Gun murder is up in democrat party cities, but gun crime in general is down....... More guns, less gun crime....

You are so full of crap . . .

I challenged it and asked you before to support your this "83% . . . " claim of yours. It's obvious you don't really know the particulars of the 83% stat you have thrown out dozens of times in he last year. Why is your description / breakdown of the 83% never specific and so lacking consistency?

I have read it to be:
"83% are killed by friends and family"
"83% of murder victims know each other"
"83% of murder victims know their killers"
"83% of homicides are committed by people who know each other"
"83% of gun homicides are people the victim knows"
"83% of murderers have some relationship to the victim"
"83% of gun murders are "normal" people killing their friends and family"
"83% of homicides are not career criminals, they are people who got into altercations with their family, friends or neighbors"
"83% of homicides are family or aquaintences[sic]"
"83% of murders aren't gangs, they are people who shoot their family and neighbors"
"83% of gun homicides are people who are shot by family members, friends or neighbors"
"83% of homicides are domestic violence of some sort. i.e. victims know their killers"
"83% of homcides are domestic violence"

You never cite the source of the 83% with a breakdown that refutes the simple challenge that you are stretching "acquaintance" far, far beyond the FBI meaning to make your half-assed gun control points.

Besides your loosely-goosey terminology, (which itself indicates deception), and blatant exaggerations / misrepresentations, (saying the 83% is just "gun homicides" or just "domestic violence"), again I demand you cite your source for the "83% . . . ", with a link.

I know for a fact the numbers just don't add up, at least using numbers from the most recent FBI-UCR; 28% + 13% = 41%, not 83%.

"In 2019, 28.3 percent of homicide victims were killed by someone they knew other than family members (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.), 13.0 percent were slain by family members, and 9.9 percent were killed by strangers. The relationship between murder victims and offenders was unknown in 48.9 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter incidents."​

So put up or shut up, state your stats clearly, precisely, consistently and source them . . . Or not, and be a typical duplicitous anti-gunner eager to lie to make your points.

Here's a stat, 100% of gun nuts are gun nuts because won't supply them the medication
Here's a stat, 100% of gun nuts are gun nuts because won't supply them the medication

In 30+ years of enjoying on-line debate on guns, it always amazes me how many hoplophobes can't compose a thought in rebuttal to a gun rights person without projecting their sexual fixations, dwelling on male genitalia. It is really a strange phenomena that is international and has persevered through generations of anti-gunners.
In 30+ years of enjoying on-line debate on guns, it always amazes me how many hoplophobes can't compose a thought in rebuttal to a gun rights person without projecting their sexual fixations, dwelling on male genitalia. It is really a strange phenomena that is international and has persevered through generations of anti-gunners.

Yeah......that is one of the weirdest things about the anti-gunners.....
Given you ignored my request that you substantiate your "83%

Wrong, you are lying. It can't be "most" murders, it sure isn't 83% of all murders and damn sure isn't "gun" murders or "domestic" murders . . . Because of the total, 9.9% of murder victims are killed by strangers and for 49% of all murders, no relationship between murder victim and offender was ascertained.

That just means the cops didn't get off their lazy asses and solve the case. If you extrapolate the KNOWN murders to the UNKNOWN murders, then you get 83% people being killed by their friends and family (really, the only ones who want to kill them) and 17% who are strangers. Because why would you want to kill a stranger?

But, those countries are more vaxxed and have more restrictions than The United States ever did. How do you explain that? Is it because the lockdowns did more harm than good?

Japan has 431 inhabited islands. That made it harder for the virus to travel among the population.

Uh, most of the population lives on the four major islands and they are very well connected. Japan ALSO is much more densely populated than the US, which would cause the virus to spread faster if they had Trump-class leadership.

Of course, the Japanese followed social distancing. They did lockdowns until other methods of control could be implemented. They got vaxed. They cancelled the Olympics for a year. The wearing of Masks was already popular in Japanese cities, and the Japanese are less likely to make physical contact when greeting (they do the bowing thing instead of shaking hands or hugging).
That just means the cops didn't get off their lazy asses and solve the case.

Useless hyperbolic derogatory speculation.

