was nowhere to go but up 10 years ago.
Republicans could have retained control and expanded the Iraq war, erased the American auto-industry, and otherwise continue tanking the economy. So don’t lie.
After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report


If I were convicted of telling the same lie to Congress that the President was telling to the American people, I'd ask for a Presidential pardon, too. Wouldn't you?
Too stupid.

YES, yes you are!

AGAIN....You are trying to claim, for example, that OBAMA is somehow responsible for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States...even though Obama GAVE UP trying to bring them back and declared to the American people that those jobs were gone forever, that this was the 'New Norm'.

tell him then bush get's credit for the eight years of obammy that he thinks was so fking great. if past presidents get credit, then Bush gave us the recovery.
Republicans could have retained control and expanded the Iraq war....

Barry COULD HAVE acted like a REAL Nobel Peace Prize Winner and NOT dragged the military into 2 Un-Authorized wars to use our military to help Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans) take over Libya and to help ISIS by invading Syria in an attempt to oust al-Assad....but he CHOSE NOT TO / IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, EITHER...

After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report

Kind of shitty for Trump to leave his fixer hanging like that.

Just saying...
Republicans could have retained control and expanded the Iraq war....

Barry COULD HAVE acted like a REAL Nobel Peace Prize Winner and NOT dragged the military into 2 Un-Authorized wars to use our military to help Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans) take over Libya and to help ISIS by invading Syria in an attempt to oust al-Assad....but he CHOSE NOT TO / IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, EITHER...

Obama did not invade Syria. You’re almost criminally retarded.
Kind of shitty for Trump to leave his fixer hanging like that. Just saying...
Even shittier for Cohen to appear before Congress a 2nd time, after having been convicted of Felony Perjury for lying under oath the 1st time, only to launch accusations against the President he could not substantiate, only to walk away with even more potential indictments and possible jail time for committing Perjury ... AGAIN.

Just sayin'...
After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report

Kind of shitty for Trump to leave his fixer hanging like that.

Just saying...
like what? Asked during the testimony last week, did trump tell you mr. cohen not file 4 million in taxes to the IRS? answer, no!!! how is that on trump or anything trump asked him to do as his personal lawyer? please share the piece attached to his dealings with the pres?
Kind of shitty for Trump to leave his fixer hanging like that. Just saying...
Even shittier for Cohen to appear before Congress a 2nd time, after having been convicted of Felony Perjury for lying under oath the 1st time, only to launch accusations against the President he could not substantiate, only to walk away with even more potential indictments and possible jail time for committing Perjury ... AGAIN.

Just sayin'...

Yes, Cohen was convicted of lying to Congress. Do any of you rightwing nutjobs know, or care to admit, what the lie was?
Kind of shitty for Trump to leave his fixer hanging like that. Just saying...
Even shittier for Cohen to appear before Congress a 2nd time, after having been convicted of Felony Perjury for lying under oath the 1st time, only to launch accusations against the President he could not substantiate, only to walk away with even more potential indictments and possible jail time for committing Perjury ... AGAIN.

Just sayin'...

Yes, Cohen was convicted of lying to Congress. Do any of you rightwing nutjobs know, or care to admit, what the lie was?
tell us. I have no fking idea. the funny thing is that he did it again. While admitting the charge about tax evasion has nothing to do with trump. mr. cohen did president trump tell you not to file 4 million dollars to the IRS? Cohen, no. oops. you all don't have jack shit connecting any charge to trump during his time as his lawyer. I'm still waiting. tick tock
[like what? Asked during the testimony last week, did trump tell you mr. cohen not file 4 million in taxes to the IRS? answer, no!!! how is that on trump or anything trump asked him to do as his personal lawyer? please share the piece attached to his dealings with the pres?

Cohen hilariously told Congress that President Trump has a hidden super power, the ability to make people commit crimes without ever asking them to or telling them to.....

upload_2019-3-5_11-57-59.jpeg [URL='']upload_2019-3-5_11-58-24.jpeg
[URL=''][URL=''] [/URL]
[URL=''] [/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
Kind of shitty for Trump to leave his fixer hanging like that. Just saying...
Even shittier for Cohen to appear before Congress a 2nd time, after having been convicted of Felony Perjury for lying under oath the 1st time, only to launch accusations against the President he could not substantiate, only to walk away with even more potential indictments and possible jail time for committing Perjury ... AGAIN.

