New York court overturns Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction

or maybe trial judges can follow the law, proper procedure, and not try to put their own spin on things?

It's similar to Umpires in baseball trying to make the game about them.
Thank you. There are rules to how trials are to be ran. If you want convictions to stick. Don't break them.
so, does this mean the appeals court will rule on the current trump trial where the prosecution brought up none charged crimes that supposedly Trump did, and the Judge just laughed when the defense objected?
This is a possibility. If ya break rules of evidentury procedures verdicts are likely to be over turned by an appellate court. There are certain situations were prior acts can be brought up to impeach the testimony of a witness or when the defense opens the door to such questions. This is why it is very rare for a defendant to testify.
Are you talking about Trump? For god sakes even his first wife said Trump raped her. And he flew on Epstein's airplane. And he was found GUILTY in court just recently.

Trump should be in jail with Harvey.
The traitor former AG and Senator Jeff Sessions swapping Joe's hands from his granddaughter in videos is proof enough of what a criminal is as they were off limits for pedos like Joe.
Not totally shocked and who knows with Hollywood being what it is he might make a comeback unlikely but I wouldn’t 100 percent rule it out.
Another botched trial in a NYC trial court. Another conviction overturned.

The NYC trial courts in Manhattan are a giant shit-show. And that is what is happening in the Trump matter. The judges have no interest in justice, just getting convictions.

So much sounds EXACTLY like what Marchan is doing.

Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction was overturned Thursday in New York, making way for a new trial.

The state Court of Appeals found that the judge in the landmark #MeToo trial prejudiced the former film mogul with improper rulings, including a decision to let women testify about allegations that weren’t part of the case.

“We conclude that the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts against persons other than the complainants of the underlying crimes because that testimony served no material non-propensity purpose,” the court said in a 4-3 decision.

The court compounded that error when it ruled that defendant, who had no criminal history, could be cross examined about those allegations as well as numerous allegations of misconduct that portrayed defendant in a highly prejudicial light,” it said.

Judge Jenny Rivera called the errors “egregious” and said the remedy is a new trial. Weinstein's accusers could again be called to testify if prosecutors decide to pursue another trial.


Of course the Judge allowed the trial to be prejudiced. All a show to placate the public.
I think by now everyone can see you can't get a fair trial in New York.

It is far too corrupt.
Another botched trial in a NYC trial court. Another conviction overturned.

The NYC trial courts in Manhattan are a giant shit-show. And that is what is happening in the Trump matter. The judges have no interest in justice, just getting convictions.

So much sounds EXACTLY like what Marchan is doing.

Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction was overturned Thursday in New York, making way for a new trial.​
The state Court of Appeals found that the judge in the landmark #MeToo trial prejudiced the former film mogul with improper rulings, including a decision to let women testify about allegations that weren’t part of the case.​
“We conclude that the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts against persons other than the complainants of the underlying crimes because that testimony served no material non-propensity purpose,” the court said in a 4-3 decision.​
The court compounded that error when it ruled that defendant, who had no criminal history, could be cross examined about those allegations as well as numerous allegations of misconduct that portrayed defendant in a highly prejudicial light,” it said.​
Judge Jenny Rivera called the errors “egregious” and said the remedy is a new trial. Weinstein's accusers could again be called to testify if prosecutors decide to pursue another trial.​

ALL of the judges on the NY state court of appeals were appointed by DemoKKKrats Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo.

Lefties LOVE rapists.
This decision has got to help Trump. The Weinstein case was overturned because prosecutors started trying to make the case that Weinstein was a horrible person. They dragged in everything whether it belonged or not.

Alvin Bragg intends to do exactly the same thing to Trump and will get the same result.
He wont go free. They can still retry him. And he still has a sentence to serve in Cali.
If they retry him, they cannot bring in all the extraneous baggage they used to get a conviction last time.

This is very good news for Trump because Bragg intended to use the exact same tactic.

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