Guess who Hollywood is blaming for the beheadings. You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count.

How much of Syria and Iraq did ISIS control when Bush left office?

Here's the thing.

There were no Al Qaeda elements in the Parts of Iraq that Saddam Hussien controlled. As much as the Bush administration tried to link them, the Baathists, who were secular socialists were enemies of Al Qaeda, who were Theocrats.

When Bush smashed the Iraqi military and security infrastructure, replacing it with, nothing, elements of Al Qaeda began to funnel into Iraq and inspire a civil war. During this time, Rumsfeld was saying "Boys will be boys" as massacres were taking place. This is where they got their training. And things got so bad, they started taking ground.

That's when Rumsfeld got kicked, Poppa's Bush's consiglieres, Robert Gates and James Baker rejoined the crew and they got David Petraeus to take up the fight. They also sent a whole lot of troops into Iraq. While they calmed things down a bit, mainly by bribing the "terrorists" they didn't completely quell the revolt. And some of these folks began moving into Syria.

In essence, after 2 wars, Bush left nothing but a mess. And this eventuality? Was completely foretold.

Yes folks. The liberals are in unison, as we already knew. Then there are liberals that deny that the comment by the moron from Hollywood speaks for ALL liberals.

There is absolutely no doubt that Bush is responsible for ISIS and the beheadings - because Saddam Hussein kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian lunatics. Saddam was a secularist.
Yeah, the only problem is Saddam was bragging that he would sell WMDs to terrorists.

Until Obama bailed on Iraq the situation was under control. But because liberals were screaming for us to leave he left without considering the consequences, and I bet you think he did the right thing. That's how crazy you people have become.
No he wasn't.

What he was doing was giving money to some of the widows of Palestinian Terrorists. By the way? That didn't even happen that often after the international outrage.
Can you really take this guy seriously?


The only person taking Robert's political commentary seriously is the person that started this thread.

But then again?

They hang on every word this guy says:

Conservative politicians constantly lift stuff from his shows.
"Guess who Hollywood is blaming for the beheadings. You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count."

What beheadings? Really? I think you guys just like to root for a team, identify with a party, and believe in fairly tales.

I can't believe you're buying what they are selling. It's like that old saying, if you knew what was in the sausages, you wouldn't dare eat them. Disgusting. No one is to blame for a manufactured reality folks.

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Can you really take this guy seriously?


The only person taking Robert's political commentary seriously is the person that started this thread.

But then again?

They hang on every word this guy says:

Conservative politicians constantly lift stuff from his shows.

Rush hasn't been on air since Friday. Seems he has other sources.
When did Eric Roberts have any role in a well known movie, TV show, or play in the last 20 YEARS? I barely remember him, and he is Hollywood?
There is absolutely no doubt that Bush is responsible for ISIS and the beheadings - because Saddam Hussein kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian lunatics. Saddam was a secularist.
Yeah, the only problem is Saddam was bragging that he would sell WMDs to terrorists.

Until Obama bailed on Iraq the situation was under control. But because liberals were screaming for us to leave he left without considering the consequences, and I bet you think he did the right thing. That's how crazy you people have become.
No he wasn't.

What he was doing was giving money to some of the widows of Palestinian Terrorists. By the way? That didn't even happen that often after the international outrage.
Not widows. The families. Most of the suicide bombers were unmarried looking to get 72 virgins.
When did Eric Roberts have any role in a well known movie, TV show, or play in the last 20 YEARS? I barely remember him, and he is Hollywood?
He played a mob boss in "The Dark Knight" the second to the last Batman movie.
When did Eric Roberts have any role in a well known movie, TV show, or play in the last 20 YEARS? I barely remember him, and he is Hollywood?
He played a mob boss in "The Dark Knight" the second to the last Batman movie.

I looked him up, a few horror movies, a lot of guest roles in FX TV shows........not a well know star any longer, and not one to speak for Hollywood.
Who the fuck is this guy? What's he got to do with politics? :dunno:

Do we just pick people at random and declare "you speak for (fill in your favorite demon here)"?

All RIGHTY then....

In this case YES, a has been actor, not a big name in the last couple decades, with severe drug problems in the past.
When did Eric Roberts have any role in a well known movie, TV show, or play in the last 20 YEARS? I barely remember him, and he is Hollywood?
He played a mob boss in "The Dark Knight" the second to the last Batman movie.

I looked him up, a few horror movies, a lot of guest roles in FX TV shows........not a well know star any longer, and not one to speak for Hollywood.
That's not really the issue. He's looking for work by mouthing off in public.

He'll get noticed and somebody will send an offer his way. I figure his agent has gotten calls already. Actors have to kiss ass to get the good offers. This is what gets them noticed.
Do a google search for,
"Six reasons why James Foley beheading video released by ISIS could be FAKE!"

The article seems to be blocked and censored unless you search for the right terms and find mirrored sites. . .

Apparently even viewing the video yourself, thinking for yourself, and making up your own mind, makes you a terrorist according to the government now. Since when does viewing a video make one a terrorist? If that doesn't scream hoax, what does?

