Gun owner paranoia---

They're not.

Republicans are demagogues and liars.

Conservatives know no one is going to take anyone's guns and that there won't be any bans, this is the dishonest right spreading fear and misinformation.

There are many examples, here's one.

Medical Marijuana Patients Are Being Denied Gun Rights ...

Marijuana Laws and Gun Ownership - Legal Reader

While legal marijuana states permit people to use clinical and/or recreational weed, federal law says a toker cannot purchase and own a gun. A violator faces serious criminal charges with a federal penalty of five-years jail time and a $10,000 fine."
No one believes these ridiculous lies, including conservatives.
We have lots of guns because we have lots of scared and paranoid men.
Yeah, that's why Chicago has one of the highestmurder rates in the US...a bunch of paranoid cowards running around with weapons.

Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.
The problem with your assessment of things is that you are not looking at the bigger picture. They are not going to come right out and say they are going to take your guns.

Their idea of "mentally unstable" will cover a wide swath of people, because to the left, anyone who calls themselves a conservative is considered mentally unstable.

The other problem is, they will tax firearms, magazines, and ammunition so much that people will not be able to afford them.

And last, for some reason, they fail to understand that all of their proposed gun restrictions will do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Yes, it may prevent the stray guy who goes crazy and decides he wants to commit a mass murder, but it will also catch up a lot of harmless home owners who simply want to protect their family. Those intent on doing crime will find a way to get a firearm. Remember, criminals don't care about gun laws.
We have lots of guns because we have lots of scared and paranoid men. There is no question we have lots more death because of it.
And scared paranoid gun control freaks want to ban guns even though there is virtually no chance you will ever get murdered by a person with a gun
Lots of people are. Far more than in other countries.
Once again your chance of NOT getting murdered by a person with a gun is 99.9953%

Our murder rate is driven by a handful of ultra high crime urban areas. We all know where these places are as they are very well defined. The average American LEGAL gun owner doesn't commit murder with his guns.

Get urban crime under control and our murder rate drops by 70% or more. How do we do that you ask?

We do it by enforcing the gun laws we already have on the books and sentence anyone who illegally possess any firearm to at least 5 years in federal prison and more if they use a gun in any other crime
I don't believe that your experience represents the experience of the average gun owner.

As I have already demonstrated once in this thread ... What you believe doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

Nah, really ... You believe a lot of things, but for me it's not a belief, it's something that has always been there.
There's more firearms than people in the United States, and the average gun owner is a hell of a lot better to have around than the average driver ... :thup:

We agree that the average gun owner doesn't know shit about guns or how to use them. I took three levels of both class and personal training when I got mine. IMHO, training should be mandated. At least a beginners class with range certification. It could be done in half a day and would no doubt save lives.

We don't agree that the average gun owner doesn't know shit about them or how to use them responsibly.
The average gun owner here has grown up with access to firearms practically all their life.

I started carrying a firearm unsupervised in the woods when I was 12.
You may think that is stupid ... And I am willing to agree that you may be too stupid or incompetent to handle that kind responsibility ... :thup:

I don't believe that your experience represents the experience of the average gun owner.

The low rate of accidents suggest we do pretty well.
Compared to where?

I was speaking absolutely. Hundreds of millions of guns, hundreds of accidental deaths per year.

Seems like a low rate to me.
But we have hundreds more than other countries.

True. So, you admit though that it is a low rate?
Might have to do with me being a middle class white guy.

more to do with never having left mommies loin

BTW, I have seen this behavior more in "Trump country" than in inner cities or your sheltered little suburbs.

You know it is funny, you really do know nothing that I do. I am both street wise and a country boy. I know life in this country much more fully than do you. (plus, I attended a prep school so I know your neighborhoods too)

I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.

I repeat. Do you want some tips on how to be more like me? Cause your life sounds dangerous as hell.
Countless times?

yes, countless times.
From, the "I don't like your dog barking" threat to the drunkin "oh yeah?"

