Gun Stocks Soar On Report Trump Set To Ease Export Rules


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And another reason I voted for Mr Trump and will again in 2020. As a NRA Lifetime Member this pleases me greatly. Wont be long know until all those surplus 1911's and Garand's from South Korea become available here in the US. The M1's should be here already but Her Thighness Clinton blocked the move.


In a week in which the MIC already scored big with Monday's sale of Orbital, today it was the NRA's turn to rejoice, when gun stocks soared on a Reuters report that the Trump administration was preparing "to make it easier for American gun makers to sell small arms, assault rifles and ammunition" to foreign buyers. The stocks of Ruger, Smith & Wesson and American Outdoor brands have all soared by as much as 18% on the news.

According to Reuters sources, aides to President Donald Trump - which these days mostly includes retired army generasl - are completing a plan to shift oversight of international non-military firearms sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department. The difference is that while the State Department is primarily concerned about international threats to stability and maintains tight restrictions on weapons deals, the Commerce Department typically focuses more on facilitating trade, in other words growing it.

“The NSC is working through the interagency process with the State Department and the Department of Commerce to ensure that U.S. industries have every advantage in the global marketplace, while at the same time ensuring the responsible export of arms,” said an official with the White House National Security Council.

And that's how Trump repays the NRA for its support during his campaign: the National Rifle Association spent more than $30 million in support of his candidacy. “I am going to come through for you,” Trump told the NRA convention in April.

He now has.

The new rules will reportedly cut government red tape and regulatory costs, boosting U.S. exports of small arms and creating jobs at home.

“There will be more leeway to do arms sales,” one senior administration official said. “You could really turn the spigot on if you do it the right way.”

The push fits both Trump’s support for the gun lobby espoused on the campaign trail and his “Buy American” agenda.

Critics, among them lawmakers and arms control advocates, have expressed concern that any easing of export rules could make powerful weapons of the type often used in U.S. mass shootings more accessible to criminal gangs and militants that Trump has vowed to fight. Of course, Trump has also vowed to stimulate the economy and having failed to do so so far, will take whatever he can get.

The new rules have been largely finalized according to Reuters, and could be sent to the White House budget office for review within days. The changes which can be implemented without congressional approval could be made public this fall, followed by a period of public comment, with implementation as early as the first half of next year, the officials said. The officials stressed, however, that the proposed shift in oversight was not a blanket deregulation of firearms.

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After all the NRA no longer represents shooters, rather manufacturers.
Thats because you retarded bed wetters starting placing blame on them for crazy people killing with guns.
Yeah, right.

One of the most interesting aspects of all is how an association for sportsmen became the prime defenders of assault weaponry.

In its early days, the National Rifle Association was a grassroots social club that prided itself on independence from corporate influence.

While that is still part of the organisation’s core function, today less than half of the NRA’s revenues come from program fees and membership dues.

The bulk of the group’s money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources.
Sometimes I wonder about the brain power of lefties. It's like they don't understand that gun folks want new guns so it's not a problem if the manufacturers have political voice... Like they cannot imagine that folks might actually want the businesses that produce and sell products they like to succeed.

I don't know about the left, but if an awesome restaurant or store opens up, I throw money at them as much as I can to keep them around. My family and I regularly have dinner out /just/ to support them, I buy a 13" cake every couple weeks to support a bakery we really like (she sells stuff from local small businesses in her shop as well; cookies, ice cream, bread, rice crispy treats, books, art, etc.,) I buy a bag of popcorn every week to support Jazzy Popcorn, we won't buy meat from anyone but our local butcher. This shit is how you (make a healthy city economy and) maintain the availability of things you like.
Yeah, right.

One of the most interesting aspects of all is how an association for sportsmen became the prime defenders of assault weaponry.

In its early days, the National Rifle Association was a grassroots social club that prided itself on independence from corporate influence.

While that is still part of the organisation’s core function, today less than half of the NRA’s revenues come from program fees and membership dues.

The bulk of the group’s money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources.
/----/ It had nothing to do with sportsman you lying weasel. It was to stop the DemocRATS KKK from killing freed slaves.
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says
By Tom Kertscher on Wednesday, June 5th, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.

On May 28, 2013, the Republican Party of Milwaukee County posted on its website a video that has been popping up elsewhere on the Internet.

The video features African-American leaders speaking out against proposals to restrict gun rights at a Feb. 22, 2013 news conference in Washington, D.C. Among them: Harry Alford, president and chief executive officer of the D.C.-based National Black Chamber of Commerce.

