Gun Confiscation Has Begun

If one wants to retain their property and fear it may be confiscated, one option is to bury it.
4-6 inch PVC pipe cut to length, and end caps glued on make a nice waterproof case for certain items one may be concerned about losing. Any metal item placed underground should have a light coating of machine oil to prevent oxidation. Remote caches, away from your home are one option. The danger is discovery by a stranger. Caches on one's property can be concealed by burying several metal objects around, below and above the cache. Old washing machines work great for this purpose.

Dont forget the sodium silicate packets.

rice is supposed to work.
Of course I wouldn't know about this technique if a friend had not told me about it after I had several rifles and boxes of ammo stolen. He suggested that i try this method to try and prevent future thefts.
Economic collapse, zombies going to get you, gubermint gonna take the guns, yadda, yadda, these fruitloops are an endless source of wonder. Talk about spending big money on something that they will never use, and is far more likely to be used on them by friends or family than ever used in defense of the same.

So you're saying this kind of shit has never happened? Not sure what makes you so sure it wont happen when you consider the weird crap that has been going on and history.

Dont you think the "evil" corporations are capable of such malfeasance? At one point I would have said no.
These days I'm not so sure.
Why the hell don't you cop to being a limp wristed Liberal, Jake? Your insistence that you are the real "Republican Party" is very tired. We already have a party of namby pambys that think infringing the rights of the law abiding will make us "safer"

Please Jake, do us all a favor and change your affiliation to "Democrat".

The Republican mainstream does not want the doosh yidnar or the doosh Ernie S

Your ways cost the GOP the election. That won't happen in 2016, because we won't put with you anymore.

The "Republican mainstream" is 20 miles to your right Jake. We tried 2 candidates that played well with children like you and failed to excite Conservatives enough to beat a black guy with no real world accomplishments or experience.
We all like to think we are "normal", but you Jake are far more a "normal" Democrat than a "normal" Republican. Time to man up and change your affiliation.
I heard the prepared pvc pipe cache should be buried in a vertical position, the enclosed pic shows the easiest way to achieve that.

I used one of these to build fence with last year, and using extensions was able to get down almost 14 feet. It doesn't do well with large rocks though.


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I heard the prepared pvc pipe cache should be buried in a vertical position, the enclosed pic shows the easiest way to achieve that.

I used one of these to build fence with last year, and using extensions was able to get down almost 14 feet. It doesn't do well with large rocks though.

The one on my tractor didnt do well with large rocks either.
Never thought of using it that way though. Good tip. Make sure you put a handle on the cap,cause that bitch is gonna be heavy!!!
I heard the prepared pvc pipe cache should be buried in a vertical position, the enclosed pic shows the easiest way to achieve that.

I used one of these to build fence with last year, and using extensions was able to get down almost 14 feet. It doesn't do well with large rocks though.

I'm teleporting my guns to Mercury. They will never find them there!
Oh, for gosh sakes! National Guard at the Texas Independence Day celebrations? Wow! Whoulda' thunk that? Armed predators? Foreign takeover of America? Troops directing traffic in Austin? OOOOOO!

Claims by the hundreds..without one, single, solitary shred of evidence! Not one!

What kind of looney moron would believe this shit?

I don't know but I wish they would get over it. Do you know how much trouble it is just to buy .45 ACP now? I'm forced to buying it on line and there is a 3 to 4 week wait just from them to ship. I love the Ruger .44, but if I got it I probably couldn't load it. Too many people think they're John Wayne at the Alamo.
Alex Jones as a source for anything except sheer flame-throwing is utter nonsense. He's laughing all the way to his Cayman bank.....Suckers.
The big guys are doing nothing of the sort.

The reactionaries, like the sheeple they are, are being led to the gun stores so the few can get incredibly rich.

Why the hell don't you cop to being a limp wristed Liberal, Jake? Your insistence that you are the real "Republican Party" is very tired. We already have a party of namby pambys that think infringing the rights of the law abiding will make us "safer"

Please Jake, do us all a favor and change your affiliation to "Democrat".

He's a fucking liberal, and a coward at that.
We now have a homeland military with no connection to our military. Now why would they need something like that?

We do? What are you talking about?

Who do you think they are purchasing the ammo for? It sure as hell isnt for the local police.
Then you have the twenty seven hundred MRAPS. Who's going to be driving them?
Who's going to be shooting all those guns they purchased?

Of course thats assuming at least some of the reports are true. I hope they aren't.
But there has been to much hinky shit going on.
Oh, for gosh sakes! National Guard at the Texas Independence Day celebrations? Wow! Whoulda' thunk that? Armed predators? Foreign takeover of America? Troops directing traffic in Austin? OOOOOO! Claims by the hundreds..without one, single, solitary shred of evidence! Not one! What kind of looney moron would believe this shit?
Very good OldGuy, deny everything! You must call them "conspiracy theory" too! Haha!

Military in parade and DUI Checkpoint make Americans comfortable with Military on street when U.N. takeover come!
Of course thats assuming at least some of the reports are true. I hope they aren't.
But there has been to much hinky shit going on.
Then why are you assuming they are true?

The 2700 MRAPs has been shown to be a US Army contract (not DHS) for upgrading their MRAPs. Nobody can seem to find any evidence showing it is DHS other than a bunch of paranoia sites that link to each other in a big circle jerk of fear mongering. The best people can come up with is pictures of a couple DHS MRAPs, which clearly isn't proof of them buying 2700 of them. People found the purchase orders and contracts online for the bullets, yet this MRAP thing remains a big mystery.
Very good OldGuy, deny everything! You must call them "conspiracy theory" too! Haha!

Military in parade and DUI Checkpoint make Americans comfortable with Military on street when U.N. takeover come!

Very good AmericanCommunist, believe everything! You must call them "reliable information" to! Haha!

Haldol and Thorazine make you comfortable from your mental health issues until orderlies come!
Of course thats assuming at least some of the reports are true. I hope they aren't.
But there has been to much hinky shit going on.
Then why are you assuming they are true?

The 2700 MRAPs has been shown to be a US Army contract (not DHS) for upgrading their MRAPs. Nobody can seem to find any evidence showing it is DHS other than a bunch of paranoia sites that link to each other in a big circle jerk of fear mongering. The best people can come up with is pictures of a couple DHS MRAPs, which clearly isn't proof of them buying 2700 of them. People found the purchase orders and contracts online for the bullets, yet this MRAP thing remains a big mystery.

All I can go by is what I read. Then put the pieces together based on other factors such as the economy or the second amendment.
Of course you have to wade through some BS before the truth comes out...if it ever does.
To tell you he truth,I dont understand people who dont find the things that have been going on strange.

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