I have seen nothing but guns used to threaten rather than engaging in civil conflict resolution.

I have never seen anyone use a gun like that.

What dem hell hole do you live in?

You are a liar.

Or you live under a rock.

YOu can fuck off. I have never seen anyone use a gun like that.
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.

and if someone steals your car, and drives it into a crowd, you're partially responsible for any deaths and damages it causes?

Sure, if you leave it with the keys in it and maybe running while left unattended. There is no keys for a gun and it's always running. For those that don't show "Reasonable" security then they are as guilty as the person that pulled the trigger. I saw a young in a quick stop who had a gun on her hip. She was tossing her hip in that direction knowing (or unknowingly) to broadcast she was carrying an open carry. I can just see the bad guy now who decides to mug here. "Hey, jake, look a free gun and a free piece of ass".
There is no reason why any person shouldn't be able to leave their car unlocked and running. After all, an honest person won't steal the car, only a criminal will. There was a time in the US where most people never bothered to lock their doors. Making laws to punish law-abiding people for what criminals do is insane, you might as well write a law to give the person who stops at a stop sign a ticket because someone else ran the same sign.
You are confused Moon Bat.

You can own a car without any requirement including a driver's license.

There is no Consitional right to drive on a public highway and the government can pretty well regulate it how they want. However, there is a Consititional right to keep and bear arms. I shit you not. Go look it up. It is the second listed item in the Bill of Rights. It says that the government can't infringe upon that right.
Your raising the matter of potentially-lethal cars being registered, carefully regulated, and their operators required to demonstrate competence, is still a valid one. And there are numerous sensible restrictions concerning where even a duly-licensed person is allowed to operate one as well.

indeed, Sunshine, permissiveness in allowing incompetents free reign in use of their deadly devices is clearly ill-advised.
Actually there is no law that states you must register a car OR have a license to drive one. The law only affects vehicles driven primarily on public roads. Farm vehicles in most states are not licensed and can be driven on public roads for short licenses. Racing cars and off-road vehicles don't have to be licensed.
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?
Our homicide rate is like 4x worse than other wealthy natiions. And our law enforcement is much more likely to be gunned down. You pretend to be pro life when not discussing guns?

So despite the fact that you have a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun you are still afraid of being murdered by a person with a gun.

Got it
Yes it can be much better. Other countries don’t have a mass shooting problem and their law enforcement isn’t constantly gunned down. And again our homicide rate is huge relative to other wealthy countries. Again, you pretend to be pro life?
Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders.

And where have I ever said I was pro life?

But i see once again you are making assumptions about me based on your 2 dimensional view of the world. I am pro second amendment so therefore I voted for Trump, I am anti abortion, I am against gay marriage etc etc etc etc etc

FYI I didn't vote for Trump in any election, I support a woman's right to choose, I don't care if gay people get married ( in fact I have many gay friends and I was best man at one)

So now I will take a step back and watch your tiny little brain explode
Pro death is some stance.

I'm not pro death. I am pro liberty.
You are confused Moon Bat.

You can own a car without any requirement including a driver's license.

There is no Consitional right to drive on a public highway and the government can pretty well regulate it how they want. However, there is a Consititional right to keep and bear arms. I shit you not. Go look it up. It is the second listed item in the Bill of Rights. It says that the government can't infringe upon that right.
Your raising the matter of potentially-lethal cars being registered, carefully regulated, and their operators required to demonstrate competence, is still a valid one. And there are numerous sensible restrictions concerning where even a duly-licensed person is allowed to operate one as well.

indeed, Sunshine, permissiveness in allowing incompetents free reign in use of their deadly devices is clearly ill-advised.
Actually there is no law that states you must register a car OR have a license to drive one. The law only affects vehicles driven primarily on public roads. Farm vehicles in most states are not licensed and can be driven on public roads for short licenses. Racing cars and off-road vehicles don't have to be licensed.

