Gun culture or parenting culture?

So why did he have 1 second? Why did he drive up within 10 feet of the boy, instead of stopping far enough back to evaluate what was happening

That was not the intention of the officer driving the car. It was raining that day and he tried to turn the car sideways in case shots were fired. The car slid and that's where it ended up.

Link, or did you just pull that out of your ass?

Nope, I listend to an interview on the radio by one of the investigators. If you go to the video, you can clearly see it was gloomy and rainy. The officer expected the suspect to run which is what usually happens on gun calls, so he tried to position his car so the suspect would run away from the rec center and not towards it where kids were.

So was that noted in any police report, or any report of any kind? NO. The cop killed an innocent boy with a toy gun for no good reason. There is nothing you can say to justify that.

The jury and I both disagree with you. When an officers life is threatened, he has every right to use deadly force. I'm not a police office, but I am an armed citizen, and even I would be justified using deadly force in that situation.

When you perceive that your life is about to end, yes, that is a good reason to use your firearm in self defense.

I'm sure you see danger in every corner. Why else would be so afraid to face every day life without being armed. ?
That was not the intention of the officer driving the car. It was raining that day and he tried to turn the car sideways in case shots were fired. The car slid and that's where it ended up.

Link, or did you just pull that out of your ass?

Nope, I listend to an interview on the radio by one of the investigators. If you go to the video, you can clearly see it was gloomy and rainy. The officer expected the suspect to run which is what usually happens on gun calls, so he tried to position his car so the suspect would run away from the rec center and not towards it where kids were.

So was that noted in any police report, or any report of any kind? NO. The cop killed an innocent boy with a toy gun for no good reason. There is nothing you can say to justify that.

The jury and I both disagree with you. When an officers life is threatened, he has every right to use deadly force. I'm not a police office, but I am an armed citizen, and even I would be justified using deadly force in that situation.

When you perceive that your life is about to end, yes, that is a good reason to use your firearm in self defense.

I'm sure you see danger in every corner. Why else would be so afraid to face every day life without being armed. ?
and yet you walk around scared that a CC permit holder will shoot you
That was not the intention of the officer driving the car. It was raining that day and he tried to turn the car sideways in case shots were fired. The car slid and that's where it ended up.

Link, or did you just pull that out of your ass?

Nope, I listend to an interview on the radio by one of the investigators. If you go to the video, you can clearly see it was gloomy and rainy. The officer expected the suspect to run which is what usually happens on gun calls, so he tried to position his car so the suspect would run away from the rec center and not towards it where kids were.

So was that noted in any police report, or any report of any kind? NO. The cop killed an innocent boy with a toy gun for no good reason. There is nothing you can say to justify that.

The jury and I both disagree with you. When an officers life is threatened, he has every right to use deadly force. I'm not a police office, but I am an armed citizen, and even I would be justified using deadly force in that situation.

When you perceive that your life is about to end, yes, that is a good reason to use your firearm in self defense.

I'm sure you see danger in every corner. Why else would be so afraid to face every day life without being armed. ?

Where did I say I was armed every day? I take my gun with me after dark and when I go to the ATM to make a deposit.
And he was a 12 year old kid with a plastic toy.

So how was the cop supposed to know that?

Here is the toy gun vs the real gun it was crafted from. You tell me that you would be able to tell the difference if somebody was pulling it out in front of you:

View attachment 122860

A cop killed an innocent kid with a toy for no good reason. Quit trying to pretend it is excusable

As far as the officer was concerned, he was no kid, and he was pulling a real gun. Tell me you wouldn't have done the same. Did you ignore the above picture showing the toy and real gun side by side?

I'm not a cop who is trained to deal with those situations, but even I know that was a stupid thing for the cop to do. If he is incapable of dealing with situations like that better than a random internet poster, his training was wasted on him, he shouldn't be a cop.

Well you got your wish because he isn't one now thanks to the media and threats from the public.

Better trained officers would have waited until the bullet was in mid range between them and the suspect before he pulled the trigger.

An idiot like that should have never been a cop, and idiots who defend him are just as bad.
There is more to it than a parenting problem. There's a society problem.

In what world do kids think they need weapons to protect themselves? Well, in a society that is failing to protect people, to instill morals into kids and all of that.

The right love to say how it's the parents' fault. The problem is that the right will also push the very same parents to work 80 hours a week so the rich can get richer. They also don't place any responsibility on schools to help deal with all the issues out there. So, the right essentially like to create the environment for this kind of thing, and then bitch and moan that the parents aren't doing anything about it.

Really? You mean it was the right that promoted single-parent families? It was the right that told women to give up their husband for a job? The right promoted that???

Well if it's a society problem and the mother was correct in saying he needed the gun for protection, why not give every 16 year old in the ghetto a gun for protection? After all, it's not a parenting issue now is it?

Maybe.......just maybe if this kid had a father around, he might not be in trouble today. Maybe.....just maybe, with a husband and father, they would be able to afford a nicer area to live with two incomes.

