Guy dealing with uncontrollable screaming child

That kid fully expected that he would be able to hit an adult and nothing would happen.

Waaaa he hit me.
Link: Little Kid Gets CHOKE SLAMMED To The GROUND After PRESSING UP On A MAN "F*ck You, You Wh*re!"

If I had behaved like that as a kid, me and my brothers would have all gotten the belt so bad it's not even funny. I have a suspicion that the kid has no father in his life. Additionally, I also blame psychologists and their no beating of the children mantra.

Another liberal gem in the making. Kid deserved to get the crap beat out of him. I would have gotten my sisters to kick him in the nuts then strip him but butt naked in the middle of the park, then my old man would have gone to the kid's house and beat the crap out of his father for not teaching his son to have more respect for others next time. Like they say, spare the rod and spoil the child.
Link: Little Kid Gets CHOKE SLAMMED To The GROUND After PRESSING UP On A MAN "F*ck You, You Wh*re!"

If I had behaved like that as a kid, me and my brothers would have all gotten the belt so bad it's not even funny. I have a suspicion that the kid has no father in his life. Additionally, I also blame psychologists and their no beating of the children mantra.

Another liberal gem in the making. Kid deserved to get the crap beat out of him. I would have gotten my sisters to kick him in the nuts then strip him but butt naked in the middle of the park, then my old man would have gone to the kid's house and beat the crap out of his father for not teaching his son to have more respect for others next time. Like they say, spare the rod and spoil the child.
And put your idiotic old man in the slammer where he’d belong for getting violent with someone over something that was none of his business whatsoever.
Link: Little Kid Gets CHOKE SLAMMED To The GROUND After PRESSING UP On A MAN "F*ck You, You Wh*re!"

If I had behaved like that as a kid, me and my brothers would have all gotten the belt so bad it's not even funny. I have a suspicion that the kid has no father in his life. Additionally, I also blame psychologists and their no beating of the children mantra.

Another liberal gem in the making. Kid deserved to get the crap beat out of him. I would have gotten my sisters to kick him in the nuts then strip him but butt naked in the middle of the park, then my old man would have gone to the kid's house and beat the crap out of his father for not teaching his son to have more respect for others next time. Like they say, spare the rod and spoil the child.
And put your idiotic old man in the slammer where he’d belong for getting violent with someone over something that was none of his business whatsoever.

Really? Time was when if kids got into a fight or a kid was a problem, parents took the issue directly to the parents of the other child, they didn't call the police or the CYS, etc., a far worse thing. The "authorities" are supposed to be a LAST resort, not a first! People took responsibility and settled things between themselves to keep small problems small, and ultimately, this stupid brat kid in the video is indicative of a major problem at HOME. There is something very wrong with this kid's home life and either his parents don't know or don't CARE. Either way, that video kid is heading for a brick wall in life and will soon try his crap out on the wrong person. Meantime, his parents are responsible for any cars he damaged, and if that were my kid, I would want to know about it. To say that a kid harassing, insulting, inciting an incident and even damaging cars is "none of my business?" Please. If it isn't MY business, whose is it? The biggest problem in the world today is that people don't try to settle their own problems, they expect "the authorities" to handle it, and that never ends well. A few years ago I had a problem with a neighbor and you know what the police chief told me? GO TALK TO THE GUY.

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