Gun Control by International Treaty

I like it sounds like democracy in treaty negotiations unlike the UN where 2 or 3 countries have the power to stop anything with veto power.

Democracy on a worldwide scale should be a good thing?
No. It is not going to happen here.

See: Oath Keepers

Will not happen in US.
^^The "shock value" of the story is to scare people into thinking the UN is gonna take our guns or some loophole international law will.

I'm saying, to conservatives, don't worry about it. Any scary gun control story is not worth the time to debate over. Oath Keepers is all we need to know about. Gun control, in liberal fantasy land as they would have it, will never happen here. Back to more important issues.
I don't like having to request permission from anyone else before we export anything. Seems like that is giving up part of our governance to someone outside the USA.
Umm Buc you might want to read the article it deals with international arms sales.
I don't like having to request permission from anyone else before we export anything. Seems like that is giving up part of our governance to someone outside the USA.

So we should not restrict any imports either?
I don't like having to request permission from anyone else before we export anything. Seems like that is giving up part of our governance to someone outside the USA.

So we should not restrict any imports either?

We already have our own controls on imports.

But no one else should be able to control what they import?

Sell more weapons to the African nations?

Sell weapons to other nations that we do not allow our own military to use?
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Truth is I have never looked at everyone we sell conventional weapons to. Never much thought about it. But I do know that I do not want some other country telling us that we can't.
Umm Buc you might want to read the article it deals with international arms sales.

I know, I read it. I'm referring to the title of the thread. Threads like this beg for the "They are gonna take my guns" crowd to respond. My humble opinion, on this thread and any gun control thread, is for fellow gun lovers like myself to use your energy on more important issues. Wether it be an article about international gun laws, domestic, parks, whatever......the knee jerk reaction to any gun control story is intense and imo burns valuable energy that could be better spent exposing the Marxist regime we are under right now.

But don't waste it worrying about any type of gun control. That won't happen in the USA. Oath Keepers is all we need to know. It may or may not be relevant to the original posted article, but my point is gun lovers need to waste no time on this thread, and go back to exposing Marxists in this regime on other threads instead of worrying if this applies to domestic gun control laws.
Constitution has second amendment. Treaties have to conform to the constitution. We can't pass a treaty that is in conflict with it and have the treaty enforceable. Except by someone else's army.

So no way.

In my opinion, one large part of the Obama agenda is to use international laws to shut down thee freedom of the American people. He has no desire for America to be free.

I do believe we are headed for a showdown. Obama continues to "transform" America with his crap.

I believe he needs to remember what America is all about. He needs to remember that he came to this country, as a child, and discovered that opportunity was really a part of the American dream and possibility. He needs to know that He is president for just that reason, even though I believe he slipped through the legal cracks.

He is not proud of the Americans he is supposed to be serving (yes I said serving - that is what our Government is supposed to do, serve/represent America).

Then he made a quick trip to Turkey to tell the world that we are NOT Christian nation, only to come back and praise the Muslims for their great contribution to this nation! What contributions would he be talking about?

Soon, the list of potential terrorists included Christians who believe abortion is sin, and gay marriage is wrong. It included our American heroes who are returning from war, as potential terrorists as well.

Now he has decided that we cannot place "Islamic" in front of the word terrorist to identify Islamic terrorists. As a matter of fact, the term terrorist has become a bad word, politically incorrect.

No national Day of Prayer activity at the white house, but the Muslims had their religious ceremonies there, and there was a Passover celebration there for the Jews.

Whi is this guy anyway? Where did he really come from. How can the people we elected be so deceived by this man.

I will tell you how. I believe he is being used by both God and Satan to bring the world to the one world order that will set up the final act for the world. I believe he is a modern day Judas, and will be found out.

Every man and woman who has died for the freedom of this country would be turning in their graves at the acts of this man.

I am now apologizing to many people for our President. I am so sorry we have made him a world leader, only to bring the world down.

I am not a terrorist, nor do I want to be. I do not like violence, and I do believe in loving our neighbor. However I do also believe in knocking off the dust from our shoes when we realize the man in that office is a traitor, unwilling to see or seek the truth.

God help America.
Darn gays are going to cause terrorist attacks floods and earthquakes all over.

In my opinion, one large part of the Obama agenda is to use international laws to shut down thee freedom of the American people. He has no desire for America to be free.

I do believe we are headed for a showdown. Obama continues to "transform" America with his crap.

I believe he needs to remember what America is all about. He needs to remember that he came to this country, as a child, and discovered that opportunity was really a part of the American dream and possibility. He needs to know that He is president for just that reason, even though I believe he slipped through the legal cracks.

He is not proud of the Americans he is supposed to be serving (yes I said serving - that is what our Government is supposed to do, serve/represent America).

Then he made a quick trip to Turkey to tell the world that we are NOT Christian nation, only to come back and praise the Muslims for their great contribution to this nation! What contributions would he be talking about?

Soon, the list of potential terrorists included Christians who believe abortion is sin, and gay marriage is wrong. It included our American heroes who are returning from war, as potential terrorists as well.

Now he has decided that we cannot place "Islamic" in front of the word terrorist to identify Islamic terrorists. As a matter of fact, the term terrorist has become a bad word, politically incorrect.

No national Day of Prayer activity at the white house, but the Muslims had their religious ceremonies there, and there was a Passover celebration there for the Jews.

Whi is this guy anyway? Where did he really come from. How can the people we elected be so deceived by this man.

I will tell you how. I believe he is being used by both God and Satan to bring the world to the one world order that will set up the final act for the world. I believe he is a modern day Judas, and will be found out.

