Gun murder is up in democrat party cities, but gun crime in general is down....... More guns, less gun crime....

Soooooo? Why do the democrats keep releasing the murderers and rapists?

That is the question you have to answer.

Because they served their time? Come on, buddy, you know better...

As for rapists, only 3% of rapists ever see the inside of a prison cell. I'd personally like that to be more, but then we'd have to let the drug dealers out.
I know that's the Bleach Drinker Bible version.
That's reality. There's no source out there that can 1. Prove that the lockdowns suppressed the spread, nor 2. That the vaccine suppressed the spread.

You people need to get a fucking grip.
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Ah, it's just the darkies, so no big whoop, right Dick Tiny?

Sadly, that's too true. The only time we give a crap about the gun violence is when a crazy white person shoots up a school or a theater.

Whatever concern is shown for crime victims by people like you only extends to how the victim's suffering can be capitalized on, to exploit for power to restrict those who you perceive are opposed to your agenda.

This is proven simply by examining the proposals your ilk present to address crime; They never work to impact crime, only to expand government control over people . . . Of course not the people who are doing the killing. Your agenda's interest in killers is to nurture, protect, excuse even facilitate their war on society, for that horror provides the plausible argument for gun control.
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A look at the Crime Victimization Survey shows a decrease in gun crime even as gun murder in democrat party controlled cities is going up....of course, the victims of gun murder are majority criminals shot by other criminals.....

But what the media ignores is that the number of violent gun crimes dropped dramatically in 2020. Last October, the US Department of Justice released a study showing victims reported 212,470 gun crimes to police in 2020, a drop of 27% from the 290,790 in 2019. The share of violent crimes committed with guns also fell – by over 30%.

Of course, victims don’t report all crimes to the police. To get a handle on that, the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey interviews about 100,000 Americans each year. That survey also finds that the estimated number of gun crimes also fell by 27%, from 481,950 to 350,460 and that the share of violent crimes involving guns was only 7.7%.

In 2020, there was a statistically insignificant few percentage point rise in the share of murder committed with guns, but the share of guns used in robberies and aggravated assaults has dropped dramatically.

All this is consistent with academic research by myself and others showing that when civilians carry guns criminals are less likely to carry them. If a criminal pulls out a gun against an armed victim, he is more likely to be shot.

Gun ownership didn’t fuel the increase in crime over the last couple of years. Rather, people worried about violent crime and decided to arm themselves for self-protection.

It’s not hard to find explanations for the increased violence. Many urban areas saw more than half of prison inmates released because of the pandemic, and the releases still continue. Nationwide, there are over 340,000 fewer inmates in jails and prisons in 2021 than in 2019. In many places, police budgets were cut and officers ordered to stand down. New York City cut its police budget by $1 billion.

Prosecutors in many major urban areas have refused to prosecute violent criminals. In October, two rival drug gangs got into a gunfight in Chicago during broad daylight. The fight, caught on video, left one shooter dead and two others wounded. Cook County District Attorney Kim Foxx declined to prosecute any of the gang members, initially explaining they were “mutual combatants.”

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This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
Because they served their time? Come on, buddy, you know better...

As for rapists, only 3% of rapists ever see the inside of a prison cell. I'd personally like that to be more, but then we'd have to let the drug dealers out.

No...because the democrat prosecutor dropped the gun charges which would have added years to the sentence and the judge gave them less time....
Whatever concern is shown for crime victims by people like you only extends to how the victim's suffering can be capitalized on, to exploit for power to restrict those who you perceive are opposed to your agenda.

This is proven simply by examining the proposals your ilk present to address crime; They never work to impact crime, only to expand government control over people . . . Of course not the people who are doing the killing. Your agenda's interest in killers is to nurture, protect, excuse even facilitate their war on society, for that horror provides the plausible argument for gun control.

They wouldn't be able to make war on society if it wasn't so easy for them to get guns.

83% of murders are committed by people who know each other. We have met the enemy, and he is us.
That's reality. There's no source out there that can 1. Prove that the lockdowns suppressed the spread, nor 2. That the vaccine suppressed the spread.

