H.R. 6678 - Deport Illegals who commit Social Security Fraud

E-verify doesn't really tell you if someone is using a legitimate but stolen identity to work under. It is a flaw in the system that illegals very much exploit. It is up to SSA to catch them but they time they do, that worker may be gone.
You guys say that about all immigrants
We have 3.7 percent unemployment with nobody wanting to take the jobs that illegal immigrants are doing.

Want a job hauling bricks or digging a trench?

Put the inner city Blacks to work. Even if you have to mass transit them to FEMA trailers out to where the growth is in the Southwest. Cut off the Welfare and round them up. And while you are at it you don't have a clue who hauls bricks or digs a trence. They have trench digging power equipment also.

Put HS teenagers to work. Rather than 2 a days on the football field. The way it used to be. This is not rocket science.
You sound like Trump calling them Murderers, Rapists and Drug Dealers

Most are mowing lawns, picking crops and making beds to feed their families

If even 1% are embedded Criminals............What am I doing? why would any sane person waste time posting to the likes of you? You are one trolling sick pathetic sack of human feces.//
If even 1% are embedded Criminals............What am I doing? why would any sane person waste time posting to the likes of you? You are one trolling sick pathetic sack of human feces.//
With the other 99 percent being hard working and law abiding

You still fear monger off the one percent
But I have a simple enough solution. Instead of having a flimsy paper card, let's make Social Security Cards a National ID, with biometric information and a picture database. That way, employers know who they are hiring.

You brainstorm at times with good ideas. Why in year 12 of Obiden are we trudging along without any changes other than what the Great President Trump managed to get installed? Answer: they like it like this. WHY?
With the other 99 percent being hard working and law abiding

You still fear monger off the one percent

With the other 99 percent being hard working and law abiding

You still fear monger off the one percent
Also, if 99% are law-abiding - which is a very generous estimate - that means of the 200,000 lowlifes coming in every month, 2,000 are criminals. Why should we have to tolerate 2,000 more criminals in this country, each and every month?
What happens when an illegal uses a fake Social Security number so they can work?

They end up paying into a system they cannot benefit from
Free money
They violate the law that our leaders have sworn and oath to defend.

But we understand your side dont Honor your word.
Also, if 99% are law-abiding - which is a very generous estimate - that means of the 200,000 lowlifes coming in every month, 2,000 are criminals. Why should we have to tolerate 2,000 more criminals in this country, each and every month?

No one knows. They don't do vetting. Word is the southeners are emptying out prisons, nuthouses and forcing them north. Get out of town if we see you here again....25 yrs to life. Neighborhood child molestors or suspected rapists of that sort are forced out of town. Where do you think they can go hide out? The Stain' spin and spin. But if 10% are embedded that is ~1million more dangerous killers, rapists etc. since Obiden 2.0.
No one knows. They don't do vetting. Word is the southeners are emptying out prisons, nuthouses and forcing them north. Get out of town if we see you here again....25 yrs to life. Neighborhood child molestors or suspected rapists of that sort are forced out of town. Where do you think they can go hide out? The Stain' spin and spin. But if 10% are embedded that is ~1million more dangerous killers, rapists etc. since Obiden 2.0.
Consider that 1/3rd of women have been sexual assaulted on the trek. Central America is not sending us their finest.

And all of the lowlifes coming up from Honduras and Nicaragua have NO entitlement to cross through Mexico and then make their bogus claims here. They should all be blocked at the border, and Trump will put that into action on his first day.

The Democrats aren’t even hiding that they want to turn this country into a 3rd world shithole.
Consider that 1/3rd of women have been sexual assaulted on the trek. Central America is not sending us their finest.

And your solution is to lock them out! Because it's not like they are white people or anything.

But keep whining about shit that happened 80 years ago.

And all of the lowlifes coming up from Honduras and Nicaragua have NO entitlement to cross through Mexico and then make their bogus claims here. They should all be blocked at the border, and Trump will put that into action on his first day.

Well, if he wants to get impeached again for breaking more laws, yeah.

CURRENT LAWS allow people to apply for asylum, no matter HOW they entered the country.

o it makes sense to you to encourage people to come here and attempt to get Social Security with no worry of being deported if they are caught?
Honestly, they are going to pay into it and probably never see any benefits. so, um, no, I'm not worried about it.