I told the Moon Bat that but like all Moon Bats he/she/it didn't understand. They are not very good at reading comprehension.
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.

and if someone steals your car, and drives it into a crowd, you're partially responsible for any deaths and damages it causes?

Sure, if you leave it with the keys in it and maybe running while left unattended. There is no keys for a gun and it's always running. For those that don't show "Reasonable" security then they are as guilty as the person that pulled the trigger. I saw a young in a quick stop who had a gun on her hip. She was tossing her hip in that direction knowing (or unknowingly) to broadcast she was carrying an open carry. I can just see the bad guy now who decides to mug here. "Hey, jake, look a free gun and a free piece of ass".
There is no reason why any person shouldn't be able to leave their car unlocked and running. After all, an honest person won't steal the car, only a criminal will. There was a time in the US where most people never bothered to lock their doors. Making laws to punish law-abiding people for what criminals do is insane, you might as well write a law to give the person who stops at a stop sign a ticket because someone else ran the same sign.
I always thought that anyone who didn't lock his doors was an idiot but then again I grew up on the shittiest end of shitty city. But I still lock my doors even when I'm home old habits i guess.

Shit I even lock my car doors when the car is in the garage
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.

and if someone steals your car, and drives it into a crowd, you're partially responsible for any deaths and damages it causes?

Sure, if you leave it with the keys in it and maybe running while left unattended. There is no keys for a gun and it's always running. For those that don't show "Reasonable" security then they are as guilty as the person that pulled the trigger. I saw a young in a quick stop who had a gun on her hip. She was tossing her hip in that direction knowing (or unknowingly) to broadcast she was carrying an open carry. I can just see the bad guy now who decides to mug here. "Hey, jake, look a free gun and a free piece of ass".
Thats a dangerous way of thinking about it because you are going down a path that anything in your life that is not "properly secured" could lead you to legal problems.

Loan your buddy a hammer and he kills someone with it, you are on the hook. Leave your garage door open while working in the back yard and someone steals a hatchet and kills someone else with it you are on the hook.

Leave your car parked on the driveway, even though locked, its not in the garage and therefore not "secured", and someone breaks in and steals a knife and kills someone with it, you're on the hook.

Look, I agree that you should always secure your belongings, especially firearms, but trying to make a case for legal damages on behalf of the owner simply because he left his truck running while he ran into the store to grab some coffee, and someone steals his truck....that can open a can of worms that could potentially make EVERYONE a criminal.

Newsflash: that driver that runs into the store and leaves his vehicle running is already liable for anything it's used for. If not criminal, civil.
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.

and if someone steals your car, and drives it into a crowd, you're partially responsible for any deaths and damages it causes?

Sure, if you leave it with the keys in it and maybe running while left unattended. There is no keys for a gun and it's always running. For those that don't show "Reasonable" security then they are as guilty as the person that pulled the trigger. I saw a young in a quick stop who had a gun on her hip. She was tossing her hip in that direction knowing (or unknowingly) to broadcast she was carrying an open carry. I can just see the bad guy now who decides to mug here. "Hey, jake, look a free gun and a free piece of ass".
There is no reason why any person shouldn't be able to leave their car unlocked and running. After all, an honest person won't steal the car, only a criminal will. There was a time in the US where most people never bothered to lock their doors. Making laws to punish law-abiding people for what criminals do is insane, you might as well write a law to give the person who stops at a stop sign a ticket because someone else ran the same sign.

There is no laws, that I am aware of, where it's a criminal action to leave your vehicle unattended , running, while dashing into that 7-11. But there are civil laws that can apply.
I live in a dem city. So, your assumptions are wrong.


What can I do but laugh.

Where were you the last time you saw someone use a gun to force his will on another?

It's been a while. I am no longer out and about as I was.
Of course, that is the story of my life the last 10 years in regards to anything.

Last time was when my hillbillies neighbors by my country home had a shouting match and one reached for a gun to show how dangerous it was to argue with him. Douche bag. This I witnessed outside my window within the last 10 years.

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