Gunlubbers: Will you boycott the NBA?

Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

You are absolutely right. Lots of us gun owners know that reasonable gun restrictions are a good thing, and aren't so afraid of the world until they feel the need to hide behind a gun every time they go into public. Owning guns doesn't make you a gun nut. Believing all the fear mongering the NRA produces makes you a gun nut.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

You are absolutely right. Lots of us gun owners know that reasonable gun restrictions are a good thing, and aren't so afraid of the world until they feel the need to hide behind a gun every time they go into public. Owning guns doesn't make you a gun nut. Believing all the fear mongering the NRA produces makes you a gun nut.
yeah , just as mobama gets his executive orders going after he gets back from Hawaii Bulldog !! If he and feienstein' could ban ALL guns they would . And that possibility is getting closer and closer !!
Last time I was into Basketball Larry Bird was still playing. For me, a celebrities or sports personalities opinions rate lower than those of a rock.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

You are absolutely right. Lots of us gun owners know that reasonable gun restrictions are a good thing, and aren't so afraid of the world until they feel the need to hide behind a gun every time they go into public. Owning guns doesn't make you a gun nut. Believing all the fear mongering the NRA produces makes you a gun nut.
yeah , just as mobama gets his executive orders going after he gets back from Hawaii Bulldog !! If he and feienstein' could ban ALL guns they would . And that possibility is getting closer and closer !!

Last basketball game I watched on tv was the OSU Dream Team, with Mel Noel, John Havilcheck, Jerry Lucas, etc, back in 1963.

Never watched a professional game, have no intention of doing so
Bobby Knight was on that team.

Been 50+ years, and I never really followed sports
It was a couple of years before my time but I appreciate sports history. I'm a big American sports enthusiast. That's why I never really liked the NBA.
NBA needs to adopt a zero tolerance policy complete with midnight compliance raids with its own swat teams.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.
Everyone's opposed to gun violence, including those of us who own guns and seek to defend the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

Consequently, if members of the NBA advocate for measures to address gun violence that comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, there's no reason why any gun owner should object.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

Absolutely. But I recall Digital Drifter announcing recently that he'd be boycotting Tarantino movies, so I wondered (A) how effective his boycott was and (B) how common his view was among those of similar political leaning.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

I'm not grouping y'all. I'm taking y'all at your word. If you don't all want to be perceived as radicals, you need some better PR.

First of I do not use the Y'all slang that you just used. It is all of you as I was taught up north in Conservative Illinois where I grew up, and not in Chi-Town either seeing that is a Progressive Liberal city.

Next, I do not need any PR because to me the fact is my right to bear arms should never be denied unless I have mental issues or am a felon that has done a violent crime.

Finally, I do not believe the average American need a AR-15 and believe such weapons are for nutters that lack the correct size in their penis area, but alas they have the right to own one, and should not be denied that right.

So again stop grouping all of us as witless rednecks because I do know plenty of African American, Asian American, and Tejano's that are avid hunters and would object being grouped in that group...
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Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.
Everyone's opposed to gun violence, including those of us who own guns and seek to defend the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

Consequently, if members of the NBA advocate for measures to address gun violence that comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, there's no reason why any gun owner should object.

You don't own a gun.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

You are absolutely right. Lots of us gun owners know that reasonable gun restrictions are a good thing, and aren't so afraid of the world until they feel the need to hide behind a gun every time they go into public. Owning guns doesn't make you a gun nut. Believing all the fear mongering the NRA produces makes you a gun nut.
yeah , just as mobama gets his executive orders going after he gets back from Hawaii Bulldog !! If he and feienstein' could ban ALL guns they would . And that possibility is getting closer and closer !!

First off it will never be done, so let just stop there. The USSC will strike down any total ban, and they should. I have no issue for someone expressing their opinion and not wanting to own any gun, and in fact I do have issues with those that want to open carry like they do here in Texas.

Conceal and carry is just fine with me but to have your gun in open view is something that is not needed unless you are a security detail, guard or police officer.

As for the NBA and their opinion, well this is America and have the right to speak their opinion and I accept that even if I may not agree.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

You are absolutely right. Lots of us gun owners know that reasonable gun restrictions are a good thing, and aren't so afraid of the world until they feel the need to hide behind a gun every time they go into public. Owning guns doesn't make you a gun nut. Believing all the fear mongering the NRA produces makes you a gun nut.

The idiocy of 'gun rights' extremists is illustrated by their ignorant, wrongheaded notion that all and any firearms regulation is 'un-Constitutional,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Indeed, the Second Amendment right is no different than any other right, it is subject to reasonable restrictions by government – such as background checks and prohibiting felons from possessing firearms.

The Second Amendment acknowledges an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to the right to self-defense, unconnected to militia service; it does not acknowledge a 'right' to possess any weapon desired, for any purpose desired, any place desired.
Now that the NBA has spoken out against gun violence:

N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign Against Gun Violence

Will you never watch pro basketball again?

What if the NFL joins them?

Will you argue "Oh, it's not about US. It's about THEM. Y'know, Chicago"?

Or will you boycott/protest, show up at stadiums open-carrying?

Enquiring minds want to know.

You do understand everyone has the right to express their opinion even if I disagree with them, and I can still respect them for having their opinion.

So stop grouping every gun owner into a radical group and because you dislike firearms is your right, but it is not your right to deny me the right to own one!

You are absolutely right. Lots of us gun owners know that reasonable gun restrictions are a good thing, and aren't so afraid of the world until they feel the need to hide behind a gun every time they go into public. Owning guns doesn't make you a gun nut. Believing all the fear mongering the NRA produces makes you a gun nut.
yeah , just as mobama gets his executive orders going after he gets back from Hawaii Bulldog !! If he and feienstein' could ban ALL guns they would . And that possibility is getting closer and closer !!
And this is an example of the idiocy common to most on the right, the propensity of most on the right to contrive and propagate such ridiculous lies, as no one seeks to 'ban all guns.'
So, to the second part of the question: If the NFL joins the NBA, will y'all never watch a pro football game again?

The last I watch professional football with any interest...Joe Montana, Danny White, Ed "Too Tall" Jones, Joe Theismann, and John Riggins were playing.

Any other questions? How about field hockey? Or Lacrosse? Or Curling?

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