Gun owner paranoia---

The answer to your LAST question is: "Because the statist left is so anti 2nd amendment!"
No they really are not. There is the way left fringe but this is not a predominant worry among the party.

Yeah, I do both understand/agree with you. While the statist left is the radical fringe the folks that identify 'moderate left' are as 'American normal' as one can get. There are several married folks out here(we are really spreeeead out due to tillable acreage) that I have been fortunate enough to befriend through the years that identify as moderate Democrats. They hunt for venison, snowmobile, tend to their veggie gardens, keep their acreage up & are as peaceful folks as one could ever hope to have for neighbors. It's different out here from the big cities as most folks are employed & have their acreage to tend to also so we do not have a lot of free time to lolligag around with. I really don't think the folks out here that identify either Pub/Dem really care about political parties? I think they are just interested in responsible government, a strong dollar(low inflation) & a strong economy. It's the inner city built up areas that seem to harbor the statist left element of the Dem party & the power & control element of the Pub party. I am of Libertarian ideology & had been a member of our Libertarian party USA for 31 years but as I said previously: I don't think anyone out here gives a rip. Take care ef1, till next time!
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

How many do you own now?
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.

and if someone steals your car, and drives it into a crowd, you're partially responsible for any deaths and damages it causes?

Sure, if you leave it with the keys in it and maybe running while left unattended. There is no keys for a gun and it's always running. For those that don't show "Reasonable" security then they are as guilty as the person that pulled the trigger. I saw a young in a quick stop who had a gun on her hip. She was tossing her hip in that direction knowing (or unknowingly) to broadcast she was carrying an open carry. I can just see the bad guy now who decides to mug here. "Hey, jake, look a free gun and a free piece of ass".
Thats a dangerous way of thinking about it because you are going down a path that anything in your life that is not "properly secured" could lead you to legal problems.

Loan your buddy a hammer and he kills someone with it, you are on the hook. Leave your garage door open while working in the back yard and someone steals a hatchet and kills someone else with it you are on the hook.

Leave your car parked on the driveway, even though locked, its not in the garage and therefore not "secured", and someone breaks in and steals a knife and kills someone with it, you're on the hook.

Look, I agree that you should always secure your belongings, especially firearms, but trying to make a case for legal damages on behalf of the owner simply because he left his truck running while he ran into the store to grab some coffee, and someone steals his truck....that can open a can of worms that could potentially make EVERYONE a criminal.

Newsflash: that driver that runs into the store and leaves his vehicle running is already liable for anything it's used for. If not criminal, civil.

Really? I've never heard of anyone being held liable for leaving their vehicle running.

Any thoughts as to the rest of my post?

Many states have a Puffing law. Look it up. You might learn something. Or not.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

So what about the endless violence and cancel culture posts coming from leftists. Does that make you say "we have a problem" too?

The term cancel culture I find juvenile but, of course, I am much more mature than you. As for it being a problem comparable to the slaughter of children? I think you need you fucking head examined.

Yes, I want the endless violence ended, that is why I am coming for your gun, idiot.
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

So what about the endless violence and cancel culture posts coming from leftists. Does that make you say "we have a problem" too?

The term cancel culture I find juvenile but, of course, I am much more mature than you. As for it being a problem comparable to the slaughter of children? I think you need you fucking head examined.

Yes, I want the endless violence ended, that is why I am coming for your gun, idiot.
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.

Okay, we'll be right over. We understand that you now call your community "The Hood" and there are far too many "Criminals" with guns in your "Hood". Listen for the hushed black chopper. They are coming.
I always enjoy the irony that in places where the number of guns per capita is low ( cities) the crime rate is higher than where the number of guns per capita is high. But for some reason these gun control people say that the number of guns is the determining factor in crime rates
As I have tried to explain to you, assholes will take rights away from you if you let them. We shouldn't let them.

The problem we have is that we can't trust Liberals to define "reasonable gun control laws" because they are not reasonable. They are crazy and their agenda to do away with the right to keep and bear arms.

There are probably a couple of restrictions that most everybody would agree upon. However, once you agree that some restrictions are OK then you open the door for assholes to go bat shit crazy with unreasonable restrictions, like background checks, licenses, banning firearms, banning magazines, red flag laws, taxation, licensing and other onerous prohibitions.

The problem we have is that the Supreme Court has never ruled that the we should have Strict Scrutiny with the Second Amendment. That is why all the filthy ass Commie states have got away with taking away the Constitutional rights.

They have been waiting for a Conservative majority to review an appropriate case.

However, I think we all know that we can't depend upon the courts to protect our Liberty, can we?
Some extremely insecure gun-dependent folks wee wee their frillies over the fantasy of a Big Blue Meanie coming and snatching their precious away from them.

Squinty "Fancy Pants" LaP had fleeced the vulnerable by feeding them such scary nonsense. The scam of his exploitive outfit is currently being exposed in the courts.

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"They are crazy and their agenda to do
away with the right to keep and bear arms!"

There, there! The silly man has been lying to you, Honey.

There is no legislative initiative in any of the fifty United States
or at the national level to repeal the Second Amendment.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

How many do you own now?

