Guess who Hollywood is blaming for the beheadings. You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count.

plantain, (a banana like fruit) can you name some of things Bush blamed on Cliton ? please be specific or will you run off like a severely beaten dog ? :lmao:


It would be funny, if the left were not so predictably pathetic. Look at him. He thinks he is making sense.

deltex1 said:
Who the hell is he?

runaway shart said:
Julia Roberts' brother.

Oh yeah, and he was in a TNT original western called Purgatory almost 20 years ago now, too.

S'bout it, really.

Obviously, this is an attempt by him to kiss some ass in the hopes that it'll move him up from being a Z-list actor.

Let's cross our fingers that he at least makes it to the Y-list some day. :badgrin:

pogo said:
Is that true, OP?

You're propping up the brother of an actress as a "political spokesman"?


They still speak, do he and Julia — however rarely.

They think alike.


It would be funny, if the left were not so predictably pathetic. Look at him. He thinks he is making sense.
Dear GAWD.. The man looks like a mental midget with bad fucking teeth.. Scat needs to stay out of the limelight.. Lefties are beyond redemption.. they are lost little weasels.. Nuttier than hell!


It would be funny, if the left were not so predictably pathetic. Look at him. He thinks he is making sense.
Dear GAWD.. The man looks like a mental midget with bad fucking teeth.. Scat needs to stay out of the limelight.. Lefties are beyond redemption.. they are lost little weasels.. Nuttier than hell!

How does the brother of an actress -- if that's who this guy is --- speak for "lefties"? Or anyone?

Damn this place is fucking dense...
ISIS started in Iraq as a reaction to the U.S. invasion.
So yes, Bush is responsible.
If you want to insure getting work in Hollywood side with the UN against America. Make sure you mention that the Tea Party is full of racist whites and terrorists. Just imagine what liberals want to hear and make sure you say it publicly and soon, hopefully, your phone will start ringing.
There is absolutely no doubt that Bush is responsible for ISIS and the beheadings - because Saddam Hussein kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian lunatics. Saddam was a secularist.
Yeah, the only problem is Saddam was bragging that he would sell WMDs to terrorists.

Until Obama bailed on Iraq the situation was under control. But because liberals were screaming for us to leave he left without considering the consequences, and I bet you think he did the right thing. That's how crazy you people have become.
Wow, Bush could have blamed Clinton through most of his term. Yet, the left blames Bush for 9/11 even though the planning went on throughout Clinton's term. Obama won't even take credit for the loss of jobs due to Obamacare.
Clinton was like Obama, thinking only in legal terms when it comes to fighting wars. If we can't lawyer the enemy up and expect a conviction we shouldn't do anything.
Yup, neither Booosh nor the GOP had anything to do with the Iraq war or the world depression that wrecked the world...
How much of Syria and Iraq did ISIS control when Bush left office?

Here's the thing.

There were no Al Qaeda elements in the Parts of Iraq that Saddam Hussien controlled. As much as the Bush administration tried to link them, the Baathists, who were secular socialists were enemies of Al Qaeda, who were Theocrats.

When Bush smashed the Iraqi military and security infrastructure, replacing it with, nothing, elements of Al Qaeda began to funnel into Iraq and inspire a civil war. During this time, Rumsfeld was saying "Boys will be boys" as massacres were taking place. This is where they got their training. And things got so bad, they started taking ground.

That's when Rumsfeld got kicked, Poppa's Bush's consiglieres, Robert Gates and James Baker rejoined the crew and they got David Petraeus to take up the fight. They also sent a whole lot of troops into Iraq. While they calmed things down a bit, mainly by bribing the "terrorists" they didn't completely quell the revolt. And some of these folks began moving into Syria.

In essence, after 2 wars, Bush left nothing but a mess. And this eventuality? Was completely foretold.
Wow, Bush could have blamed Clinton through most of his term. Yet, the left blames Bush for 9/11 even though the planning went on throughout Clinton's term. Obama won't even take credit for the loss of jobs due to Obamacare.

Bush could have blamed Clinton. Hmmmm.

"Clinton totally left me 3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, and a 400 billion dollar surplus! That bastard. Do you know how hard it's going to be for me to fuck this up?"

He still managed, though.
ISIS started in Iraq as a reaction to the U.S. invasion.
So yes, Bush is responsible.

Aaaaand liberals deny this comment by the Hollywood actor does not speak for all left wing morons.

Yup, neither Booosh nor the GOP had anything to do with the Iraq war or the world depression that wrecked the world...


They cannot help themselves folks.

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