Gun murder is up in democrat party cities, but gun crime in general is down....... More guns, less gun crime....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A look at the Crime Victimization Survey shows a decrease in gun crime even as gun murder in democrat party controlled cities is going up....of course, the victims of gun murder are majority criminals shot by other criminals.....

But what the media ignores is that the number of violent gun crimes dropped dramatically in 2020. Last October, the US Department of Justice released a study showing victims reported 212,470 gun crimes to police in 2020, a drop of 27% from the 290,790 in 2019. The share of violent crimes committed with guns also fell – by over 30%.

Of course, victims don’t report all crimes to the police. To get a handle on that, the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey interviews about 100,000 Americans each year. That survey also finds that the estimated number of gun crimes also fell by 27%, from 481,950 to 350,460 and that the share of violent crimes involving guns was only 7.7%.

In 2020, there was a statistically insignificant few percentage point rise in the share of murder committed with guns, but the share of guns used in robberies and aggravated assaults has dropped dramatically.

All this is consistent with academic research by myself and others showing that when civilians carry guns criminals are less likely to carry them. If a criminal pulls out a gun against an armed victim, he is more likely to be shot.

Gun ownership didn’t fuel the increase in crime over the last couple of years. Rather, people worried about violent crime and decided to arm themselves for self-protection.

It’s not hard to find explanations for the increased violence. Many urban areas saw more than half of prison inmates released because of the pandemic, and the releases still continue. Nationwide, there are over 340,000 fewer inmates in jails and prisons in 2021 than in 2019. In many places, police budgets were cut and officers ordered to stand down. New York City cut its police budget by $1 billion.

Prosecutors in many major urban areas have refused to prosecute violent criminals. In October, two rival drug gangs got into a gunfight in Chicago during broad daylight. The fight, caught on video, left one shooter dead and two others wounded. Cook County District Attorney Kim Foxx declined to prosecute any of the gang members, initially explaining they were “mutual combatants.”

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look at the Crime Victimization Survey shows a decrease in gun crime even as gun murder in democrat party controlled cities is going up....of course, the victims of gun murder are majority criminals shot by other criminals.....

So gun crime is down unless youcount people victimized by guns... interesting.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of murders shot up in 2020... mostly because when you lock people in their houses with a gun, they really tend to get on each other's nerves.
A semi good guy (a reformed felon) killed a little girl here in Milwaukee trying to stop a hold up of a local burger king .. Just shooting at will at the bad guy.

Just saying
So gun crime is down unless youcount people victimized by guns... interesting.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of murders shot up in 2020... mostly because when you lock people in their houses with a gun, they really tend to get on each other's nerves.
Mostly down south, but you knew that already
So gun crime is down unless youcount people victimized by guns... interesting.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of murders shot up in 2020... mostly because when you lock people in their houses with a gun, they really tend to get on each other's nerves.
Well that's a odd "argument".....Par for the course with you but I digress.

#1 Who was locked in their homes?

#2 Please to explain why violent crime is down in areas where legal gun ownership and the rule of law is high.

Now I'm not saying it's due to more guns/gun ownership, that's just silly, but those areas are usually in states/counties where the cops have not been gelded by leftist politicians, the rule of law still prevails, and the criminal black population is 3-4 points below the national average.
Well that's a odd "argument".....Par for the course with you but I digress.

#1 Who was locked in their homes?

#2 Please to explain why violent crime is down in areas where legal gun ownership and the rule of law is high.

Now I'm not saying it's due to more guns/gun ownership, that's just silly, but those areas are usually in states/counties where the cops have not been gelded by leftist politicians, the rule of law still prevails, and the criminal black population is 3-4 points below the national average.

I've been mostly working from home since March 2020. I think I've maybe gone into the office 30% of the weeks I've worked...

Violent crime is up across the country.

I've been mostly working from home since March 2020. I think I've maybe gone into the office 30% of the weeks I've worked...

Violent crime is up across the country.

What the blue fuck does that have to do with anything? You wearing a ankle monitoring bracelet or something?

Ha! You are not fooling me, I bet you are tooling around town at 1000 like the rest of the damn "Homers". ;)
What the blue fuck does that have to do with anything? You wearing a ankle monitoring bracelet or something?

Ha! You are not fooling me, I bet you are tooling around town at 1000 like the rest of the damn "Homers".
I wish. I'm working close to 80 hours a week right now.

I'm trying to crowd a bunch of errands into a Saturday because I won't have time for them the rest of the week.
So gun crime is down unless youcount people victimized by guns... interesting.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of murders shot up in 2020... mostly because when you lock people in their houses with a gun, they really tend to get on each other's nerves.
Which means the lockdown was fucking stupid.
So gun crime is down unless youcount people victimized by guns... interesting.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of murders shot up in 2020... mostly because when you lock people in their houses with a gun, they really tend to get on each other's nerves.

No......if you look at who is being murdered, the ones getting murdered are 70-80% criminals murdered by other criminals......and of the rest, they are majority the baby mommas, children, other relatives, and friends and associates of gang members and other cxriminals who are killed when they are hit in the cross fire of gang beefs, and other criminal activity.