If you extrapolate the KNOWN murders to the UNKNOWN murders, then you get 83% people being killed by their friends and family (really, the only ones who want to kill them) and 17% who are strangers. Because why would you want to kill a stranger?

So if we conjure situations and invent conditions that are unsupported by the data, we might arrive at that very precise "83% . . ." percentage that you have been citing dozens of times over the last year . . . You have been beating the board over the head for months with that fake stat, pretending that you knew what you were talking about.

You are a useless, untrustworthy fraud; not one sylable of anything you post should be considered "reality" or "fact", no matter how emphatically you misrepresent it.
Useless hyperbolic derogatory speculation.

In 2018, 87% of murders in Chicago went unsolved. They totally proved that Jussie Smollet lied about getting beaten up, though. So they can actually do investigations when they want to.

So if we conjure situations and invent conditions that are unsupported by the data, we might arrive at that very precise "83% . . ." percentage that you have been citing dozens of times over the last year . . . You have been beating the board over the head for months with that fake stat, pretending that you knew what you were talking about.

The data is pretty clear. 83% of homicide victims know their killers... it's why the murder rate jumped in 2020 after we all got locked into our houses for a year.
In 2018, 87% of murders in Chicago went unsolved. They totally proved that Jussie Smollet lied about getting beaten up, though. So they can actually do investigations when they want to.

Murders go unsolved because witnesses are either fellow criminals and would rather settle the score themselves, or honest people who have zero confidence in the leftist, hug-a-thug DA to ever actually put the murderer in prison and/or even keep the hug in jail until the trial and keep the witnesses safe.

In leftist criminal-coddling Hell-holes like Chicago, coming forward and helping the prosecution means you will soon be another "stat" of a victim that "knew" their killer for leftist anti-gunners like you to throw out to argue White guys like me in the suburbs need to have their gun rights restricted.

You are morally bankrupt. . . .

Smollet's case began with an outsized police response because he was famous and gay and blamed Trump supporters. Turns out he was just an idiot and his story collapsed. Not even remotely equatable . . . Well, unless you are a dishonest, leftist anti-gunner without any intellectual integrity.

The data is pretty clear. 83% of homicide victims know their killers... it's why the murder rate jumped in 2020 after we all got locked into our houses for a year.

The data is clear, you are pretending to know what you are talking about.

Murders go unsolved because witnesses are either fellow criminals and would rather settle the score themselves, or honest people who have zero confidence in the leftist, hug-a-thug DA to ever actually put the murderer in prison and/or even keep the hug in jail until the trial and keep the witnesses safe.

Murders go unsolved because the cops don't give a fuck if it isn't a white person. Ever notice that cop-killings never go unsolved?

In leftist criminal-coddling Hell-holes like Chicago, coming forward and helping the prosecution means you will soon be another "stat" of a victim that "knew" their killer for leftist anti-gunners like you to throw out to argue White guys like me in the suburbs need to have their gun rights restricted.

Except Chicago was doing a pretty good job of bringing the murder rate down until the McDonald Decision allowed every asshole who wanted a gun to have one. I mean, you guys flood the streets with guns and then wonder why the murder rate goes up.

Smollet's case began with an outsized police response because he was famous and gay and blamed Trump supporters. Turns out he was just an idiot and his story collapsed. Not even remotely equatable . . . Well, unless you are a dishonest, leftist anti-gunner without any intellectual integrity.

But the question is, why are we not treating MURDERS with that kind of urgency. If they could chase down every lead to find that Smollett was a big fibber, there's no reason why they can't do the same with murderers...

Why did the CPD feel a NEED to exonerate Trump supporters?
Murders go unsolved because the cops don't give a fuck if it isn't a white person. Ever notice that cop-killings never go unsolved?

Except Chicago was doing a pretty good job of bringing the murder rate down until the McDonald Decision allowed every asshole who wanted a gun to have one. I mean, you guys flood the streets with guns and then wonder why the murder rate goes up.

But the question is, why are we not treating MURDERS with that kind of urgency. If they could chase down every lead to find that Smollett was a big fibber, there's no reason why they can't do the same with murderers...

Why did the CPD feel a NEED to exonerate Trump supporters?

