Gun Confiscation Has Begun

Oh, for gosh sakes! National Guard at the Texas Independence Day celebrations? Wow! Whoulda' thunk that? Armed predators? Foreign takeover of America? Troops directing traffic in Austin? OOOOOO! Claims by the hundreds..without one, single, solitary shred of evidence! Not one! What kind of looney moron would believe this shit?
Very good OldGuy, deny everything! You must call them "conspiracy theory" too! Haha!

Military in parade and DUI Checkpoint make Americans comfortable with Military on street when U.N. takeover come!

You have to understand that I'm a recovering tin-foiler.

Growing up the 1950's and 1960's, we were all indoctrinated to believe in all sorts of various Communist conspiracies. Red's were everywhere! Under each bed and lurking in every shadow! Our "education" included never ending conspiracy theories. We learned to eat, drink and think conspiracies 24 hours a day and to live in fear of "commies."

Later, during the tumult of the 1960's, like so many others, I easily transferred my natural inclination to believe in conspiracies to the "other side" of whatever the issue du jour was, whether it was civil rights, the counter-culture, the Vietnam War or whatever. In the 70's and 80's, I was introduced to theories about The Illuminati and the Council of Rome and the Bilderbergs and the Council on Foreign Relations. Next came the New World Order folks and the nefarious doings of the Clintons. My susceptibility to such things finally reached the breaking point during the Presidency of George Bush, who I was SURE would find some way to install himself as dictator for life before he even ran for second term!

I went around all day frightened and alarmed, just as you are now, but after 50 years of preaching about, and warning about, and expecting to see The End of The World at any moment....I noticed that it never did happen. All those years waiting for the worst to happen were in vain. America just went right on being America and surviving through all the conspiracies we tin-foilers could dream up. Tomorrow always came.

No, I'm not blind to some of the things I see going on behind the scenes, but neither am I particularly alarmed for I've come to develop an ultimate faith in the American People. They can be conned some of the time, and sometimes do foolish things, but they have ALWAYS come out on top and have ALWAYS corrected course when a course correction was needed.

The point is that I've been you, but am no longer.

Life is so much more joyful and peaceful now. You ought to try it.
My susceptibility to such things finally reached the breaking point during the Presidency of George Bush, who I was SURE would find some way to install himself as dictator for life before he even ran for second term!
Kinda funny you mention this, I recall how many threads in forums popped up near the end of Bush's second term where the kooks were sure martial law was coming to keep him in power. Anything that happened in the world was quickly jumped upon as something that would be an excuse for martial law, and any bill that could be interpreted to give him any power was deemed the first domino in the impending FEMA camp existence of the citizens.

Of course end of year came and we saw the Bush family welcome the Obama family with a tour of their future home in the White House, and the inauguration went smoothly with the peaceful and orderly transfer or power just like we've had every four years for as long as any of us can remember.

Same stuff came up late last year too, albeit to a slightly lesser degree. Obama was going to do something, I think NDAA was a catalyst, to either put off or invalidate the election results with martial law. Stuff like this:
Anything that comes from Alex Jones is a lie.

Where are the FEMA camps? We were supposed to be put in FEMA camps in 2007.

And 2008.

And 2009...

And the complete collapse of the dollar that Alex has been predicting will happen next month since 2005, why do dollars still work?

Why haven't the atomic bombs under Chicago, New York, D.C., and San Francisco been detonated to stop the elections and cause martial law?

Why are those stacks of giant-size FEMA coffins still sittin around? Hasn't anyone in the FEMA camps died yet?

I've been waiting for 6 years for the NWO/Bilderberg/Freemason army to march down my street, my patience wears thin. If they don't invade soon, I'm gonna just ignore them.

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