You people need to get a fucking grip.

You mean other than countries that had complete lockdowns and wider vaccinations haven't had our casualty rates.

You see, the thing is, the US has 4% of the world's population and 18% of the Covid deaths (it was at 25% under Trump)

Compare that to Japan, where they have had strict lockdown and they have only had 18K deaths compared to our 800K.
They wouldn't be able to make war on society if it wasn't so easy for them to get guns.

83% of murders are committed by people who know each other. We have met the enemy, and he is us

83% of murders are committed by people who know each other.

Yep.....gang members of one gang murdering the members of another gang, and accidentally hitting the baby mommas, children, friends and associates of those gang members....the drug dealers shooting each other over drug turf........those are the people who "know each other," and are shooting each other as part of their criminal lifestyle...

It isn't the people who own guns for self defense, hunting and doofus....
You mean other than countries that had complete lockdowns and wider vaccinations haven't had our casualty rates.

You see, the thing is, the US has 4% of the world's population and 18% of the Covid deaths (it was at 25% under Trump)

Compare that to Japan, where they have had strict lockdown and they have only had 18K deaths compared to our 800K.
Other countries that had lockdowns and more vaccinations have had higher infection rates, too. The UK, France, Ireland, Netherlands all have higher infection rates than The United States. All are highly vaxxed and strictly locked down.

Japan has fewer people than The United States. Of course they will have fewer Not to mention, the death numbers in The United States are inaccurate.
A look at the Crime Victimization Survey shows a decrease in gun crime even as gun murder in democrat party controlled cities is going up....of course, the victims of gun murder are majority criminals shot by other criminals.....

But what the media ignores is that the number of violent gun crimes dropped dramatically in 2020. Last October, the US Department of Justice released a study showing victims reported 212,470 gun crimes to police in 2020, a drop of 27% from the 290,790 in 2019. The share of violent crimes committed with guns also fell – by over 30%.

Of course, victims don’t report all crimes to the police. To get a handle on that, the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey interviews about 100,000 Americans each year. That survey also finds that the estimated number of gun crimes also fell by 27%, from 481,950 to 350,460 and that the share of violent crimes involving guns was only 7.7%.

In 2020, there was a statistically insignificant few percentage point rise in the share of murder committed with guns, but the share of guns used in robberies and aggravated assaults has dropped dramatically.

All this is consistent with academic research by myself and others showing that when civilians carry guns criminals are less likely to carry them. If a criminal pulls out a gun against an armed victim, he is more likely to be shot.

Gun ownership didn’t fuel the increase in crime over the last couple of years. Rather, people worried about violent crime and decided to arm themselves for self-protection.

It’s not hard to find explanations for the increased violence. Many urban areas saw more than half of prison inmates released because of the pandemic, and the releases still continue. Nationwide, there are over 340,000 fewer inmates in jails and prisons in 2021 than in 2019. In many places, police budgets were cut and officers ordered to stand down. New York City cut its police budget by $1 billion.

Prosecutors in many major urban areas have refused to prosecute violent criminals. In October, two rival drug gangs got into a gunfight in Chicago during broad daylight. The fight, caught on video, left one shooter dead and two others wounded. Cook County District Attorney Kim Foxx declined to prosecute any of the gang members, initially explaining they were “mutual combatants.”

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Dem colerts are killin everyone!

Wut? I said, "colert."
They wouldn't be able to make war on society if it wasn't so easy for them to get guns.

83% of murders are committed by people who know each other. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

You are so full of crap . . .

I challenged it and asked you before to support your this "83% . . . " claim of yours. It's obvious you don't really know the particulars of the 83% stat you have thrown out dozens of times in he last year. Why is your description / breakdown of the 83% never specific and so lacking consistency?