Zero tolerance programs and minimum sentencing. You voted for it and thought it a good idea. But in a country where white people get probation and black people go to jail, THIS is why there are no black fathers around. You can't send all the young black men to jail and then bitch that children have no fathers.

And that is a lie......those in jail are there because they deserve to be there especially the violent criminals....

There are no black fathers around because the democrats created the Great Society which gave out welfare as it kicked husbands out of the family of poor Americans.....we now have teenage girls who get government money every time they have a child ....and if they have a husband....they lose that money.....and yet you morons don't understand that ass backwards incentive program......that is why no fathers are around...then the young males raised by the single teenage girls become violent socipaths because the revolving door of boyfriends teach them violence and crime...not self control and resposiblity....

Try that book...."Life At the Bottom," seeing it happening in Britain might show you how it happens here.....

No Ray baby, it wasn't Democrats and feminists that destroyed the black family, it was Reagan's War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, which caused the rate of incareration to quadruple from 1980 onward:

Federal Prison Population Spiked 790 Percent Since 1980

But thanks for reinforcing those Republican talking points about how the poor did it to themselves.

Yes, I know, a guy that's been out of office for nearly 30 years is responsible for blacks today. My goodness, there is no stretch long enough for you leftists to take.

Why not take it from a black man? The great Walter E Williams: View attachment 122850

If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

WAlter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder.......people need to read them and learn...they don't blame racism for the problems in the black community.

They blame left wing racist policies that have destroyed the black family .....
That's one reason we give cops bulletproof vests, so they can ask questions first.

Oh sure, that will stop a criminal from putting a bullet in your head. The kid was less than ten feet away from the cop.

And he was a 12 year old kid with a plastic toy.

you have one second after I point this at you to tell me if it's a real gun or a toy

Why do you think you need to justify the senseless killing of a young boy?

why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.
Oh sure, that will stop a criminal from putting a bullet in your head. The kid was less than ten feet away from the cop.

And he was a 12 year old kid with a plastic toy.

you have one second after I point this at you to tell me if it's a real gun or a toy

Why do you think you need to justify the senseless killing of a young boy?

why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try
Link, or did you just pull that out of your ass?

Nope, I listend to an interview on the radio by one of the investigators. If you go to the video, you can clearly see it was gloomy and rainy. The officer expected the suspect to run which is what usually happens on gun calls, so he tried to position his car so the suspect would run away from the rec center and not towards it where kids were.

So was that noted in any police report, or any report of any kind? NO. The cop killed an innocent boy with a toy gun for no good reason. There is nothing you can say to justify that.

The jury and I both disagree with you. When an officers life is threatened, he has every right to use deadly force. I'm not a police office, but I am an armed citizen, and even I would be justified using deadly force in that situation.

When you perceive that your life is about to end, yes, that is a good reason to use your firearm in self defense.

I'm sure you see danger in every corner. Why else would be so afraid to face every day life without being armed. ?

Where did I say I was armed every day? I take my gun with me after dark and when I go to the ATM to make a deposit.

So you are one of the few gun nuts that isn't armed 24/7 . You expect a prize for that?
And he was a 12 year old kid with a plastic toy.

you have one second after I point this at you to tell me if it's a real gun or a toy

Why do you think you need to justify the senseless killing of a young boy?

why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.
you have one second after I point this at you to tell me if it's a real gun or a toy

Why do you think you need to justify the senseless killing of a young boy?

why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

yes it was that kid's fault.

he pointed what looked like a real gun at a cop
The democrat party..
..the party that gains power as their followers lives descend into madness........the democrat party, the party of racism, hate and violence...who sees every underage, single teenage mother as a breeding machine for future democrat voters....
you have one second after I point this at you to tell me if it's a real gun or a toy

Why do you think you need to justify the senseless killing of a young boy?

why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

What was the cop supposed to do?
Really? You mean it was the right that promoted single-parent families? It was the right that told women to give up their husband for a job? The right promoted that???

Well if it's a society problem and the mother was correct in saying he needed the gun for protection, why not give every 16 year old in the ghetto a gun for protection? After all, it's not a parenting issue now is it?

Maybe.......just maybe if this kid had a father around, he might not be in trouble today. Maybe.....just maybe, with a husband and father, they would be able to afford a nicer area to live with two incomes.

Zero tolerance programs and minimum sentencing. You voted for it and thought it a good idea. But in a country where white people get probation and black people go to jail, THIS is why there are no black fathers around. You can't send all the young black men to jail and then bitch that children have no fathers.

And that is a lie......those in jail are there because they deserve to be there especially the violent criminals....

There are no black fathers around because the democrats created the Great Society which gave out welfare as it kicked husbands out of the family of poor Americans.....we now have teenage girls who get government money every time they have a child ....and if they have a husband....they lose that money.....and yet you morons don't understand that ass backwards incentive program......that is why no fathers are around...then the young males raised by the single teenage girls become violent socipaths because the revolving door of boyfriends teach them violence and crime...not self control and resposiblity....

Try that book...."Life At the Bottom," seeing it happening in Britain might show you how it happens here.....

