Gun Control: New York Wants to Make You Submit Social Media History Before Purchasing Guns

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Ah, leave it to Gov. Komo to make it harder for the average New Yorker to own a gun and to be able to protect himself and family from the ILLEGAL INVADERS he so much wants so the DemonRATS can continue to have a stranglehold on state government!

A proposed bill in the New York State Senate could mean that anyone wanting to buy a pistol or renew their permit will be subject to a review of their internet history and social media accounts going back up to three years.

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Ah, leave it to Gov. Komo to make it harder for the average New Yorker to own a gun and to be able to protect himself and family from the ILLEGAL INVADERS he so much wants so the DemonRATS can continue to have a stranglehold on state government!

A proposed bill in the New York State Senate could mean that anyone wanting to buy a pistol or renew their permit will be subject to a review of their internet history and social media accounts going back up to three years.

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This is more than an attempt on second amendment rights it is also an attempt on first amendment rights and the right to privacy.

If passed there will have to be some kind of standard which will inevitably be a politically correct standard. Did you post some sort of ethnic or racial joke ten years ago? Did you criticize BLM or Tans people or feminists ? They will find it and bar yuou from gun purchases.

It is no less than an attempt to impose thought control
Thank goodness I never had a Fakebook account....or Twitter.....
Ah, leave it to Gov. Komo to make it harder for the average New Yorker to own a gun and to be able to protect himself and family from the ILLEGAL INVADERS he so much wants so the DemonRATS can continue to have a stranglehold on state government!

A proposed bill in the New York State Senate could mean that anyone wanting to buy a pistol or renew their permit will be subject to a review of their internet history and social media accounts going back up to three years.

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Ah, leave it to Gov. Komo to make it harder for the average New Yorker to own a gun and to be able to protect himself and family from the ILLEGAL INVADERS he so much wants so the DemonRATS can continue to have a stranglehold on state government!

A proposed bill in the New York State Senate could mean that anyone wanting to buy a pistol or renew their permit will be subject to a review of their internet history and social media accounts going back up to three years.

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The bill, referred to as S9191, was drafted by State Senator Kevin Parker from New York’s 21st Congressional District.


If the bill passes, investigators would be able to look for posts or searches that contain threats to the health or safety of others; intentions to carry out an act of terrorism; or commonly known profane slurs or biased language describing the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person.

Remember that the next time you assholes start popping off about how dandy it'd be if only we all had a National ID.
Ah, leave it to Gov. Komo to make it harder for the average New Yorker to own a gun and to be able to protect himself and family from the ILLEGAL INVADERS he so much wants so the DemonRATS can continue to have a stranglehold on state government!

A proposed bill in the New York State Senate could mean that anyone wanting to buy a pistol or renew their permit will be subject to a review of their internet history and social media accounts going back up to three years.

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The bill, referred to as S9191, was drafted by State Senator Kevin Parker from New York’s 21st Congressional District.


If the bill passes, investigators would be able to look for posts or searches that contain threats to the health or safety of others; intentions to carry out an act of terrorism; or commonly known profane slurs or biased language describing the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person.

Remember that the next time you assholes start popping off about how dandy it'd be if only we all had a National ID.

This whole thing is an oped. Even without this law, the authorities can already do this if they feel the need. Both sides, for and against, need to sit down, shut up and move on to more important issues.
Allows state to withhold Constitutional rights based on "thoughtcrime."

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