Gun owners face much higher murder risk....NRA kills study


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
What everyone has known for decades, having a gun in your home does not make you safer

Gun owners face much higher murder risks researchers said. Then the NRA silenced them.

The most common reason that people have a gun is because they have it for home protection,” he says. “Unfortunately, the data indicates that having a gun is associated with both an increased risk of homicide, but even more importantly, an increased risk of suicide. We know that, for example, if there’s a gun in the home, the risk of suicide among adolescents and young adults increases tenfold.”
Back in 1993, Rivara and his colleagues released this information in a series of articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most highly respected medical journals in the world. The NRA quickly went after the research — as well as Rivara and his colleagues.
Rivara says 10 pro-gun senators worked to get the ear of Arlen Specter, then a senator from Pennsylvania and chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee.
“[Specter] approached the Centers for Disease and Control and discussed the idea that this research was biased,” says Rivara. Congress “ended up cutting the CDC budget by the exact amount of money that was used to fund the gun research. They had first threatened to cut all of the funding for injury research at the CDC. They didn’t do that, but they ended up cutting it by the exact amount that was spent on gun research.”


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So were the guns lawfully owned? Did the gun owners have criminal records?

Or are these people just piece of shit scumbags?

As usual your so called polls are lacking much relevant info.
Riveras' CDC study? Yeah, know about that one and the innuendo surrounding funding.
I'm also aware of the partnership between Public Health and the Gun-control lobby.
Like with much of what the NRA says, I'll take this one with a block of salt.
So were the guns lawfully owned? Did the gun owners have criminal records?

Or are these people just piece of shit scumbags?

As usual your so called polls are lacking much relevant info.

Ask the NRA

They killed the study
MMS Error

During the study period, 1860 homicides occurred in the three counties, 444 of them (23.9 percent) in the home of the victim. After excluding 24 cases for various reasons, we interviewed proxy respondents for 93 percent of the victims. Controls were identified for 99 percent of these, yielding 388 matched pairs. As compared with the controls, the victims more often lived alone or rented their residence. Also, case households more commonly contained an illicit-drug user, a person with prior arrests, or someone who had been hit or hurt in a fight in the home. After controlling for these characteristics, we found that keeping a gun in the home was strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of homicide (adjusted odds ratio, 2.7; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.6 to 4.4). Virtually all of this risk involved homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance.
Full Text of Results...
The use of illicit drugs and a history of physical fights in the home are important risk factors for homicide in the home. Rather than confer protection, guns kept in the home are associated with an increase in the risk of homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance.
So were the guns lawfully owned? Did the gun owners have criminal records?

Or are these people just piece of shit scumbags?

As usual your so called polls are lacking much relevant info.

Ask the NRA

They killed the study

They also steal candy from babies, prevent Santa Claus from delivering his toys, and have been known to mess around with your office stuff, much like Robert Goulet.
So having guns makes people commit suicide? Do they whisper in your ear or just shout it out?
I guess having spoons makes people fat because every obese person has a spoon in his house.
women rarely use guns...too damaging to the body...we do want to leave a good looking that seems to be a man thing...the guns for suicide ....

i just do not understand why anti gun people get so rabid over MY having guns in my home....i just dont see that its your business what i have in my home..isnt it still my castle..and if you rush my moat dont i have a right to self defense...that is what i do not get....the anti gun people want to take my rights to self defense....i do not live in an area where police are all can take a hot 15 minutes or so if they are all on the other side of the you can be left with quite a time gap there....what do you suggest when one is attacked in one's home...what do you think one should do?
women rarely use guns...too damaging to the body...we do want to leave a good looking that seems to be a man thing...the guns for suicide ....

i just do not understand why anti gun people get so rabid over MY having guns in my home....i just dont see that its your business what i have in my home..isnt it still my castle..and if you rush my moat dont i have a right to self defense...that is what i do not get....the anti gun people want to take my rights to self defense....i do not live in an area where police are all can take a hot 15 minutes or so if they are all on the other side of the you can be left with quite a time gap there....what do you suggest when one is attacked in one's home...what do you think one should do?

I agree with you but in truth, the only one's screeching about guns in your home are the gun nutters. Normal people who own guns are just that - normal people who own guns.

Most of what we hear is a manufactured issue started by the gun lobby to increase sales. They're the only ones saying the govt is coming for our guns and their efforts have been very successful.

Gun owners face a much higher chance of protecting themselves since cowering, begging and peeing doesn't gain you any tactical advantage. But hey, we can't all be libs.
What is the NRA afraid of?

“More importantly, however, was that they put a clause for the appropriations of the CDC that essentially blocked all gun research for the next two decades," Rivara says.
The CDC budget cuts all but ended federal gun research. Dr. Arthur Kellerman, who also worked on the 1993 study, stated in a December 2012 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association that “no federal employee was willing to risk his or her career or the agency's funding to find out” if any gun research could be done. "Support for firearm injury prevention research quickly dried up.”
So were the guns lawfully owned? Did the gun owners have criminal records?

Or are these people just piece of shit scumbags?

As usual your so called polls are lacking much relevant info.

Try thinking this through.

Your questions are off topic and not relevant.

Sure it's relevant. If Leroy the crip member owns a gun and gets his dumbass killed,I hardly think that he should be listed as a gun owner.
And I find it strange that living in Texas and knowing a crap load of gun owners that not a single one has been shot accidentally or otherwise.
Could it be that I dont know any street thugs and dont frequent the ghetto?
Gun owners face a much higher chance of protecting themselves since cowering, begging and peeing doesn't gain you any tactical advantage. But hey, we can't all be libs.

I am not so sure

Someone with a gun is much more likely to confront an intruder and end up in a gunfight where they are just as likely to end up the loser

But in truth, you are more likely to kill your spouse with that gun than to shoot an intruder
women rarely use guns...too damaging to the body...we do want to leave a good looking that seems to be a man thing...the guns for suicide ....

i just do not understand why anti gun people get so rabid over MY having guns in my home....i just dont see that its your business what i have in my home..isnt it still my castle..and if you rush my moat dont i have a right to self defense...that is what i do not get....the anti gun people want to take my rights to self defense....i do not live in an area where police are all can take a hot 15 minutes or so if they are all on the other side of the you can be left with quite a time gap there....what do you suggest when one is attacked in one's home...what do you think one should do?
I'm not even sure who you're arguing with. I think your "anti gun" crowd represents a straw man argument. I am quite liberal, but I don't care if you have a gun in your home or not--it's YOUR risk, not mine. I think you're getting all worked up because you listen to Retard Radio.
The dumbest, most ignorant, stupidest study yet by an organization that needs to go through a SERIOUS house-cleaning.

This whole thread is stupid

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