I have read it to be:
"83% are killed by friends and family"
"83% of murder victims know each other"
"83% of murder victims know their killers"
"83% of homicides are committed by people who know each other"
"83% of gun homicides are people the victim knows"
"83% of murderers have some relationship to the victim"
"83% of gun murders are "normal" people killing their friends and family"
"83% of homicides are not career criminals, they are people who got into altercations with their family, friends or neighbors"
"83% of homicides are family or aquaintences[sic]"
"83% of murders aren't gangs, they are people who shoot their family and neighbors"
"83% of gun homicides are people who are shot by family members, friends or neighbors"
"83% of homicides are domestic violence of some sort. i.e. victims know their killers"
"83% of homcides are domestic violence"

You never cite the source of the 83% with a breakdown that refutes the simple challenge that you are stretching "acquaintance" far, far beyond the FBI meaning to make your half-assed gun control points.

Besides your loosely-goosey terminology, (which itself indicates deception), and blatant exaggerations / misrepresentations, (saying the 83% is just "gun homicides" or just "domestic violence"), again I demand you cite your source for the "83% . . . ", with a link.

I know for a fact the numbers just don't add up, at least using numbers from the most recent FBI-UCR; 28% + 13% = 41%, not 83%.

"In 2019, 28.3 percent of homicide victims were killed by someone they knew other than family members (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.), 13.0 percent were slain by family members, and 9.9 percent were killed by strangers. The relationship between murder victims and offenders was unknown in 48.9 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter incidents."​

So put up or shut up, state your stats clearly, precisely, consistently and source them . . . Or not, and be a typical duplicitous anti-gunner eager to lie to make your points.

Other countries that had lockdowns and more vaccinations have had higher infection rates, too. The UK, France, Ireland, Netherlands all have higher infection rates than The United States. All are highly vaxxed and strictly locked down.

The UK had a higher rate because Boris Johnson is almost a big an idiot as Trump. The countries with LEADERSHIP had lower rates.

Japan has fewer people than The United States. Of course they will have fewer Not to mention, the death numbers in The United States are inaccurate.

Uh, Japan has lost 18K people out of a population of 130 million.
We lost 800K out of a population of 330 million.

You are so full of crap . . .

I challenged it and asked you before to support your this "83% . . . " claim of yours. It's obvious you don't really know the particulars of the 83% stat you have thrown out dozens of times in he last year. Why is your description / breakdown of the 83% never specific and so lacking consistency?

I have read it to be:

Wow, you seriously linked to every post? Man, that's pathetic and sad.

Most people who are murdered are murdered by people they know. FACT. Strangers have no reason to kill you. They don't know you.


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Wow, you seriously linked to every post? Man, that's pathetic and sad.

Given you ignored my request that you substantiate your "83% . . . " claims and that you have no intellectual integrity, I felt it prudent to simply prove that you do not maintain any continuity when you throw out your "83% . . . " claim.

Sure, it was a bit of a pain in the ass but for quickly exposing your duplicitousness, it was worth the 10 minutes, better than wasting time in a half-dozen posts back-n-forth with you dissembling.

Most people who are murdered are murdered by people they know. FACT.

Wrong, you are lying. It can't be "most" murders, it sure isn't 83% of all murders and damn sure isn't "gun" murders or "domestic" murders . . . Because of the total, 9.9% of murder victims are killed by strangers and for 49% of all murders, no relationship between murder victim and offender was ascertained.

The best that you can possibly hope for is to qualify your statement; you could safely say, "most people who are murdered are murdered by people they know" -- for just the incidents where a relationship is known.

It is you who is pathetic and sad, that you have so little confidence in your position and so little self respect that you just can't be honest in your argumentation.

Strangers have no reason to kill you. They don't know you.

How preposterous; is that really how far the anti-gunner self-delusion goes?
The UK had a higher rate because Boris Johnson is almost a big an idiot as Trump. The countries with LEADERSHIP had lower rates.

Uh, Japan has lost 18K people out of a population of 130 million.
We lost 800K out of a population of 330 million.

Wow, you seriously linked to every post? Man, that's pathetic and sad.

Most people who are murdered are murdered by people they know. FACT. Strangers have no reason to kill you. They don't know you.
But, those countries are more vaxxed and have more restrictions than The United States ever did. How do you explain that? Is it because the lockdowns did more harm than good?

Japan has 431 inhabited islands. That made it harder for the virus to travel among the population.

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