Alford, who spoke in Milwaukee in 2008, said at one point:

"I want to thank the Lord for our Constitution. I also want to thank the NRA for its legacy. The National Rifle Association was started, founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan."

Well known as a defender of the right to bear arms, the 5 million-member NRA does describe itself as "America's longest-standing civil rights organization."

But is that why it was founded?

Not even close.
And another reason I voted for Mr Trump and will again in 2020. As a NRA Lifetime Member this pleases me greatly. Wont be long know until all those surplus 1911's and Garand's from South Korea become available here in the US. The M1's should be here already but Her Thighness Clinton blocked the move.


In a week in which the MIC already scored big with Monday's sale of Orbital, today it was the NRA's turn to rejoice, when gun stocks soared on a Reuters report that the Trump administration was preparing "to make it easier for American gun makers to sell small arms, assault rifles and ammunition" to foreign buyers. The stocks of Ruger, Smith & Wesson and American Outdoor brands have all soared by as much as 18% on the news.

According to Reuters sources, aides to President Donald Trump - which these days mostly includes retired army generasl - are completing a plan to shift oversight of international non-military firearms sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department. The difference is that while the State Department is primarily concerned about international threats to stability and maintains tight restrictions on weapons deals, the Commerce Department typically focuses more on facilitating trade, in other words growing it.

“The NSC is working through the interagency process with the State Department and the Department of Commerce to ensure that U.S. industries have every advantage in the global marketplace, while at the same time ensuring the responsible export of arms,” said an official with the White House National Security Council.

And that's how Trump repays the NRA for its support during his campaign: the National Rifle Association spent more than $30 million in support of his candidacy. “I am going to come through for you,” Trump told the NRA convention in April.

He now has.

The new rules will reportedly cut government red tape and regulatory costs, boosting U.S. exports of small arms and creating jobs at home.

“There will be more leeway to do arms sales,” one senior administration official said. “You could really turn the spigot on if you do it the right way.”

The push fits both Trump’s support for the gun lobby espoused on the campaign trail and his “Buy American” agenda.

Critics, among them lawmakers and arms control advocates, have expressed concern that any easing of export rules could make powerful weapons of the type often used in U.S. mass shootings more accessible to criminal gangs and militants that Trump has vowed to fight. Of course, Trump has also vowed to stimulate the economy and having failed to do so so far, will take whatever he can get.

The new rules have been largely finalized according to Reuters, and could be sent to the White House budget office for review within days. The changes which can be implemented without congressional approval could be made public this fall, followed by a period of public comment, with implementation as early as the first half of next year, the officials said. The officials stressed, however, that the proposed shift in oversight was not a blanket deregulation of firearms.

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good deal
Yeah, right.

One of the most interesting aspects of all is how an association for sportsmen became the prime defenders of assault weaponry.

In its early days, the National Rifle Association was a grassroots social club that prided itself on independence from corporate influence.

While that is still part of the organisation’s core function, today less than half of the NRA’s revenues come from program fees and membership dues.

The bulk of the group’s money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources.
/----/ It had nothing to do with sportsman you lying weasel. It was to stop the DemocRATS KKK from killing freed slaves.
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says
As Keene notes, after the Civil War there was a rash of gun control laws aimed at disarming blacks. Southern blacks who had long been denied access to firearms were finally able to obtain them during the Civil War. Some served in colored units of the Union Army, which allowed soldiers regardless of skin color to take their guns home with them as partial payment of back-due wages. Other blacks purchased guns in the marketplace, which was flooded with the hundreds of thousands of guns produced for the war. Many predicted, accurately, that they might need those weapons to defend themselves against racist whites unhappy with the Confederacy’s defeat.

Within months of the surrender at Appomattox, recalcitrant white racists committed to the reestablishment of white supremacy determined to take those guns away from blacks. States in the South passed the Black Codes, which barred the freedmen from possessing guns. Racists quickly learned, however, why gun control is not always as effective as planned: You can draw up any law you like, but people don’t necessarily comply. To enforce these laws, racists began to form posses that would go out at night in large groups, generally wearing disguises, and terrorize black homes, seizing every gun they could find. These groups took different names depending on locale: the Black Cavalry in Alabama, the Knights of the White Camellia in Louisiana, the Knights of the Rising Sun in Texas. In time, they all came to be known by the moniker of one such posse begun in Pulaski, Tennessee after the war: the Ku Klux Klan.

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