Rifle, shotgun and pistol.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

So what about the endless violence and cancel culture posts coming from leftists. Does that make you say "we have a problem" too?

The term cancel culture I find juvenile but, of course, I am much more mature than you. As for it being a problem comparable to the slaughter of children? I think you need you fucking head examined.

Yes, I want the endless violence ended, that is why I am coming for your gun, idiot.
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.

Thing is, I lived far longer in the hood and had far more problems with gun owners in the country. I am guessing you consider the country folk the law abiding citizens that never commit a crime (until they do)

BTW, Fuck you, you racist bitch. :ahole-1:

Not every man needs a gun to compensate for their inadequacies. Of course, you would not know this.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

I grew up in the country. Ish. I never had neighbors like that.

lucky you

then another neighbor actually shoots his gun in the air in the middle of the night to complain and threaten because of a barking dog!

Mind you, my country place is only one hour from Manhattan. It is not like I am in the middle of Indiana or Alabama.

I got more stories. Only one from where you might expect it, from an inner city.

I live in the Rust Belt. City now. Ruralish suburbs when I was younger. Never seen shit like that.

I was an inner city kid who was lucky enough to have spent summers on grandfathers working farm. So I got to see both worlds. Then, as I said, I spent high school years in upper middle class suburbs, later another 5 years in a suburban area when my kids were young.

Way more time in the cities, way way more experiences with guns in the country. Oh, and college in NH, saw the gun come out on a Friday night a couple times too.

As we all have different experiences AND different interpretations of these experiences hence we all have different opinions. Still, I was never anti gun, I still own 3, until the FL high school massacre. Interestingly enough, it was not the shooting itself that changed me, it was the posts of the pro gun people afterward that made me say, "we got a problem."

peace brother

So what about the endless violence and cancel culture posts coming from leftists. Does that make you say "we have a problem" too?

The term cancel culture I find juvenile but, of course, I am much more mature than you. As for it being a problem comparable to the slaughter of children? I think you need you fucking head examined.

Yes, I want the endless violence ended, that is why I am coming for your gun, idiot.
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.

Thing is, I lived far longer in the hood and had far more problems with gun owners in the country. I am guessing you consider the country folk the law abiding citizens that never commit a crime (until they do)

BTW, Fuck you, you racist bitch. :ahole-1:

Not every man needs a gun to compensate for their inadequacies. Of course, you would not know this.
Havent owned a firearm in 3 or 4 years now retard. And it is mot racist to state facts dumb fuck.
And it is mot racist to state facts dumb fuck.

I seriously wonder if racists like you are even aware how racist you are.

Dude, I don;t know you from Adam. I read one post here from you and you told me straight away you view the world through race. Now either you are proud to be racist or you have work to do.

No reply is required. Peace
Moron the firearms you need to come for are the criminals in the hoods. not law abiding citizens that never commit a crim.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 10.16.45 AM.png

Right-wing nutter Dylann Roof, a white-supremacist
neo-nazi, is not a "criminal in the hood."
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.
I always enjoy the irony that in places where the number of guns per capita is low ( cities) the crime rate is higher than where the number of guns per capita is high. But for some reason these gun control people say that the number of guns is the determining factor in crime rates

Fact of the matter is if you took a nice middle-class white suburb, created a law that every household must have a gun, their violent crime rate would not change one bit. If you went to lower income hoods, created a law that nobody is allowed to own a gun, their violent crime rate wouldn't change either.
cut the post history

I cut the thread because I am a responsible poster you fuckin idiot.

You really are the ultimate jack ass.

You people are repulsive, don't you have to go bark at the moon about this time each day you queer mother fucker?

You're a responsible poster so you cut the history which directly contradicted you. Got it.

Huh, this must be some use of the word "responsible" I hasn't previously heard before. Does it mean dishonest bastard in your dictionary?
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.
The gun is illegal the second it is sold to a person who is legally prohibited from possessing it.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.
Just to be clear...

Republicans want children to be able to purchase guns?

Republican's want those diagnosed with mental challenges to be able to purchase guns?

Republicans want criminals to be able to purchase guns?

Are you one of those mentally challenged people?
Apparently you have no idea what the existing background check process entails nor current state laws governing the purchase of firearms.I do find your post rather informative in that it exposes mainstream media’s objective to indoctrinate and promote narratives over substance and fact.
The paranoia concerning imaginary Big Blue Meanies coming to take precious shooties away, notwithstanding, if the problem were limited to "criminals in the hood" it would be comparatively easy to confront.

The tragic reality of horrific, ubiquitous, mass shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Stoneman Douglas High School, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Amish West Nickel Mines School, Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas, etc., etc., etc. cannot be avoided by pointing at scapegoats.

Except those kind of mass shootings are an anomaly, not the norm. Look at how many get shot and killed in Chicago on a holiday weekend, or any weekend for that matter.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns. Just jet over about 40 or 50 miles into Indianna and you can buy a gun fairly easily. Then motor back into Chicago slums. There are people making big bucks by legally purchasing in Indy, transporting them across the Ill state line and reselling them. According to the Chicago Police Chief, that comprises over 60% of the "Illegal" guns on the street.

And most of the Chitown shootings are done by legally procured guns.

'Legally' procured?

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