They are not John and Jane Q. citizen living their lives outside of the tiny areas in democrat party controlled cities where the democrats keep releasing these violent criminals over and over again...
I've been mostly working from home since March 2020. I think I've maybe gone into the office 30% of the weeks I've worked...

Violent crime is up across the country.


1) The democrat party, in 2015, decided they would start a war on the police......they want to take money for the police and use it to fund their various stupid programs that do nothing but support the democrat party.....the police are now so concerned for their jobs, their pensions and their freedom...that they are not going after criminals until they absolutely have to...

2) the democrat party decided that releasing known, repeat, violent criminals was the way to go......and even when you have 5 gang members shooting at each other, on video....on a public street, with two of the gang members on the ground with bullets in them...the democrat party prosecutor, kim foxx in chicago.....will not press any charges against any of them......

Those two reasons are the sole reason we have more violent crime across America, but more violence in democrat party controlled cities.
So gun crime is down unless youcount people victimized by guns... interesting.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of murders shot up in 2020... mostly because when you lock people in their houses with a gun, they really tend to get on each other's nerves.

No...when you keep the police from doing their jobs, gang members and other criminals start carrying guns with them all the time...since they are not afraid the police will stop them in public and catch them with the illegal gun....and then, even if caught, the democrat prosecutor will drop the gun charge, and the democrat party judge will release them without bail........

That is driving the gun murder rate....criminals shooting each other over drug turf...cause selling drugs never has a slow day...
Which means the lockdown was fucking stupid.

I think it's more a balancing act. Without lockdowns, this thing would have spread a lot faster and a lot deadlier. The fact that we are STILL losing 1500-2000 people a day even with other precautions AND 60% of the population vaccinated, one could only imagine the disaster if we kept going as we are in early 2000 with no other safeguards or protocols in place yet.

Even a 10% increase in mortality in 2020 would be 40,000 lives. As opposed to 5000 excess homicides for people who probably needed to see a divorce attorney.
No...when you keep the police from doing their jobs, gang members and other criminals start carrying guns with them all the time...since they are not afraid the police will stop them in public and catch them with the illegal gun....and then, even if caught, the democrat prosecutor will drop the gun charge, and the democrat party judge will release them without bail........

That is driving the gun murder rate....criminals shooting each other over drug turf...cause selling drugs never has a slow day...
That sounds like a good argument for legalizing drugs, not guns.

Of course, most gun deaths are nothing to do with drugs, they are domestic arguments.
No......if you look at who is being murdered, the ones getting murdered are 70-80% criminals murdered by other criminals......and of the rest, they are majority the baby mommas, children, other relatives, and friends and associates of gang members and other cxriminals who are killed when they are hit in the cross fire of gang beefs, and other criminal activity.

They are not John and Jane Q. citizen living their lives outside of the tiny areas in democrat party controlled cities where the democrats keep releasing these violent criminals over and over again...

Ah, it's just the darkies, so no big whoop, right Dick Tiny?

Sadly, that's too true. The only time we give a crap about the gun violence is when a crazy white person shoots up a school or a theater.
That sounds like a good argument for legalizing drugs, not guns.

Of course, most gun deaths are nothing to do with drugs, they are domestic arguments.

And you are lying....they are not domestic arguments.....they are criminals engaged in the criminal lifestyle and profession..
Ah, it's just the darkies, so no big whoop, right Dick Tiny?

Sadly, that's too true. The only time we give a crap about the gun violence is when a crazy white person shoots up a school or a theater.

No...that's you....and the democrats......we want violent criminals locked up because they kill other Americans, regardless of race....the democrats pretend to care about black Americans a few months before each election, then release the worst murderers back into black communities to kill, over and over again..

that is on you and the democrat party, not me.
I think it's more a balancing act. Without lockdowns, this thing would have spread a lot faster and a lot deadlier. The fact that we are STILL losing 1500-2000 people a day even with other precautions AND 60% of the population vaccinated, one could only imagine the disaster if we kept going as we are in early 2000 with no other safeguards or protocols in place yet.

Even a 10% increase in mortality in 2020 would be 40,000 lives. As opposed to 5000 excess homicides for people who probably needed to see a divorce attorney.
The lockdowns didn't do shit. If anything, it made more people sick and it definitely created a multitude of other problems.
No...that's you....and the democrats......we want violent criminals locked up because they kill other Americans, regardless of race....the democrats pretend to care about black Americans a few months before each election, then release the worst murderers back into black communities to kill, over and over again..

Guy, most of the people in prison aren't in there for murder. If you restricted prisons to just the rapists and murderers, you would have a prison population of only about 400,000 or so.

Guy, most of the people in prison aren't in there for murder. If you restricted prisons to just the rapists and murderers, you would have a prison population of only about 400,000 or so.

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Soooooo? Why do the democrats keep releasing the murderers and rapists?

That is the question you have to answer.

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