Gun owner paranoia---

The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.

I'm trying to understand how someone could 'legally' buy a firearm, especially when it is ILLEGAL to buy a firearm in a state you don't live in.

including handguns.

They can be purchased, but have to be sent to an FFL in the purchasers home state.

Unless it's a private sale, pay and go isn't allowed.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.

I'm trying to understand how someone could 'legally' buy a firearm, especially when it is ILLEGAL to buy a firearm in a state you don't live in.

including handguns.

They can be purchased, but have to be sent to an FFL in the purchasers home state.

Unless it's a private sale, pay and go isn't allowed.

Okay, let's say you are just misinformed. A Legal Indy person can guy the guns. He goes from place to place and buys even more guns until his van is filled up. He then drives the Van and it's contents into Chitown and sells the Van and all it's cargo for a nice tidy profit. These guns were purchased legally although what happens after that isn't. BTW, many guns make it into Mexico the same way from Texas where it's even easier.

The problem isn't with Ill, it's with Indy who refuses to clean their system up and go after these gun runners. Same goes for Texas. BTW, Kansas is bitching about MJ being legally purchased in Colorado and then transported to Kansas.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

So what about the endless violence and cancel culture posts coming from leftists. Does that make you say "we have a problem" too?

The term cancel culture I find juvenile but, of course, I am much more mature than you. As for it being a problem comparable to the slaughter of children? I think you need you fucking head examined.

Yes, I want the endless violence ended, that is why I am coming for your gun, idiot.
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.

Okay, we'll be right over. We understand that you now call your community "The Hood" and there are far too many "Criminals" with guns in your "Hood". Listen for the hushed black chopper. They are coming.

That is so gay. That's Faun gay

The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.

I'm trying to understand how someone could 'legally' buy a firearm, especially when it is ILLEGAL to buy a firearm in a state you don't live in.

including handguns.

They can be purchased, but have to be sent to an FFL in the purchasers home state.

Unless it's a private sale, pay and go isn't allowed.

Okay, let's say you are just misinformed. A Legal Indy person can guy the guns. He goes from place to place and buys even more guns until his van is filled up. He then drives the Van and it's contents into Chitown and sells the Van and all it's cargo for a nice tidy profit. These guns were purchased legally although what happens after that isn't. BTW, many guns make it into Mexico the same way from Texas where it's even easier.

The problem isn't with Ill, it's with Indy who refuses to clean their system up and go after these gun runners. Same goes for Texas. BTW, Kansas is bitching about MJ being legally purchased in Colorado and then transported to Kansas.

Thanks for making MY point.

the persons ending up the firearms did NOT get them legally.

(BTW, that is called straw purchasing. Illegal)
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Translation: The Prog-Dems are going to do everything they can to disarm law-abiding citizens.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.
If being able to fondle a shooty infuses confidence, why are so many of the gun-dependent so insecure?
If more people are killed by cars than guns, why don't they want to ban cars instead of guns?

They're just going to make cars impossible for most citizens to use by driving up prices for gas and electricity.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

So what about the endless violence and cancel culture posts coming from leftists. Does that make you say "we have a problem" too?

The term cancel culture I find juvenile but, of course, I am much more mature than you. As for it being a problem comparable to the slaughter of children? I think you need you fucking head examined.

Yes, I want the endless violence ended, that is why I am coming for your gun, idiot.
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.

Thing is, I lived far longer in the hood and had far more problems with gun owners in the country. I am guessing you consider the country folk the law abiding citizens that never commit a crime (until they do)

BTW, Fuck you, you racist bitch. :ahole-1:

Not every man needs a gun to compensate for their inadequacies. Of course, you would not know this.

You call anyone who thinks differently than you a racist. You voted for Racist Joe who says you're not black if you don't vote for him and blacks are all the same.

Worry about your own racism before pointing at anyone else
I told the Moon Bat that but like all Moon Bats he/she/it didn't understand. They are not very good at reading comprehension.
You may be laboring under the delusion that all Constitutional amendments are absolute. In fact, none is. All are circumscribed (including by those rights enumerated under other Amendments.)