Just sayin'...

Yes, Cohen was convicted of lying to Congress. Do any of you rightwing nutjobs know, or care to admit, what the lie was?
tell us. I have no fking idea. the funny thing is that he did it again. While admitting the charge about tax evasion has nothing to do with trump. mr. cohen did president trump tell you not to file 4 million dollars to the IRS? Cohen, no. oops. you all don't have jack shit connecting any charge to trump during his time as his lawyer. I'm still waiting. tick tock

Cohen's tax evasion has nothing to do with his lie to Congress. If some propagandizing RW message maker made you think that, kudos to him. Job well done.

The lie for which Cohen was convicted was that work towards a Trump Tower Moscow ended in January, 2016. That was the same lie Trump was telling the American public. Mueller uncovered evidence that Cohen was lying, and that work had continued much later in the campaign. That meant Trump was lying about the timeline, too.
After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report


I think its funny that grifter don Koolaid drinkers defend his lies with Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen was with the grifer for 10 years. He knows him better than you Koolaid disasters.
[like what? Asked during the testimony last week, did trump tell you mr. cohen not file 4 million in taxes to the IRS? answer, no!!! how is that on trump or anything trump asked him to do as his personal lawyer? please share the piece attached to his dealings with the pres?

Cohen hilariously told Congress that President Trump has a hidden super power, the ability to make people commit crimes without ever asking them to or telling them to.....

View attachment 248847 View attachment 248848


In the real world, a long-time boss can give orders to an employee or underling with a raised eyebrow. How simple are you people?
Cohen's tax evasion has nothing to do with his lie to Congress. If some propagandizing RW message maker made you think that, kudos to him. Job well done.

The lie for which Cohen was convicted was that work towards a Trump Tower Moscow ended in January, 2016. That was the same lie Trump was telling the American public. Mueller uncovered evidence that Cohen was lying, and that work had continued much later in the campaign. That meant Trump was lying about the timeline, too.


After being convicted on Felony Perjury Charges for lying to Congress under oath, Hillary's pal talked him into appearing before Congress AGAIN to testify. During his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, he accused the President of being a criminal, of perpetrating crimes, yet he could offer no evidence to support his claims. He also committed Felony Perjury under oath....AGAIN...and potentially faces new criminal charges and more time in jail...

It is obvious now why Cohen agreed to testify again under oath before Congress, getting a 2nd chance to take down the man he used to work for ... the man who REFUSED TO PARDON HIM FOR HIS CRIMES.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer asked President Trump for pardon

"Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after he agreed to take a plea deal to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution.

But following the FBI raid in April last year, Cohen’s attorney at the time, Stephen Ryan, discussed the idea of pardoning his client with Trump’s lawyers, the
Wall Street Journal reported, and suggested that if Cohen couldn't be guaranteed a pardon he may have to cooperate with prosecutors.

The possibility of a presidential pardon was shot down by Trump’s lawyers, including Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani and Joanna Hendon."

Besides proving to be and admitting to be a 2-time Perjurer, what's left of Cohen's credibility was just vaporized by the news that he and his lawyer asked for a Pardon from Trump but was denied. The 'intent' behind his latest testimony / perjury is obvious: 'Payback' for refusing to rescue him from a prison sentence'.

Michael Cohen's attorney asked Trump's lawyers about pardon after FBI raid: report


Can't wait until Hillary has to beg President Trump for a pardon.
In the real world, a long-time boss can give orders to an employee or underling with a raised eyebrow. How simple are you people?
Trying getting a conviction of anyone with a 2-time admitted Perjurer claiming he was ordered to commit a crime through his boss' RAISED EYEBROW and no evidence of any kind to support the claim.


In the REAL WORLD, not the Left's TDS-Suffering alternate dimension, actual evidence is needed to prove guilt. 'Butt-hurt' and tantrum-throwing unsubstantiated allegations don't get it done.

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