No Ray baby, it wasn't Democrats and feminists that destroyed the black family, it was Reagan's War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, which caused the rate of incareration to quadruple from 1980 onward:

Federal Prison Population Spiked 790 Percent Since 1980

But thanks for reinforcing those Republican talking points about how the poor did it to themselves.

Yes, I know, a guy that's been out of office for nearly 30 years is responsible for blacks today. My goodness, there is no stretch long enough for you leftists to take.

Why not take it from a black man? The great Walter E Williams: View attachment 122850

If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

WAlter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder.......people need to read them and learn...they don't blame racism for the problems in the black community.

They blame left wing racist policies that have destroyed the black family .....

Leftists wouldn't take their advice anyhow. Liberals are supposedly all for blacks when they are black liberals. When they are black conservatives, they are Uncle Tom's.
Nope, I listend to an interview on the radio by one of the investigators. If you go to the video, you can clearly see it was gloomy and rainy. The officer expected the suspect to run which is what usually happens on gun calls, so he tried to position his car so the suspect would run away from the rec center and not towards it where kids were.

So was that noted in any police report, or any report of any kind? NO. The cop killed an innocent boy with a toy gun for no good reason. There is nothing you can say to justify that.

The jury and I both disagree with you. When an officers life is threatened, he has every right to use deadly force. I'm not a police office, but I am an armed citizen, and even I would be justified using deadly force in that situation.

When you perceive that your life is about to end, yes, that is a good reason to use your firearm in self defense.

I'm sure you see danger in every corner. Why else would be so afraid to face every day life without being armed. ?

Where did I say I was armed every day? I take my gun with me after dark and when I go to the ATM to make a deposit.

So you are one of the few gun nuts that isn't armed 24/7 . You expect a prize for that?

Wow, you really love reading things that aren't there.

Yes, I do carry my gun at times. The reason I carry my gun is because we have a lot of Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. The only way I would stop carrying is if the Democrats moved out and the Republicans moved in, because then I wouldn't need a gun.
Why do you think you need to justify the senseless killing of a young boy?

why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

What was the cop supposed to do?
IMO, the cop was too quick on the trigger since, IIRC, the kid didn't piont the gun at him or anyone. Now, if the kid was pointing the gun at a person, then immediate shooting is justified.
why don't you answer the question I asked

and FYI so called young boys in urban areas have no problem spraying bullets into a crowd. Don't assume just because some gang banger is a kid that he won't shoot you

FYI that is an air gun but you couldn't tell that from 10 feet away with only a second or less to decide could you?

Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

What was the cop supposed to do?
IMO, the cop was too quick on the trigger since, IIRC, the kid didn't piont the gun at him or anyone. Now, if the kid was pointing the gun at a person, then immediate shooting is justified.

He might have been, but that doesn't mean he did anything wrong or illegal.

If at all possible, you don't wait until somebody is pointing a gun at you before you fire. If you perceive a threat of your life, then you have the right to stop that threat with deadly force yourself.
Dumb question that has nothing to do with the discussion.

it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

What was the cop supposed to do?
IMO, the cop was too quick on the trigger since, IIRC, the kid didn't piont the gun at him or anyone. Now, if the kid was pointing the gun at a person, then immediate shooting is justified.

He might have been, but that doesn't mean he did anything wrong or illegal.

If at all possible, you don't wait until somebody is pointing a gun at you before you fire. If you perceive a threat of your life, then you have the right to stop that threat with deadly force yourself.
So, the fact I know you are armed is justification to shoot you? I think not.
it has everything to do with the fact that a cop could not know a weapon that looks like that is an air gun and not a real firearm

nice try

So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

What was the cop supposed to do?
IMO, the cop was too quick on the trigger since, IIRC, the kid didn't piont the gun at him or anyone. Now, if the kid was pointing the gun at a person, then immediate shooting is justified.

He might have been, but that doesn't mean he did anything wrong or illegal.

If at all possible, you don't wait until somebody is pointing a gun at you before you fire. If you perceive a threat of your life, then you have the right to stop that threat with deadly force yourself.
So, the fact I know you are armed is justification to shoot you? I think not.

No, pulling it out while in front of a police officer is.
Oh sure, that will stop a criminal from putting a bullet in your head. The kid was less than ten feet away from the cop.

And he was a 12 year old kid with a plastic toy.

So how was the cop supposed to know that?

Here is the toy gun vs the real gun it was crafted from. You tell me that you would be able to tell the difference if somebody was pulling it out in front of you:

View attachment 122860

A cop killed an innocent kid with a toy for no good reason. Quit trying to pretend it is excusable

As far as the officer was concerned, he was no kid, and he was pulling a real gun. Tell me you wouldn't have done the same. Did you ignore the above picture showing the toy and real gun side by side?

I'm not a cop who is trained to deal with those situations, but even I know that was a stupid thing for the cop to do. If he is incapable of dealing with situations like that better than a random internet poster, his training was wasted on him, he shouldn't be a cop.
I'm not a cop who is trained to deal with those situations

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