Gun Rights: God given? Or man given?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

You don't like the 2nd? make a new amendment, get it past both Houses of Congress and past 37 States. Pretty simple concept really.
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

You don't like the 2nd? make a new amendment, get it past both Houses of Congress and past 37 States. Pretty simple concept really.

I never said I dont like it. In fact, I think it is a wonderful amendment.

Im asking that it be clarified. Does the 2nd "grant" the right, or simply recognize it?

If it "grants" it, then it can be clearly said that man and government grant that right.
If it "recognizes" it, then it is God given, or pre-existing, independent of any man made government.

I think the right is God given, and thus, should be extended to all humans I believe in God, and that God is the God of all men, not just America's God.
Men don't give "rights". God does.

Man can only support or deny those rights, including the right to defend oneself.
Constitutional giving. That's all that needs to be said!

The people deserve to be armed against its fucking government.

The Constitution only enumerated that right to keep and bear arms as a way of recognizing that man was given by God / Nature the right to defend him and her self.
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

the right pre exists the Constitution
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

You don't like the 2nd? make a new amendment, get it past both Houses of Congress and past 37 States. Pretty simple concept really.

I never said I dont like it. In fact, I think it is a wonderful amendment.

Im asking that it be clarified. Does the 2nd "grant" the right, or simply recognize it?

If it "grants" it, then it can be clearly said that man and government grant that right.
If it "recognizes" it, then it is God given, or pre-existing, independent of any man made government.

I think the right is God given, and thus, should be extended to all humans I believe in God, and that God is the God of all men, not just America's God.

What a Government does or does not do has nothing to do with God. Jesus said it long ago, give unto Caesar that which is his.

Further God has not sent Jesus to return so he has no physical force on this planet. What ever rights we have God given or not are only protected by individuals or Governments.

As for the right to arms, a nuclear war head is not an arm in the sense of the 2nd Amendment. It is clearly understood by the Founders to mean personal individual carried weapons. Nuclear war heads are Strategic weapons, and that type of weapon is restricted to the Federal Government or the States with permission in time of war by the Federal Government.

As to what other States may or may not have, has nothing to do with OUR rights. Our Government exists to serve and protect the citizens of THIS Country and any allies it makes treaty with.
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

You don't like the 2nd? make a new amendment, get it past both Houses of Congress and past 37 States. Pretty simple concept really.

it does not matter how many or if any amendments are passed or not

rights are not granted to the people

only privileges are

it is as simple as that

free men have rights

subjects have privileges
I think we are born with an inherent right to defend ourselves with whatever means are available. That means defending against attackers, burglars, rapists or even government if the need arose.
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

Does God think it's ok to protect yourself from evil? I would think so.
If liberals can get free condoms for their protection, can I get free bullets for mine?

one group is planning to hand out free shotguns to the poor

so the answer could be yes

Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

Does God think it's ok to protect yourself from evil? I would think so.

he would certainly want you to have better protection

then to throw pencils and books at a shooter

as is the chosen method the left is pushing for defense in the public schools
Ok. Great, so I think I agree with everyone.

The right to bear arms is a GOD GIVEN right. The 2nd Amendment simply recognizes that, thank goodness, as I 100% support the right to bear arms. Always have.

Gunny- you said it is for personal weapons, and would exclude a nuke. A suitcase nuke can be carried by 1 man. But, I again agree- nukes should not be part of this.

That said, how, where, and by WHO do we draw the line, officially, of what weapons should fall under that God given right? God didnt specify which weapons. And seems....doesnt have the right to.

So, what weapons apply to "arms", and who gets to make that call? Because I believe the right to bear arms is God given, for ALL men. And yes, an illegal immigrant on US soil should be allowed to buy a gun. The immigration debate is another issue. But if I was a Mexican born in Juarez, I'd come here illegally, this country rocks, and I'd want a gun. Can't blame 'em.
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

You don't like the 2nd? make a new amendment, get it past both Houses of Congress and past 37 States. Pretty simple concept really.

I never said I dont like it. In fact, I think it is a wonderful amendment.

Im asking that it be clarified. Does the 2nd "grant" the right, or simply recognize it?

If it "grants" it, then it can be clearly said that man and government grant that right.
If it "recognizes" it, then it is God given, or pre-existing, independent of any man made government.