Every man and woman who has died for the freedom of this country would be turning in their graves at the acts of this man.

I am now apologizing to many people for our President. I am so sorry we have made him a world leader, only to bring the world down.

I am not a terrorist, nor do I want to be. I do not like violence, and I do believe in loving our neighbor. However I do also believe in knocking off the dust from our shoes when we realize the man in that office is a traitor, unwilling to see or seek the truth.

God help America.

You should go hang out with these guys. You seem to be on the same page as them.

In my opinion, one large part of the Obama agenda is to use international laws to shut down thee freedom of the American people. He has no desire for America to be free.

I do believe we are headed for a showdown. Obama continues to "transform" America with his crap.

I believe he needs to remember what America is all about. He needs to remember that he came to this country, as a child, and discovered that opportunity was really a part of the American dream and possibility. He needs to know that He is president for just that reason, even though I believe he slipped through the legal cracks.

He is not proud of the Americans he is supposed to be serving (yes I said serving - that is what our Government is supposed to do, serve/represent America).

Then he made a quick trip to Turkey to tell the world that we are NOT Christian nation, only to come back and praise the Muslims for their great contribution to this nation! What contributions would he be talking about?

Soon, the list of potential terrorists included Christians who believe abortion is sin, and gay marriage is wrong. It included our American heroes who are returning from war, as potential terrorists as well.

Now he has decided that we cannot place "Islamic" in front of the word terrorist to identify Islamic terrorists. As a matter of fact, the term terrorist has become a bad word, politically incorrect.

No national Day of Prayer activity at the white house, but the Muslims had their religious ceremonies there, and there was a Passover celebration there for the Jews.

Whi is this guy anyway? Where did he really come from. How can the people we elected be so deceived by this man.

I will tell you how. I believe he is being used by both God and Satan to bring the world to the one world order that will set up the final act for the world. I believe he is a modern day Judas, and will be found out.

Every man and woman who has died for the freedom of this country would be turning in their graves at the acts of this man.

I am now apologizing to many people for our President. I am so sorry we have made him a world leader, only to bring the world down.

I am not a terrorist, nor do I want to be. I do not like violence, and I do believe in loving our neighbor. However I do also believe in knocking off the dust from our shoes when we realize the man in that office is a traitor, unwilling to see or seek the truth.

God help America.

You should go hang out with these guys. You seem to be on the same page as them.

There is nothing that I said that comes close to their hateful agenda, unless it is the things I said about the President. He is hell-bent on wrecking America.

Those guys you mentioned are just plain hateful, and are not Christians, and will discover it too late.

I believe the Presidend is just deceived and is following that deception. He is just a fool.

I don't belong with the westboro bunch any more than I belong with the liberal democrats.

America is about gone now, and I thank God that I will not have to live here much longer.

This is not the America I grew up in.

In my opinion, one large part of the Obama agenda is to use international laws to shut down thee freedom of the American people. He has no desire for America to be free.
Nonsense rhetoric.

I do believe we are headed for a showdown. Obama continues to "transform" America with his crap.
what exactly has he "transformed"?

I believe he needs to remember what America is all about. He needs to remember that he came to this country, as a child, and discovered that opportunity was really a part of the American dream and possibility. He needs to know that He is president for just that reason, even though I believe he slipped through the legal cracks.
Oh, so you're a birther too? Great.

He is not proud of the Americans he is supposed to be serving (yes I said serving - that is what our Government is supposed to do, serve/represent America).
How do you know what he is or isn't proud of?

Then he made a quick trip to Turkey to tell the world that we are NOT Christian nation, only to come back and praise the Muslims for their great contribution to this nation! What contributions would he be talking about?
John Adams said the same thing - we are NOT a Christian nation.
And in terms of Muslim contributions - how about our number system?
Soon, the list of potential terrorists included Christians who believe abortion is sin, and gay marriage is wrong. It included our American heroes who are returning from war, as potential terrorists as well.
Everyone's a "potential" terrorist.
Now he has decided that we cannot place "Islamic" in front of the word terrorist to identify Islamic terrorists. As a matter of fact, the term terrorist has become a bad word, politically incorrect.
Really? So what happens if I say "Islamic terrorist"? Are the secret police going to take me away?
No national Day of Prayer activity at the white house, but the Muslims had their religious ceremonies there, and there was a Passover celebration there for the Jews.
There have been countless "Prayer Breakfasts" and many other Christian religious services in the White House since Obama has been President. I don't understand what could possibly be bad about having a Passover Seder in the White House for the first time ever, or what could be bad about having Muslim services their either. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but there are MANY American citizens who aren't Christian. Why shouldn't they have prayer services in the White House too?
Whi is this guy anyway? Where did he really come from. How can the people we elected be so deceived by this man.
Why don't you read his books, if you're so curious as to who he is and where he's from?

I will tell you how. I believe he is being used by both God and Satan to bring the world to the one world order that will set up the final act for the world. I believe he is a modern day Judas, and will be found out.
And this is why I compared you to Westboro Baptist Church.

Every man and woman who has died for the freedom of this country would be turning in their graves at the acts of this man.

I am now apologizing to many people for our President. I am so sorry we have made him a world leader, only to bring the world down.
This is why no one takes you seriously.

I am not a terrorist, nor do I want to be. I do not like violence, and I do believe in loving our neighbor. However I do also believe in knocking off the dust from our shoes when we realize the man in that office is a traitor, unwilling to see or seek the truth.

God help America.

And I don't even know what that last paragraph means.

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