A mentally-impaired fanatical ex-felon firearm fetishist may scream that he is entitled to flourish his Kalashnikov in a kindergarten class whilst drunk because it his his Constitutional right, as he flaunts his tattoo identifying him as a member in good standing of a well-regulated militia. His presumption of unbridled permissiveness is mistaken on on several scores.

The Supreme Court specifically stated that the Second Amendment does not limit prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, penalties for carrying firearms in schools and government buildings, or laws regulating the sales of guns. The Court has also noted that there was a historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.”

E.g., Does the Second Amendment guarantee the right to possession or use of a ‘shotgun having a barrel of less than 18 inches in length’? No, of course not, and the Supreme Court has so ruled.

As Justice Antonin Scalia had clearly stated,"Yes, there are some limitations that can be imposed" on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Neither gun extremists nor anti-gun extremists may be satisfied, but reasonable restrictions, and not blanket prohibitions, will continue to be the accommodative, societal solutions.

You are confused.

The Bill of Rights suppose to protect our individual rights. If it doesn't then BoR isn't worth the parchment it is written on.

The problem we have is that we can't depend upon the Executive, Legislative or Judcial branches of government to protect our Constitutional Rights. The branches are run by humans that have their own agenda and own pressure groups. Just look at Roberts refusing to grant Trump and the states standing in the ballot challenge because he didn't want to see riots if the election was overturned, as an example.

Just look at those four Liberal yahoos on the Supreme Court that wouldn't even agree that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right in the Heller case.

If your point is that the government can use our institutions to take away our rights then I will agree with you. If you are arguing that they are right to do so then I would disagree with you.

Men take Liberty away from other Men all the time and then claim it is legal to do it. History is full of examples.

The filthy ass government has no right to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms, even if some lawmakers pass laws to do so and an idiot court agrees with them.
You are wrong.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.

I'm trying to understand how someone could 'legally' buy a firearm, especially when it is ILLEGAL to buy a firearm in a state you don't live in.

including handguns.

They can be purchased, but have to be sent to an FFL in the purchasers home state.

Unless it's a private sale, pay and go isn't allowed.

Okay, let's say you are just misinformed. A Legal Indy person can guy the guns. He goes from place to place and buys even more guns until his van is filled up. He then drives the Van and it's contents into Chitown and sells the Van and all it's cargo for a nice tidy profit. These guns were purchased legally although what happens after that isn't. BTW, many guns make it into Mexico the same way from Texas where it's even easier.

The problem isn't with Ill, it's with Indy who refuses to clean their system up and go after these gun runners. Same goes for Texas. BTW, Kansas is bitching about MJ being legally purchased in Colorado and then transported to Kansas.

Thanks for making MY point.

the persons ending up the firearms did NOT get them legally.

But they weren't stolen, hardly any gun shops were broken into, they were legally purchased by a legal Indy Citizen. Your point is that the Police need to gather up the guns from the "Hood". But when they do, another shipment comes in. It's much easier and smarter to stop the flow of weapons at the source. Care to tell me how that can be done? Obviously bagging the weapons in the hands of the Criminals doesn't work when you have more criminals buying imported guns than you have cops?
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Translation: The Prog-Dems are going to do everything they can to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Just you and if you follow the Federalist Papers, fruitcakes should not be allowed to possess arms of any kind and they included daggers, swords, pikes, maces, muskets as well.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.

I'm trying to understand how someone could 'legally' buy a firearm, especially when it is ILLEGAL to buy a firearm in a state you don't live in.

including handguns.

They can be purchased, but have to be sent to an FFL in the purchasers home state.

Unless it's a private sale, pay and go isn't allowed.

Okay, let's say you are just misinformed. A Legal Indy person can guy the guns. He goes from place to place and buys even more guns until his van is filled up. He then drives the Van and it's contents into Chitown and sells the Van and all it's cargo for a nice tidy profit. These guns were purchased legally although what happens after that isn't. BTW, many guns make it into Mexico the same way from Texas where it's even easier.

The problem isn't with Ill, it's with Indy who refuses to clean their system up and go after these gun runners. Same goes for Texas. BTW, Kansas is bitching about MJ being legally purchased in Colorado and then transported to Kansas.

As soon as the guns are sold to a person who is legally prohibited from owning firearms then guns are illegal so any gun that is ever sold to a person who is barred by law from owning one is illegally procured
it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

Law-abiding American gun owners have almost 400 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition.