New Delhi: Though there is no doubt that American journalist James Foley was brutally beheaded by an Islamic militant in the five minute video tape entitled, "A Message to America”, but the visual forensic experts’ claims that the American journalist could have been executed off-camera or the footage was staged using camera tricks. There are many unanswered questions that prove that the video was not an actual decapitation.

There are lot of questions, and no answer

Firstly, a masked jihadist can be seen repeatedly seen (at least six times) drawing the knife across the 40-year-old war reporter's neck, but no blood was visible.

Secondly, there didn't appear to be any blood spilling from Foley's throat, and the sounds he made at the moment of his death didn't sound right.

Third, Foley’s reaction seems to be very disconnected; he appeared to be very calm and collected as he read out his statement, raising many questions that he was about to be brutally executed

Fourth, in the barbaric footage, as the beheading occurs, the screen suddenly fades to black.

Fifth, the next shot is of Foley's bloodied head resting on his back.

Sixth, the Islamic State featured an English-speaking executioner; there were lack of references to the Quran and no chants of “Allahu Akbar” as the execution take place.

All in all, the video points out various factors that clearly suggested the James Foley video was not what it purported to be, only time will tell.

Image: The militant spoke English with a British accent before beheading; it is unclear where the video was filmed.

Scroll for more images of James Wright Foley

So if we know for a FACT that the video is a contrived hack job, and not the real thing, and that lays suspicion on the other video. What else is not true? What else can we not trust?

It is after all, the Hegelian Dialectic.
When did Eric Roberts have any role in a well known movie, TV show, or play in the last 20 YEARS? I barely remember him, and he is Hollywood?
He played a mob boss in "The Dark Knight" the second to the last Batman movie.

I looked him up, a few horror movies, a lot of guest roles in FX TV shows........not a well know star any longer, and not one to speak for Hollywood.
That's not really the issue. He's looking for work by mouthing off in public.

He'll get noticed and somebody will send an offer his way. I figure his agent has gotten calls already. Actors have to kiss ass to get the good offers. This is what gets them noticed.

He may be the guy at the general store in the next version of The Swampthing, MAYBE.
How much of Syria and Iraq did ISIS control when Bush left office?

Here's the thing.

There were no Al Qaeda elements in the Parts of Iraq that Saddam Hussien controlled. As much as the Bush administration tried to link them, the Baathists, who were secular socialists were enemies of Al Qaeda, who were Theocrats.

When Bush smashed the Iraqi military and security infrastructure, replacing it with, nothing, elements of Al Qaeda began to funnel into Iraq and inspire a civil war. During this time, Rumsfeld was saying "Boys will be boys" as massacres were taking place. This is where they got their training. And things got so bad, they started taking ground.

That's when Rumsfeld got kicked, Poppa's Bush's consiglieres, Robert Gates and James Baker rejoined the crew and they got David Petraeus to take up the fight. They also sent a whole lot of troops into Iraq. While they calmed things down a bit, mainly by bribing the "terrorists" they didn't completely quell the revolt. And some of these folks began moving into Syria.

In essence, after 2 wars, Bush left nothing but a mess. And this eventuality? Was completely foretold.
Obama bragged that Bush left him a mess and he was going to clean it up. Then he putted.
How much of Syria and Iraq did ISIS control when Bush left office?

Here's the thing.

There were no Al Qaeda elements in the Parts of Iraq that Saddam Hussien controlled. As much as the Bush administration tried to link them, the Baathists, who were secular socialists were enemies of Al Qaeda, who were Theocrats.

When Bush smashed the Iraqi military and security infrastructure, replacing it with, nothing, elements of Al Qaeda began to funnel into Iraq and inspire a civil war. During this time, Rumsfeld was saying "Boys will be boys" as massacres were taking place. This is where they got their training. And things got so bad, they started taking ground.

That's when Rumsfeld got kicked, Poppa's Bush's consiglieres, Robert Gates and James Baker rejoined the crew and they got David Petraeus to take up the fight. They also sent a whole lot of troops into Iraq. While they calmed things down a bit, mainly by bribing the "terrorists" they didn't completely quell the revolt. And some of these folks began moving into Syria.

In essence, after 2 wars, Bush left nothing but a mess. And this eventuality? Was completely foretold.
Wow you went along way to not answer the question so let me help you the short answer is none. This became an eventuality only after Obama pulled all U.S. troops out something everyone warned him against.
Okay, so if we're gonna hang this one on Bush shouldn't we also blame all those who voted in favor of the Iraq Resolution, such as Dim. Sen Clinton and others in her party? You know, be fair and balanced with the responsibility.
Yes folks. The liberals are in unison, as we already knew. Then there are liberals that deny that the comment by the moron from Hollywood speaks for ALL liberals.

There is no person in the world who speaks for "all" anything, Gomer.

And when you have to go completely outside the realm of politics and then scrape around until you find the sibling of somebody and then go scouring through his Nosebook posts, you've just shown everybody three levels of Massive Desperation. Posting gifs of people laughing doesn't make those blatant pus-oozing fallacies go away.

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