Gun Control


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
MSNBC Panel Explodes As ‘Gun Owner’ S.E. Cupp Battles Gun Control Advocate

videoby Noah Rothman | 1:40 pm, June 14th, 2012

MSNBC’s Now with Alex Wagner’s panel delved into gun control issues on Thursday which set off a heated yelling match between New York Daily News columnist S.E. Cupp and Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

MSNBC Panel Explodes As ‘Gun Owner’ S.E. Cupp Battles Gun Control Advocate | Mediaite

If they come to get the guns give them the ammo first...
Denver Shootings Highlight Brady Campaign's Call for Stricter Gun Laws

7/22/12 By Larry Bodine

All of a sudden the call for gun control -- shouted down by the NRA -- makes sense again. The horrific shooting of 71 people at the opening of a movie in Denver has given a new voice to calls for stricter guns laws, as advocated by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

"I don't think that there's any question that we would be a far safe nation if we had fewer guns and certainly if we had stronger gun regulation," Dennis Henigan told He is the Vice President of Law and Policy at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Nearly half of all Americans -- 47 percent -- now own firearms. And the killer who gunned down moviegoers in Denver obtained all his weapons legally. Reasonable minds question if it's a good idea to introduce hundreds of millions of firearms into the general public.


Larry Bodine: Denver Shootings Highlight Brady Campaign's Call for Stricter Gun Laws

I hope nobody uses a spoon or fork to kill...:eusa_shhh:
The gun control now become very important in the 2012 time, few days back the accident happen in the cinema where at least 12 peoples died, these are signs have to be noted to stop this gun culture.
People who want to use weapons for illegal purposes will get them.

Gun control laws disarm the law abiding and turn them into potential victims.





Demand for guns in Colorado jumps in wake of movie massacre

Published July 24, 2012

Colorado gun stores are seeing a big jump in demand for firearms since last Friday's massacre at a midnight movie showing in Aurora.

Background checks for people wanting to buy guns in Colorado reportedly increased more than 41 percent after last week’s Aurora movie massacre. The Denver Post reports that firearm instructors have also seen increased interest in training needed for a concealed-carry permit.

"It's been insane," Jake Meyers, an employee at Rocky Mountain Guns and Ammo in Parker told the newspaper Monday.


Read more: Demand for guns in Colorado jumps in wake of movie massacre | Fox News
Seeing as it was MSNBC I am not surprised. But there won't be some sudden glut of gun control bills popping up. If anything gun ownership will jump.
People who want to use weapons for illegal purposes will get them.

Gun control laws disarm the law abiding and turn them into potential victims.






Guns don't kill, people kill !, This man purchase all those weapons legally.
American secound amendment rignts shall not be infringed upon.!
The Gun control people have no argument with regards to this issue.
The shooter was mentally deranged , the shooter alone caused the the incident.
I am glad gun nuts are around to protect the rights of psychos to shoot a baby in the face at a movie theater.

Because if a psycho doesn't have the right to shoot a baby in the face, are we truly free?
I've never understood what the liberal wet dream is for gun control.

Do they really think everything is going to be civil if all guns are banned in the country?

Then any thug or gang of thugs would be able to have their way with anyone, without fear of ever being shot.

Do you libs really want your daughters at the mercy of some big thug? Do you really want to deny women and the elderly the right to pull out an "equalizer" and defend themselves from such thugs?

Banning guns would only bring an epidemic of assaults, robberies, and rapes.
As a point of interest, don't the lyrics of many songs contribute to the climate of violence?

Here is the chorus from a popular song:

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet

See: Pumped Up Kicks Lyric Meaning - Foster the People Meanings
The Real Reason They Want Your Guns

July 31, 2012 by Tad Cronn


As it turns out, the government is considering new regulations suggested by something called the U.S. Green Business Council. Among the recommendations is the removal or changing of bulletproof glass in office buildings. The shatterproof glass apparently isn’t environmentally friendly.

So here’s the real deal. The pinheads in Washington have regulated things to the point where it’s actually come to a choice between protecting federal employees or protecting Mother Earth — which we all know is a fragile little wisp of a thing barely able to get out of her rocker.


The Real Reason They Want Your Guns – Patriot Update



[Criminals & Home Invaders, check out the gun free zones, EZ pick-ens]

Outcry Over Newspaper’s Map of Handgun Permit Holders


8:45 p.m. | Updated In the days after the Connecticut school killings, a newspaper in nearby Westchester County, N.Y., decided to respond by publishing the names and addresses of handgun permit holders in its readership area. The newspaper, The Journal News, said that informing people about legal weapons in their neighborhoods was a public service.

Not everyone agrees.

The posting of the information online over the weekend has touched off an outcry across the country that has underscored the raw emotions surrounding the issue of guns. The interactive map put together by The Journal News, compiled from publicly available records, has already been shared tens of thousands of times on social media.

“Now everyone knows where the LEGAL GUNS are kept, a valuable piece of information for criminals,” wrote a Facebook user who gave his name as Mike Pandolfo. “Why don’t you do something helpful, like trying to find out where the ILLEGAL GUNS are kept?”


Outcry Over Newspaper's Map of Handgun Permit Holders -

Biden: Obama Will Bypass Congress for Gun Control

by Ben Shapiro

Vice President Joe Biden, who has been charged by President Obama with running the task force to prevent situations like the Sandy Hook massacre, announced that he wouldn’t be raising legislative solutions at all.

Instead, he said that President Obama might simply declare his preferred gun policy the law of the nation.

Talking to the drooling press, Biden announced, “The president is going to act. There are executive orders, there’s executive action that can be taken. We haven’t decided what that is yet. But we’re compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required.”


Biden: Obama Will Bypass Congress for Gun Control
Can one imagine a society so fearful of the other that everyone is armed? If civilization means anything it means the right to move freely in public areas without the smallest altercation creating the potential for death. If the cowards who cling to guns want their home armed and dangerous, fine, stay there as you'll hopefully feel safe and secure like some baby wrapped and warm. As for the rest of society an armed society is an insane society in which death becomes reality. Proof it seems has no affect on the fearful.

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Can one imagine a society so fearful of the other that everyone is armed? If civilization means anything it means the right to move freely in public areas without the smallest altercation creating the potential for death. If the cowards who cling to guns want their home armed and dangerous, fine, stay there as you'll hopefully feel safe and secure like some baby wrapped and warm. As for the rest of society an armed society is an insane society in which death becomes reality. Proof it seems has no affect on the fearful.
You operate solely on emotion. Don't project that onto others.

You want to disarm the law-abiding. Criminals thank you for your mindless support.

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