Trust me, if we were the problem, you'd know it...
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

I don't expect you to understand as it would make your head explode if you did.

I'm trying to understand how someone could 'legally' buy a firearm, especially when it is ILLEGAL to buy a firearm in a state you don't live in.

including handguns.

They can be purchased, but have to be sent to an FFL in the purchasers home state.

Unless it's a private sale, pay and go isn't allowed.

Okay, let's say you are just misinformed. A Legal Indy person can guy the guns. He goes from place to place and buys even more guns until his van is filled up. He then drives the Van and it's contents into Chitown and sells the Van and all it's cargo for a nice tidy profit. These guns were purchased legally although what happens after that isn't. BTW, many guns make it into Mexico the same way from Texas where it's even easier.

The problem isn't with Ill, it's with Indy who refuses to clean their system up and go after these gun runners. Same goes for Texas. BTW, Kansas is bitching about MJ being legally purchased in Colorado and then transported to Kansas.

Thanks for making MY point.

the persons ending up the firearms did NOT get them legally.

But they weren't stolen, hardly any gun shops were broken into, they were legally purchased by a legal Indy Citizen. Your point is that the Police need to gather up the guns from the "Hood". But when they do, another shipment comes in. It's much easier and smarter to stop the flow of weapons at the source. Care to tell me how that can be done? Obviously bagging the weapons in the hands of the Criminals doesn't work when you have more criminals buying imported guns than you have cops?

But they weren't stolen, hardly any gun shops were broken into, they were legally purchased by a legal Indy Citizen.

Google 'Straw Purchase'
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Translation: The Prog-Dems are going to do everything they can to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Just you and if you follow the Federalist Papers, fruitcakes should not be allowed to possess arms of any kind and they included daggers, swords, pikes, maces, muskets as well.

^^^ Diagnosis: Extreme Historical and Constitutional Illiteracy ^^^
You're a responsible poster so you cut the history which directly contradicted you. Got it.

Huh, this must be some use of the word "responsible" I hasn't previously heard before. Does it mean dishonest bastard in your dictionary?

paranoid much? ass hole

If everyone would cut the god damned threads this would be a much better site

but no, everyone is a lazy ass hole like you

are you still barking like I told you to?
You're a responsible poster so you cut the history which directly contradicted you. Got it.

Huh, this must be some use of the word "responsible" I hasn't previously heard before. Does it mean dishonest bastard in your dictionary?

paranoid much? ass hole

If everyone would cut the god damned threads this would be a much better site

but no, everyone is a lazy ass hole like you

are you still barking like I told you to?

Pointing out what that you cut the history that proves how stupid what you said was is "paranoid."

Got it.

Written down and saved in a safe place for later reference.

You're a responsible poster so you cut the history which directly contradicted you. Got it.

Huh, this must be some use of the word "responsible" I hasn't previously heard before. Does it mean dishonest bastard in your dictionary?

paranoid much? ass hole

If everyone would cut the god damned threads this would be a much better site

but no, everyone is a lazy ass hole like you

are you still barking like I told you to?

Pointing out what that you cut the history that proves how stupid what you said was is "paranoid."

Got it.

Written down and saved in a safe place for later reference.


You honest to God don't believe me do you?

Dude, honest, you are fucked up in your head.

I am guessing you are a Trumpet. He attacks all the feeble minded.
You're a responsible poster so you cut the history which directly contradicted you. Got it.

Huh, this must be some use of the word "responsible" I hasn't previously heard before. Does it mean dishonest bastard in your dictionary?

paranoid much? ass hole

If everyone would cut the god damned threads this would be a much better site

but no, everyone is a lazy ass hole like you

are you still barking like I told you to?

Pointing out what that you cut the history that proves how stupid what you said was is "paranoid."

Got it.

Written down and saved in a safe place for later reference.


You honest to God don't believe me do you?

Dude, honest, you are fucked up in your head.

I am guessing you are a Trumpet. He attacks all the feeble minded.

And you are getting your ass handed to you by someone fucked up in his head, LOL.

You cut the prior discussion that showed you were wrong. It was obviously intentional
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

How many do you own now?

Rifle, shotgun and pistol.

Why? Are you paranoid?

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