Gypsies in human anthropology


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club

Humanphenotypes, says the core of the gypsies or the ultra gypsie is indobrachid.

Do you agree or not? Some think or used to say it often, that gypsies are more australoid then that or weddoid/negrito influenced?

Indo Brachid proper, relatively recent Indid-Turano-Armenid contact type, probably the result of old Pashto, Saka, and Scythian migrations. Common from Southwestern India to Afghanistan, especially Gujarati, Maharashtra, and Eastern Pakistan. Typical in Nagar Brahmin, Kayastha, Kannada, Jat and Mir-Jat, South Baluchistan, sometimes Baloch, sporadically Indochina and Sumatra. Romani brought it to Europe.
Physical Traits:
Light to medium brown skin, straight or wavy hair. Medium height, mesoskelic, endomorph to ectomorph. Mildly brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic with a flat occiput. Often convex, mildly leptorrhine nose. Face short. Overall similar to Indo Iranid, but less hairy, larger-headed, flatter-faced, higher-nosed, and shorter-statured, body hair scanter. Sometimes mildly slanting eyes and strong cheek bones.
First named Homo indicus brachimorphus by Giuffrida-Ruggeri (1912). Risley (1917) called it Scytho-Dravidian, Eickstedt (1931, 1934) West (Indo-)Brachid, noting Turanid influence, Bernhard (1993) and Knussmann (1996) call it Indo Brachid. Lundman (1967), Giuffrida-Ruggeri (1921) and Biasutti (1967) linked it to Armenoid, so did Vallois (1971) as Alpo-Dinaric (his Anatolian / Armenoid).

Similar types:
Central Pamirid Central Brachid
Indo Iranid East Brachid
Gracile Indid
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