Gun licensing and registration not needed, we caught this woman the old fashioned way, police work..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This woman was the straw buyer for the criminals who shot people at the Fort Myers teen night shooting.........she did it by lying on her background check them a false address and lying to the gun store....

And here is the thing anti-gun nutters...........they caught her without registering guns or licensing gun owners...they caught the thugs who did the shooting...and asked them where they got the gun....

Wow........police work worked.......

This Deadly Club Shooting Shows Gun Background Checks Don't Work

The recent shooting at a Fort Myers night club ā€œteen nightā€ left two people dead and 17 wounded in a barbaric and senseless crime.

Now the woman who bought the gun is in deep trouble for allegedly straw-purchasing the weapon for the murderers.

A 33-year-old woman faces serious federal charges after police recovered a gun she bought earlier this year at the scene of a deadly nightclub shooting in Ft. Myers, Florida.

Authorities charged Jazmin Challana Barron, of Lehigh Acres, Florida, for lying to a licensed gun dealer while buying a firearm. Federal investigators recovered the gun from the Club Blu shooting on July 25 that ended with two teens dead and a dozen injured.

Fort Myers police said the scene unfolded just before 1 a.m. in the clubā€™s parking lot during a teen night. The shooting was determined gang-related and not a terrorist attack, as authorities are still on edge from a horrific massacre in Orlando earlier this summer. Police identified the deceased victims as Steā€™fan Strawder, 18, and Sean Archilles, 14.

After the shooting, investigators recovered a MasterPiece Arms pistol chambered in 5.7x28mm near the club and matched it with casings found on the scene. Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced the gun back to where it had been originally purchased and then identified the buyer. A further investigation revealed that she provided false information when buying the gun.

When filling out her paperwork at the gun shop, Barron used a vacant lot as her home address, willfully lying (and committing a federal felony). She is also apparently caught in a web of conflicting stories about the gun being stolen from her (or not).
And this is the rest of the story......

Amazingly, the prosecution for the night club shooting is falling apart, due to the anti-cop/pro-criminal ā€œno snitchingā€ culture of the victims. 8 of 12 injured victims are refusing to press charges, perhaps fearing retaliation for what appears to be a gang-related shooting. Despite three arrests made just blocks from the club the night of the shooting, authorities say that they do not have suspects in custody.

Jazmin Challana Barron had a clean criminal record prior to the shooting, and even had a valid Florida concealed carry permit.

Straw purchasers such as Barron allegedly is are among the two major sources of firearms for prohibited persons, the other being the black market sales of illegally acquired firearms.

Those pushing ā€œuniversal background checks, ā€ which is nothing more or less than de facto gun registration, have no answers for the significant problem of straw purchasing.

While straw purchasers can face 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for illegally purchasing a firearm for a prohibited person, the fact remains that the Department of Justice rarely prosecutes these cases to the fullest extent of the law.

Under the Obama Administration, straw purchase prosecutions have plummeted, and even those who have been caught red-handed have been let go with little or no jail time, even when the straw purchased guns were used in racist murders and cop-killings.
And this is from the link in the story......a gun store owner who stopped a Straw Purchase......

ATF Lets Straw Purchasing Violent Criminal Walk In WV

After talking with them only a few short minutes, he alerted his store employees to go into ā€œstraw purchaseā€ mode. This slows things down behind the counter and allows them time to further assess the situation and call law enforcement if necessary.

Continuing to press for information, Travis asked if they had ever owned or handled handguns before and they both indicated, ā€˜oh yeah. yeah, we have guns.ā€™ but neither one was able to say what kind or model they were. After perusing the store talking about several options and deciding on a handgun, they said, ā€˜yeah, weā€™ll take that one.ā€™

Confused, Travis asked, ā€œWhat do you mean ā€˜youā€™ll both take that oneā€™? Which one of you is going to be purchasing the gun?ā€ to which she replied, ā€œOh, heā€™s gonna get it, Iā€™m gonna pay for it.ā€ So he takes them to the counter to start the process and asked, ā€œWhich one of you specifically is buying the gun?ā€ Again she answered, ā€œWell the gun is for him, but Iā€™m gonna pay for it.ā€

Still in ā€˜straw purchase modeā€™, Travis instructs his staff to call it in to get an approval or denial and start the paperwork to ensure they have a completed and signed 4473. As you know, the questions beneath the personal information boxes are specifically intended to identify potential straw purchasers and individuals not allowed to own guns:

And then they went to a pawn shop.........and still didn't get the gun....and then what did the Justice system do to the actual straw buyers...they let them go......

Guns are not the problem...the Justice system is...

No more than 45 minutes later, a friend of his who owns a local pawn shop called Travis back to tell him those same individuals had just left his shop where they were denied the purchase of a handgun. Within 15 minutes of that phone call, Franklin returned to Travisā€™ gun shop only this time, she not only came in with her accomplice, but also another woman willing to fill out a 4473.

She returned to the same case and pointed out the same handgun to purchase. At the same time, Travis was working with Raymond Fox, a friend of his who happens to also be a retired county officer. Playing it cool, Travis said loud enough for Franklin and her accomplices to hear, ā€œYou know Raymond, I just donā€™t think I have the space for this pistol right now, Iā€™m gonna have to pass.ā€

Franklin immediately approached Fox trying to buy the pistol from him on the spot, saying, ā€œYou want to sell that gun, Iā€™ll give you $500 right now, what do you want? Iā€™ll buy your gun right now!ā€

Continuing to run the new purchaserā€™s 4473, Travis made the call to the state police to report Franklinā€™s return to his store and inform them of their stop at the pawn shop. Troopers arrived and parked in his garage, waiting for the right time to enter and apprehend Franklin and her accomplices.

During her arrest, troopers found a large amount of marijuana on her and thousands of dollars of stolen credit cards, plus a scanner which can capture credit card information at the register. Trooper Campbell informed Travis they were booking Franklin on the marijuana possession to hold her in custody and that Agent Smith with the ATF had been notified to handle the firearms charges from that point.

But hereā€™s where gun laws and the bureaucratic red tape fail:

14 hours later, Franklin and her accomplices were spotted in a local liquor store. Although she had outstanding warrants in other states and several additional charges in West Virginia from her arrest at Travisā€™ store, she was a free woman.


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