Gun Control Marches,Gun Grabers, a disrepect of our 2nd amd and Constutional rights.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I tell people time and time again, Guns don't kill people, people Kill!!. When are these gun grabbers going to realize this fact. If it were not for the Gun and rifle America would not even exist. I say we need to repeal the national firearms act of 1929, banning fully automatic assault rifles and su-bmachine guns. Lets face it, the terrorists are all armed with fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles, and they are just waiting to strike. What are law abiding citizens supposed to use semi- automatic rifles.?!!. and 7 round magazines?!1 Wake up America.!!!
52ndStreet, I think that owning a fully automatic rifle is a bit much. A semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine is sufficient. Join a local militia in your state, or create your own. Go to the firing ranges and see how many would support being part of one. You will need to get with someone who owns a good sized parcel of land to practice on. If you weren't in the military, get with someone who agrees with your stance and served as a combat soldier/marine. That will help you learn basic squad teamwork.
Spoke to a student from Stoneman Douglas who knew the shooter. She said he'd told a friend of hers that , "he was excited to gut her like a fish and play with her dead body."
52ndStreet, I think that owning a fully automatic rifle is a bit much. A semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine is sufficient. Join a local militia in your state, or create your own. Go to the firing ranges and see how many would support being part of one. You will need to get with someone who owns a good sized parcel of land to practice on. If you weren't in the military, get with someone who agrees with your stance and served as a combat soldier/marine. That will help you learn basic squad teamwork.
I suspect if he hadn’t had a gun he would have used whatever he could his hands on. Possibly explosives, who knows. He is one sick individual.
Spoke to a student from Stoneman Douglas who knew the shooter. She said he'd told a friend of hers that , "he was excited to gut her like a fish and play with her dead body."
52ndStreet, I think that owning a fully automatic rifle is a bit much. A semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine is sufficient. Join a local militia in your state, or create your own. Go to the firing ranges and see how many would support being part of one. You will need to get with someone who owns a good sized parcel of land to practice on. If you weren't in the military, get with someone who agrees with your stance and served as a combat soldier/marine. That will help you learn basic squad teamwork.

There is a world out there where people have fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. And many of these people don't like American freedom loving people. I say it again WAKE UP Americans. Arm your selves now!. Or deal with
a world already armed with Fully Automatic AK- 47, and or other Fully automaic rifles and sub-machine guns!!!
Kill or be Killed. Think about it now or deal with it one day in the Future when they come to our country.!!!
I suspect if he hadn’t had a gun he would have used whatever he could his hands on. Possibly explosives, who knows. He is one sick individual.
Spoke to a student from Stoneman Douglas who knew the shooter. She said he'd told a friend of hers that , "he was excited to gut her like a fish and play with her dead body."
Explosives take some planning and work. Any idiot can get a gun and squeeze a trigger.
I tell people time and time again, Guns don't kill people, people Kill!!. When are these gun grabbers going to realize this fact. If it were not for the Gun and rifle America would not even exist. I say we need to repeal the national firearms act of 1929, banning fully automatic assault rifles and su-bmachine guns. Lets face it, the terrorists are all armed with fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles, and they are just waiting to strike. What are law abiding citizens supposed to use semi- automatic rifles.?!!. and 7 round magazines?!1 Wake up America.!!!
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

The Second Amendment isn’t being ‘disrespected,’ all of the measures the marchers advocate for are perfectly consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, none having been invalidated by the Supreme Court.

Indeed, the marchers are not ‘disrespecting’ the rights enshrined in the Constitution – exercising one’s rights is the best way to show respect for the Constitution and the rights it protects, in this case right to free speech and free expression.
"The fact that we have 350 million guns across the country, we should be taking extra steps to make sure they don't fall in the wrong hands"
52ndStreet, I think that owning a fully automatic rifle is a bit much. A semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine is sufficient. Join a local militia in your state, or create your own. Go to the firing ranges and see how many would support being part of one. You will need to get with someone who owns a good sized parcel of land to practice on. If you weren't in the military, get with someone who agrees with your stance and served as a combat soldier/marine. That will help you learn basic squad teamwork.

There is a world out there where people have fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. And many of these people don't like American freedom loving people. I say it again WAKE UP Americans. Arm your selves now!. Or deal with
a world already armed with Fully Automatic AK- 47, and or other Fully automaic rifles and sub-machine guns!!!
Kill or be Killed. Think about it now or deal with it one day in the Future when they come to our country.!!!
The world out there where the public has automatic weapons is called, Afghanistan, Somalia and other tribal war torn areas. You can buy a fully automatic rifle in those nation states for pennies on the dollar compared with the cost of semi-automatic rifles here.
Based upon the current rabid pro gun-grabbers marching around the nation, as well as the far-left neo-Marxist politicians and academics supporting them, a Civil War will come here soon enough. Once it starts, the fully automatic rifles will be flowing freely. Simply attacking forces with those weapons and then using their own weapons against them will be the way to get them.
I recently saw a news report that it was Hollywood elitiest, and billionaire gun grabbers that are orchestrating these marches. Their is a definate conspiracy to demonize hand guns and assault rifles in America. Meanwhile ,
criminals and terrorists are never mentioned.!?
Someome should tell the OP that this forum already has a dozen of him here. And they can write a bit better.
52ndStreet, I think that owning a fully automatic rifle is a bit much. A semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine is sufficient. Join a local militia in your state, or create your own. Go to the firing ranges and see how many would support being part of one. You will need to get with someone who owns a good sized parcel of land to practice on. If you weren't in the military, get with someone who agrees with your stance and served as a combat soldier/marine. That will help you learn basic squad teamwork.
I've got 200 acres, I'm willing to set something up for practice.
I suspect if he hadn’t had a gun he would have used whatever he could his hands on. Possibly explosives, who knows. He is one sick individual.
Spoke to a student from Stoneman Douglas who knew the shooter. She said he'd told a friend of hers that , "he was excited to gut her like a fish and play with her dead body."
And yet, all indications, all reports, all responses by proper authorities went unheeded and they allowed this creature free run and access...but the gun killed...
Crazy, huh.
I suspect if he hadn’t had a gun he would have used whatever he could his hands on. Possibly explosives, who knows. He is one sick individual.
Spoke to a student from Stoneman Douglas who knew the shooter. She said he'd told a friend of hers that , "he was excited to gut her like a fish and play with her dead body."
And yet, all indications, all reports, all responses by proper authorities went unheeded and they allowed this creature free run and access...but the gun killed...

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