I think the right is God given, and thus, should be extended to all humans I believe in God, and that God is the God of all men, not just America's God.
Thou shall not kill, but thou shall have weapons to kill :cuckoo:
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

Inalienable, innate to the nature of being human; rights that can be neither given nor taken by any government, constitution, or man.

And as with all other rights, not absolute, subject to limitations and restrictions in accordance with Second Amendment jurisprudence.
If government cannot grant that right.....then how can government specify which weapons are and aren't part of that right?

If we say the government can declare which weapons are allowable....then aren't we basically then saying the government grants the right, as the government could in theory say all firearms are not allowed, only knives?

SO, how can the govt restrict ANY weapons from personal ownership....if they have no power over the right to bear arms?
Is the right to own a gun "God given", or not?? Very simple. It is either God given, or inherent at birth, OR, it is granted to man by other men who have authority. I know which one most hard right wingers will say. That it is God given. Fair enough. And Im a Christian, and believe God is the God of all mankind, not just Americans.

So if government cant create or take away that right, but simply recognize it, isn't it fair to say that we, the United States, should recognize that ALL of mankind has the right to bear arms, even of the government of those people dont recognize it? So what if their government wont recognize it. We should. Which brings a few questions.

If the right to bear arms is God given, NOT government given:

- Then where is the line in the sand of what weapons are ok and not? And who decides that?
- If it includes ALL weapons, then we have no right to deny Iran a nuke

- If the right is God given, then it applies to all humans. Thus, how can we deny an illegal immigrant a right to own a gun? Our government either does, or doesnt, grant that right. If it is God-given, then we should treat it as such, right?

If you are gonna argue that 2nd amendment rights are ONLY for US citizens, then you are saying that the right is GOVERNMENT granted, not God given.

Does the 2nd Amendment "grant" that right..........or simply recognize the pre-existing God given right?

Inalienable, innate to the nature of being human; rights that can be neither given nor taken by any government, constitution, or man.

And as with all other rights, not absolute, subject to limitations and restrictions in accordance with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Ah, but if the government has the ability to limit and restrict that right........then it does in fact have the power to grant that right or take it away? To truly have that right be God given, the government should have NO power at all over any part of it, at all, end of discussion. Right?
Ok. Great, so I think I agree with everyone.

The right to bear arms is a GOD GIVEN right. The 2nd Amendment simply recognizes that, thank goodness, as I 100% support the right to bear arms. Always have.

Gunny- you said it is for personal weapons, and would exclude a nuke. A suitcase nuke can be carried by 1 man. But, I again agree- nukes should not be part of this.

That said, how, where, and by WHO do we draw the line, officially, of what weapons should fall under that God given right? God didnt specify which weapons. And seems....doesnt have the right to.

So, what weapons apply to "arms", and who gets to make that call? Because I believe the right to bear arms is God given, for ALL men. And yes, an illegal immigrant on US soil should be allowed to buy a gun. The immigration debate is another issue. But if I was a Mexican born in Juarez, I'd come here illegally, this country rocks, and I'd want a gun. Can't blame 'em.

most say weapons that one person can carry

that can be used against another person

such as a firearm or a knife
Ok. Great, so I think I agree with everyone.

The right to bear arms is a GOD GIVEN right. The 2nd Amendment simply recognizes that, thank goodness, as I 100% support the right to bear arms. Always have.

Gunny- you said it is for personal weapons, and would exclude a nuke. A suitcase nuke can be carried by 1 man. But, I again agree- nukes should not be part of this.

That said, how, where, and by WHO do we draw the line, officially, of what weapons should fall under that God given right? God didnt specify which weapons. And seems....doesnt have the right to.

So, what weapons apply to "arms", and who gets to make that call? Because I believe the right to bear arms is God given, for ALL men. And yes, an illegal immigrant on US soil should be allowed to buy a gun. The immigration debate is another issue. But if I was a Mexican born in Juarez, I'd come here illegally, this country rocks, and I'd want a gun. Can't blame 'em.

most say weapons that one person can carry

that can be used against another person

such as a firearm or a knife

- Suitcase nuke
- Flamethrower
- Grenade
- Vehicle mounted full auto .50
- Stinger anti-aircraft missile

All carried by 1 person. All could be used against 1 other person, or, one other vehicle/aircraft/boat. The suitcase nuke as an exception. But, if the whole government is tyrannasizing yo ass, should you have that right haha?

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