CDZ gun magazine bullet limits...they only effect law abiding gun owners so why do we need them.

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Stop focusing on law abiding gun Owners and focus on the actual problem.....criminals who use guns for crime......
There are repeat offenders for sure and I agree with you that they require tough measures. Unfortunately it's hard to tell the good guys from the future bad guys until it is too late.
Welcome to a free society.
Maybe we should tattoo an 6" "F" on the forehead of convicted felons - make it very easy to tell the difference.
And yet drugs are are used and people speed.........357,000,000 guns in private hands less than 8,124 of them are so see to commit mirder...our gun laws already work.....
So 8,124 lives is an acceptable number?
8124 murders with a firearm... 357,000,000 guns.
99.99773% of guns in the use are -not- used to commit murder
Your reaction: "If we get rid of all guns...."
Certainly, you see how your idea is utter nonsense.

You keep repeating that stat as if it helps you.

We beat out the rest of the industrialized world by THOUSANDS. COMBINED. can't have a test of any kind for a basic Right......that isn't how Rights you propose that all journalists register with the government and have their sources and stories vetted by federal agents? Basic Rights do not have to be applied for ....they exist wether you like them or not.
Actually you can and should have a test in some cases. The "right of the people peaceably to assemble" is usually restricted for reasons of public safety. In order to hold a large rally you must first prove you can provide for sanitation and security of the assemblage.
Non-sequtur. Competency tests and time/place/manner permits are not related.

The 2nd as you interpret it is something new to the US, pretty much invented in 2008.
Utterly false. You need better talking points.

No one argues the right to keep and bear arms, or any other right, was granted by the constitution. Non Seq.

Read the holding:
The Court cannot take judicial notice that a shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches long has today any reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and therefore cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees to the citizen the right to keep and bear such a weapon.

See: Bold
Miller's focus was in the suitability of a weapon for service in the militia, it in no way requires that someone be part of the militia to have his right protected by the 2nd

Heller in no way contradicts these rulings.
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And yet drugs are are used and people speed.........357,000,000 guns in private hands less than 8,124 of them are so see to commit mirder...our gun laws already work.....
So 8,124 lives is an acceptable number?
8124 murders with a firearm... 357,000,000 guns.
99.99773% of guns in the use are -not- used to commit murder
Your reaction: "If we get rid of all guns...."
Certainly, you see how your idea is utter nonsense.
You keep repeating that stat as if it helps you.
It unquestionably illustrates the lunacy of your position.
And yet drugs are are used and people speed.........357,000,000 guns in private hands less than 8,124 of them are so see to commit mirder...our gun laws already work.....
So 8,124 lives is an acceptable number?
8124 murders with a firearm... 357,000,000 guns.
99.99773% of guns in the use are -not- used to commit murder
Your reaction: "If we get rid of all guns...."
Certainly, you see how your idea is utter nonsense.
You keep repeating that stat as if it helps you.
It unquestionably illustrates the lunacy of your position.

LMAO, it unquestionably illustrates that you'd trade thousands of lives for your hobby.

Oh, and 8,124 homicides? Yeah, you're roughly 50% shy of the total:

15 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence This Year

Do you think no one notices that you're massaging the stats by using the term "murder" as well? You HAVE to deceive with your arguments because the facts aren't on your side.

30,000+ deaths. As many as vehicles. Yet cars serve a purpose. Guns do not.
LMAO, it unquestionably illustrates that you'd trade thousands of lives for your hobby.
Your statement here indicates you have no understanding whatsoever of the issue.

Oh, and 8,124 homicides? Yeah, you're roughly 50% shy of the total:
8124 gun-related homicides, 2014. Do try to keep up.

Do you think no one notices that you're massaging the stats by using the term "murder" as well?
We're talking about deaths due to gun-related crime, right?

Yet cars serve a purpose. Guns do not.
Mindless nonsense.
LMAO, it unquestionably illustrates that you'd trade thousands of lives for your hobby.
Your statement here indicates you have no understanding whatsoever of the issue.

Oh, and 8,124 homicides? Yeah, you're roughly 50% shy of the total:
8124 gun-related homicides, 2014. Do try to keep up.

Do you think no one notices that you're massaging the stats by using the term "murder" as well?
We're talking about deaths due to gun-related crime, right?

Yet cars serve a purpose. Guns do not.
Mindless nonsense.

2015 was over 12,000 homicides and unintentional shootings. I don't know why you omit unintentional shootings. If anything, those shootings even MORE illustrate why guns are dangerous, and more training and background research is needed before just any yahoo gets a gun.
2015 was over 12,000 homicides and unintentional shootings.
Neither FBI nor CDC numbers extend to 2015.
In 2014, the FBI reported 8124 gun-related murders; the CDC reported 586 gun related accidental deaths.
Thus, your numbers must be fabricated. What a surprise.

Have any more mindless nonsense you'd like to share?
2015 was over 12,000 homicides and unintentional shootings.
Neither FBI nor CDC numbers extend to 2015.
In 2014, the FBI reported 8124 gun-related murders; the CDC reported 586 gun related accidental deaths.
Thus, your numbers must be fabricated. What a surprise.

Have any more mindless nonsense you'd like to share?

I provided the source for my numbers. If you think it can be disputed, go ahead.

You seem to be at the height of intellectual dishonesty with this post. I suggest you just bow out. It's becoming embarrassing for you.
2015 was over 12,000 homicides and unintentional shootings.
Neither FBI nor CDC numbers extend to 2015.
In 2014, the FBI reported 8124 gun-related murders; the CDC reported 586 gun related accidental deaths.
Thus, your numbers must be fabricated. What a surprise.
Have any more mindless nonsense you'd like to share?
I provided the source for my numbers.
Yes. And I explained why they are fabricated.
But, keep the mindless nonsense coming.
2015 was over 12,000 homicides and unintentional shootings.
Neither FBI nor CDC numbers extend to 2015.
In 2014, the FBI reported 8124 gun-related murders; the CDC reported 586 gun related accidental deaths.
Thus, your numbers must be fabricated. What a surprise.
Have any more mindless nonsense you'd like to share?
I provided the source for my numbers.
Yes. And I explained why they are fabricated.
But, keep the mindless nonsense coming.

No you didn't. You asserted they were fabricated because 2014 was different. Guess what, 2015 is a different year.

Holy shit, this actually needs to be explained to you?
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