Gun crime caused by democrat party policies...New York edition....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party thinks it is a great idea to allow violent criminals to be released....from jail and prison. In New York, the democrat party morons decided that violent criminals should be allowed to walk free before trial....cause you know they are the victims of an unjust society.

What has been the result since January 1?

Another Reason (If You Needed One) to Carry a Gun: Bail 'Reform' - The Truth About Guns

In most of the nation, setting bail not only helps ensure criminals make their court dates, but also serves as a deterrent to more criminal activity. After all, one can’t victimize innocent, law-abiding Americans when you’re in jail. And being re-arrested while you’re waiting for trial might just forfeit your bond.

New York State, however, has a new “no cash bail” law that took effect January 1 (because posting bail is racist or classist or something). The results have not been pretty.

Stories about of serial bad guys repeatedly walking out of jail without posting a thin dime for bail. Only to commit more crimes. From the New York Post:

Robbery is up almost 30% in New York City since the first of the year. Is this a statistical blip, a trend — or a New Year’s bail-reform gift from Albany, robbery now largely being a revolving-door offense in the Empire State?

Time will tell, but consider this as well: According to the latest NYPD stats, the number of shooting victims in the city is up 31% since New Year’s Day — so at the very least Gotham appears to be off to a rocky 2020 compared to last year.

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