But if we actually used a biometric ID Card.


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Well, if he wants to get impeached again for breaking more laws, yeah.

CURRENT LAWS allow people to apply for asylum, no matter HOW they entered the country.

That is an untenable position, but lefties like you don’t think that far ahead. We cannot except asylum seekers from around the world with little to no restrictions. Have you seen the poverty in Africa? Its is bad, but can we allow anyone from Africa to come here? Do you think we will let them starve here? Do you think we have enough resources not to? As usual, liberals bleeding hearts take precedence over their child-like brains.

Honestly, they are going to pay into it and probably never see any benefits. so, um, no, I'm not worried about it

Why wouldn’t they see benefits if they were scamming the system. Newsflash, they aren’t scamming it so they can pay INTO the system, they are scamming it because they want something OUT of the system.
Because it's not like they are white people or anything.

She never said a word about race. You bring it into everything. I couldn’t care less what color they are. The fact is they are sneaking into our country and getting freebees. Even you ditzy dopes in sanctuary cities are starting to realize that it is not sustainable.
She never said a word about race. You bring it into everything. I couldn’t care less what color they are. The fact is they are sneaking into our country and getting freebees. Even you ditzy dopes in sanctuary cities are starting to realize that it is not sustainable.
He loves to call other people racists and then spews his antisemitism. He is the poster child for what is wrong with Democrats: they claim to be against bigotry when it is against blacks, but then promote it against Jews.
That is an untenable position, but lefties like you don’t think that far ahead. We cannot except asylum seekers from around the world with little to no restrictions. Have you seen the poverty in Africa? Its is bad, but can we allow anyone from Africa to come here? Do you think we will let them starve here? Do you think we have enough resources not to? As usual, liberals bleeding hearts take precedence over their child-like brains.

First, that's not what our laws say. Our laws say that if you get here, you can claim asylum and you are entitled to a hearing on your claim. If you don't like the law, that's kind of too bad, but that's what the law currently is.

Second, I will freely admit that a lot of these claims are bogus. For instance, there's that German family that has been claiming asylum for 17 years because Germany has the good sense not to allow home schooling. (We seriously need this kind of law!) It's a bogus claim that was rejected during Obama's term, but they are still here, just receiving yet another extension.

Third, we could probably discourage false claims by simply staffing the asylum bureaucracy adequately. Of course, your boy Trump did the opposite; he slashed the bureaucracy and hoped they would all politely stay in Mexico, waiting their turn. My wife filed an asylum claim 8 years ago because the CCP arrested her for belonging to an organization they didn't approve of. She still hasn't gotten a hearing. They keep extending her visa. (Now that we are married, we are taking the marriage sponsorship, which only requires us to file 200 pages of documentation.)

Fourth, we have a labor shortage in this country. Our economy can easily absorb more people. It just needs to be managed properly and not pander to some redneck inbred from Jesusland who is afraid that a Mexican might fuck his sister because that's his job.

Why wouldn’t they see benefits if they were scamming the system. Newsflash, they aren’t scamming it so they can pay INTO the system, they are scamming it because they want something OUT of the system.

No, they are scamming it so they can work because you can't work without a social security number. Most of them aren't thinking so far ahead that "Well, in forty years, I can retire if the person who I stole this number from doesn't retire first and claim all that money."

Again, this could be changed by making Social Security a national ID Card with biometrics attached to it.

She never said a word about race. You bring it into everything. I couldn’t care less what color they are. The fact is they are sneaking into our country and getting freebees. Even you ditzy dopes in sanctuary cities are starting to realize that it is not sustainable.

Have you read Lisa's posts? She is the kind of person who freaks out when she sees posters with black people on them at the mall! Oh, also, she is still whining that FDR turned away the passengers of the SS St. Louis, who were Jews trying to get away from Hitler, because they were WHITE! So we totally needed to take those people in.

He loves to call other people racists and then spews his antisemitism. He is the poster child for what is wrong with Democrats: they claim to be against bigotry when it is against blacks, but then promote it against Jews.
Your fucked up, Bronze Age religion isn't a race.

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