Chicago didn't bring down the murder rate.........and normal people carrying guns didn't increase the gun murder rate since normal people carrying legal guns don't shoot other people.....

The problem?

1) the democrat party in Chicago and across the country started a war on the police.

2) democrat party judges and prosecutors decided to start releasing known, violent, repeat gun offenders over and over again.......releasing the actual shooters to keep shooting people in their tiny areas in Chicago..
Murders go unsolved because the cops don't give a fuck if it isn't a white person. Ever notice that cop-killings never go unsolved?

Except Chicago was doing a pretty good job of bringing the murder rate down until the McDonald Decision allowed every asshole who wanted a gun to have one. I mean, you guys flood the streets with guns and then wonder why the murder rate goes up.

But the question is, why are we not treating MURDERS with that kind of urgency. If they could chase down every lead to find that Smollett was a big fibber, there's no reason why they can't do the same with murderers...

Why did the CPD feel a NEED to exonerate Trump supporters?

But the question is, why are we not treating MURDERS with that kind of urgency.

OOOH.....OOOOh.......pick me.....pick me....

The democrat party....

The democrat party started attacking the police and moving various detective units, and cutting the budget....that was before 2015 when the democrat party went even more insane and increased their attacks on the police...

The democrat party prosecutors and judges started a revolving door policy for the most violent that anyone who would even think of helping the police now knows the guy they will be pointing out to the police will be back on the street in less than 48 hours.......which makes it highly fucking unlikely that the defenseless witnesses will help the police....

The democrat party realizes they have the black vote locked up, so they don't care how many young black males are killed as long as there are still enough to vote for democrats every two years...
Our murder problem is a purely urban condition.

Murder rates are often more more than 10 times the national rate.

But we already know this and we have always know it.

You mean murders happen where people ACTUALLY LIVE? Wow. In related news, Water is Wet.

The democrat party started attacking the police and moving various detective units, and cutting the budget....that was before 2015 when the democrat party went even more insane and increased their attacks on the police...

Actually, more like, we aren't going to fire any cops no matter how bad their performance is.

They were able to prove Jussie Smollet was a liar within two weeks...there's really no reason why they can't solve homicides, except for complete apathy.
Chicago didn't bring down the murder rate.........and normal people carrying guns didn't increase the gun murder rate since normal people carrying legal guns don't shoot other people.....

83% of homicides victims know their killers... sadly, giving "ordinary" people guns is exactly the problem.
83% of homicides victims know their killers

Where ever you invent that BS number from, it has no relationship with actual facts.

From the most recent FBI-UCR:

"In 2019, 28.3 percent of homicide victims were killed by someone they knew other than family members (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.), 13.0 percent were slain by family members, and 9.9 percent were killed by strangers. The relationship between murder victims and offenders was unknown in 48.9 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter incidents."​

You mean murders happen where people ACTUALLY LIVE? Wow. In related news, Water is Wet.

Actually, more like, we aren't going to fire any cops no matter how bad their performance is.

They were able to prove Jussie Smollet was a liar within two weeks...there's really no reason why they can't solve homicides, except for complete apathy.

No I mean that in very small urban areas the murder rate can be more than 10 times the national average.

Idiots like you think that stopping a person who lives hundreds of miles away in an area where the murder rate is historically near zero from owning a couple guns will somehow stop those murders in our hyper violent inner cities.

Like I said you don;t know Jack Shit about the crime and violence in this country
Nobody cares about what the FBI says at this point.

Well, nobody but disingenuous leftists, who's goal is to push illegitimate actions the government doesn't have to power to do, justifying your demands arguing statistics that you make up yourself, that contravene the official data.
You mean murders happen where people ACTUALLY LIVE? Wow. In related news, Water is Wet.

Actually, more like, we aren't going to fire any cops no matter how bad their performance is.

They were able to prove Jussie Smollet was a liar within two weeks...there's really no reason why they can't solve homicides, except for complete apathy.

Shithead....when the democrat party judges and prosecutors are releasing the murderers within 48 hours of arresting them, and them and their buddies go back to the neighborhood and look up the witnesses......?

Are you really that fucking stupid.....? Yes....yes you are.

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